Picture of the fans' seating arrangements (accurate)
Picture of the stage (not to scale)
At first I thought Eric and I would be late for the Dance Floor finals yesterday cos I was made to finish at 6 pm due to manpower shortage. Obviously I was a little worried and pissed at the same time that me and Eric may not be able to make it in time for the show... but to my utter relief, Iskandar dismissed me a little earlier. And thus I quickly changed back to civilian clothes and tagged along Eric (da birthday boy, now that he told me) to haf light dinner and take a taxi to Mediacorp. And we could see that we were definitely NOT late when we saw tons of fans from the various fanclubs waiting at the carpark... and so wif that, I immediately forgot about any unpleasant stuff that may haf happened at work and enjoyed every minute inside (tho my plans to resign are still underway). Many many thanks to Taz for helping to reserve the tickets btw :-)
Once inside the theater, there was madness everywhere!! Fans in yellow (Melvin and Sharon), fans in green (Soul Fusion), fans in red (Vas and Pris), fans in blue (Fantastic Four), and fans in blakc (Platinum). The moment I saw Anthony and Ryan at the carpark, that could mean only one thing... HADY MIRZA WILL BE PERFORMING AS WELL!! The Top 3 from Miss Singapore Universe (Jessica, Joey and Christabel) were also present... it seems I couldnt stop staring at sweet-faced Joey...
My eyes popped out when Jade got on stage in a white dress (and later changed to a black dress)... yet I couldnt help but notice that her waist seemed to get a little 'thicker'. My eyes also popped out upon seeing Gladys in a shiny red dress, and my mouth dropped when Sharon wore sexy black and white dresses for separate dances.
Benji Schwimmer the champion of SYTYCD season 2, Hady Mirza the 2nd Singapore Idol and some Malay rapper (forgot his name) were the guest stars of the show... the ousted finalists also made a comeback to the stage (J.D.I., E-Squared, Styles From Beyond, Batucadas and Break Force Crew). Quite often, there would be one dancer swirling his/her body very close to the fans standing at the lower decks of the Mosh Pit... it was truly "in your face". Kay from Platinum waved to me and I blushed... :-)
In the end, it was Vas and Pris who won the 50K grand prize and title of Dance Floor champions... congratulations, you truly deserved it!!