The Infinity Gauntlet housed the six Infinity Stones which the Mad Titan named Thanos acquired throughout the entirety of Avengers: Inifnity War. When he snapped his fingers to begin the Decimation, half of all living creatures around the universe were wiped out. Most of the Guardians were wiped out, as were some of the Avengers. Among the survivors include the original Avengers: Tony Stark, Steve Rogers, Thor, Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton who assumes the new identity of Ronin as seen in the "Avengers: Endgame" trailers. But could it be a coincidence that each original Avenger actually represents an Infinity Stone? Could it also be that the six Avengers combined are more powerful than the six Infinity Stones?

To begin let's start with most obvious...
Power Stone, located above the index finger, represents the Hulk. The Hulk who is the alter ego of nuclear physicist Doctor Bruce Banner, possesses raw, brute strength and unlimited power, and is often cited as the strongest Avenger.
Space Stone, located above the middle finger, represents Thor, who is the only Avenger who is able to travel across the Nine Realms and even used the Stormbreaker which enabled him to summon the Bifrost to transport him, Rocket and Groot to Wakanda to assist their allies against the Outrider army.
Mind Stone, located in the middle of the hand, represents Tony Stark. He is a genius, futurist and thinker who graduated from MIT at a young age, created his own armors, was able to create a new element to overcome tha palladium poisoning caused by his old arc reactors, and even integrated JARVIS into the consciousness of the android Vision.
The Time Stone, located at the thumb, represents Steve Rogers aka Captain America. He was originally from the 1940s, but was frozen in the Arctic for almost 7 decades, and by the time he was thawed out, he found himself in the year 2011. By the time he found Peggy Carter, she was already an elderly woman suffering from dementia.
Now to the more tricky ones...
Black Widow has been searching for a kindred soul ever since she switched allegiances from bad to good, and Hawkeye is the only Avenger with the reality of a family. But here's why the stones are swapped for both these non-superhuman members.
Natasha Romanoff aka Black Widow is represented by the Reality Stone (located over ring finger). She is all about changing herself to play the part that is necessary, she's effectively obscuring people's perception of reality, making them think she's someone or something she's not. She's also the most grounded of the Avengers due to her lack of superpowers or abilities, the one whom many people can relate to.
Clint Barton aka Hawkeye is represented by the Soul Stone (located over pinky finger). He is a family man and is kind of the heart and soul of the Avengers. The Soul Stone is set to hold a certain wisdom, and the only plausible reason why the Avengers lost their battles against Thanos was because Barton wasn't there to share any, since he was placed under house arrest as mentioned by Black Widow. The Soul Stone also requires a sacrifice to be obtained, and it's generally believed that Barton's family were victims of the Decimation, or rather sacrificed.

Each of the Avengers may even be able to use their respective Stone to fulfill a need or wish that works well with his/her character.
Bruce Banner could learn to control his power to perfection, to limit the collateral damage that the Hulk tends to cause when he's enraged.
Thor could use the Space Stone to effectively give himself Heimdall-like powers and watch over all Nine Realms at once.
Tony Stark could give his mind a boost and finally create some tech to protect the Earth without any Ultron-esque glitches.
Steve Rogers, who had a leading authority of waiting too long, could use the Time Stone to go back in time to have that dance with Peggy Carter and lvie happily ever after.
Natasha Romanoff could use the Reality Stone to change reality to wipe all that red from her ledger.
And Clint Barton could use the Soul Stone to resurrect his family.