There were quite a lot of
Star Wars displays around STGCC owing to the fact that this year is the 40th anniversary celebration of the science fiction franchise.
Boba Fett and Anakin Skywalker... they were in the same venue at Geonosis in 22 BBY, and they met again aboard the Super Star Executor in 3 ABY.

Front row: Crimson Imperial Guard, Emperpr Palpatine, Darth Vader
Back row: Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Grand Moff Wilhun Tarkin

First Order riot control stormtrooper, Kylo Ren, Imperial BB-series astromech droid, BB-8

Luke Skywalker (Jedi Grandmaster), C-3PO, R2-D2
XM molds

The Rise and Fall of Anakin Skywalker... from slave boy, to Jedi Knight, to Sith Lord reborn as Darth Vader. More machine than man

After dwelling in the hot climate of Tatooine for some time, Darth Maul realizes that he is in dire need of deodorant.

Boba Fett is one badass bounty hunter you don't wanna mess with.

Luke Skywalker in X-wing pilot attire.
Exhibits in "Experience The Force"

Kylo Ren's spacecraft, and Rey's speeder

The interior of the Millennium Falcon

General Jan Dodonna gives the briefing to the Red and Gold groups on the Death Star schematics. Only one of the pilots managed to successfully launch the proton missiles into the ventilator shaft of the space station.

Lego Imperial Army marching along the streets of Legoland, with familiar Disney characters at the doorstep of the castle.

The final moments of the Death Star trench run seen in "A New Hope". One of the X-Wing Starfighters got shot down, and the remaining pilot uses the Force to guide his aim, with Darth vader and 2 other Imperial pilots hot on his trail.

X-Wing Starfighter, Stormtrooper
Captain Phasma, Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Kylo Ren, Yoda

General Grievous, Scout Trooper on Scout Bike, Battle Droid on STAP (single Trooper Aerial Platform)

K-2SO, BB-8, R2-D2 R5-D4, C-3PO

The various Clone Troopers and Storm Troopers seen in the movies