Christopher Weiss was an assassin for hire who specializes in killing with extremely durable ropes and "who can climb anything", code-named Slipknot. After being captured, he was recruited into Task Force X.

Slipknot is a master in the use of ropes, including unbreakable ones, and a trained assassin. He created a chemical adhesive which he then applied to his ropes, making them nearly indestructible. Weiss uses the ropes to strangle, grapple, and hold down his opponents. Slipknot uses a grappling device that shoots a harpoon type line into a surface and raises him up to the targeted like the mechanisms of an elevator. The device is attached to his belt like a harness, meaning that it can still elevate him with him having to hold onto the device.
In addition to his ropes, Slipknot is an expert assassin, able to kill swiftly and silently.