The most iconic of the TMNT's adverseries and the antagonist in most of the universes. The leader of the Foot Clan, the Shredder wears a modified samurai armor with lethal blades covering his arms, shoulders and lower legs. He and Eric Sacks wanted to release poison gas from the roof of Sacks building, and turn around and sell to the government the cure made from the mutagen in the turtles blood, while Shredder will force the remaining people to live under his rule. He was defeated by the combined might of the Turtles and April where he falls to the street below. As the police converge on Shredder, he does manages to crawl to the spilled mutagen sample that fell with him.

Karai is a high-ranking member of the Foot Clan and will do whatever it takes to get the job done. She's fiercely loyal, smart, and a warrior when it comes to honoring the task at hand. The Foot Clan is her family and she has the utmost respect for Master Shredder —although she does question his decision to recruit Bebop and Rocksteady.

The Foot Clan
In the reboot films, the Foot Clan are no longer considered an international ninja cult, but rather an modern American terrorist organization.Instead of black unitard-clad masked ninjitsu warriors, they are portrayed as fully armed men that wear black military-like uniforms and often wore kabuki-style masks to conceal one's identity.

Rocksteady and Bebop
A bumbling henchmen duo under Shredder's command. Rocksteady was a red-haired Caucasian man sporting simple beige cargo pants, while also occasionally sporting a strong army helmet on his head in his mutated form. Bebop was a plump African American man with spiked bracelets and a purple mohawk. The Shredder developed a plan to defeat the Turtles by mutating members of the street gang that Rocksteady and Bebop are a part of so that they would have abilities greater than the Turtles'. Rocksteady and Bebop both volunteered to undergo the procedure (though neither was particularly aware of what it would entail) first with the promise that it would allow them to exact revenge on the Turtles. Although the transformation did make them larger and stronger, they remained incompetent simpletons and were completely inept at stopping the Turtles or carrying out Shredder's plans. Throughout most of the series, they tried to attack the Turtles with brute force, without applying knowledge and strategy.

Krang was originally a warlord from Dimension X who commanded an army of Rock Soldiers under the leadership of General Traag and Lieutenant Granitor. He took the completed Technodrome (a powerful mobile battle fortress) for himself, and then banished Drakus (who helped Krang build it) to Earth. Eventually, Krang would be banished from Dimension X as well, but not before being stripped of his body and reduced to a brain like-form. To compensate for his lack of a full body, Krang makes use of an android body with incredible strength and the ability to increase his size.