Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Capabilities of the Power Rings

The Bad Power Rings: Red, Orange, and Yellow

A disparate group of villains and violent individuals, the owners of the rings representing negative emotions are some of the most feared individuals in the universe.

The Red Lantern Corps Power Rings

The Rage Lanterns are consumed by rage through and through. The most significantly changed of any Lanterns, the Red Lanterns entire physiology is changed when the ring chooses them. All of their blood is expelled from their bodies and replaced with a blood like acid.

In addition to the power their rings grant them, they are able to expel this
corrosive blood from their mouths and control it much the way the Green or Yellow lanterns would their constructs. Blindly angry and impervious to the influence of other emotions, the Red Lanterns never stop showing the world how angry they are.

Strengths: Acid Blood, Immune to Pain

Weaknesses: Reduced to mindless rage, members who resist the Red Ring can be cured by Blue Lanterns

The Orange Lantern Corps Power Rings

Although many Orange Lantern power rings exist, they're all held tight by the owner of the Orange power battery: Larfleeze. The lone Orange Lantern greedily hordes the rings and prevents them from finding hosts. Instead, he is able to create monstrous avatars of any creatures he has killed in the past as avatars of his power. These orange avatars are under his control but can act semi-autonomously or at the very least, still display their original personalities.

When these avatars are called in,
Larfleeze gains increased abilities depending on how many of the avatars are active. When all avatars are recalled, he has the ability to take on a roomful of Green Lanterns and their Guardians by himself.

Strengths: Ability to create his own one man army with his ring, can send them out through the universe

Weaknesses: Significantly weakened when avatars are away and unable to be recalled fast enough

The Yellow Lantern Corps Power Rings (aka The Sinstero Corps)

Powered not by their own fear but the fear they instill in others, Yellow Lanterns are some of the most terrifying creatures in the world. With abilities and strength equal to the Green Lantern Corps, Yellow Lantern rings are able to project fearsome constructs designed to terrify and destroy any and all who oppose them.

Their ability to instill fear is their greatest weapon against the
Green Lantern Corps. However, any Green Lantern able to put their fear aside will have a significant advantage against the yellow light.

Strengths: Powerful Constructs, Insight into others Fear

Weaknesses: Fearless Green Lanterns have the upper hand

The Classic: The Green Lantern Corps Power Ring

Easily one of the most recognizable tools in the world of comic book heroes, the Green Lantern ring allows its wearer to wield one of the most powerful energies in the world. Like all Lantern Corps rings, the Green Lantern ring allows its users to fly, survive in a hostile atmosphere (the vaccuum of space, etc) and resist injury.

In addition, they can create powerful physical constructs using only their own will power. These constructs can take any form or function. Guns, swords, buzz-saws, giant robots, space ships, anything the Green Lantern can think of, they can successfully recreate. It can even be used to restore lost limbs or other body parts to Green Lanterns.

When fighting alongside the Blue Lantern Corps, the Green Lanterns receive near-infinite power supplies and can fly faster.

Strengths: Powerful constructs, ability to team up with all shades of the Lantern Corps, ability to overcome Yellow Lanterns

Weaknesses: When Lanterns show fear, their constructs can be destroyed or bypassed by all things yellow. Until they overcome that fear, they will remain vulnerable.

The Blue Lantern Corps Power Rings

The Blue Lantern's power rings are fueled by hope. Technically the most powerful shade of the emotional spectrum, the Blue Lantern rings can perform great feats. Able to reignite stars, inspire hope and calm in the masses, fire powerful blasts, and cure the taint of rage from Red Lanterns, the Blue Lanterns are not to be underestimated. Their great power has a catch, however - their rings only run at full power when near a Green Lantern. When separated from a Green Lantern, the Blue Lantern Rings are only able to provide flight and basic protection from the elements to their user.

But the relationship is not one way! A Green Lantern teamed with a Blue Lantern will find his power ring constantly recharging and providing extra power and strength to their already formidable repertoire of tricks.

Strengths: Strongest of all Lantern Corps

Weaknesses: Dependent on Green Lanterns

Indigo Lantern Power Corps Rings (aka The Indigo Tribes)

These enigmatic figures have great power but are reclusive and lack in numbers. Indigo Lantern Power rings give their members the ability to redirect other lanterns emotional energy as well as cure wounds and teleport.

Although much is left to learn about this small group, it does seem that their power is limited by the relative lack of compassion found in the universe. Their own compassion is tested daily and they must renounce their old lives to join the corps.

Strengths: Healing, Perfect replication of nearby Lanterns Powers

Weaknesses: Limited numbers, Small amount of emotional energy

The Violet Lantern Corps Power Rings (aka the Star Sapphires)

Violet Lanterns are individuals fueled by their loss to spread love throughout the universe. Deceptively powerful, a Violet Lantern Power Ring allows for these champions of love to create crystal constructs, find and protect love in all its forms when it is in danger, and fly through space like other Lanterns. A power unique to the Star Sapphires is the ability to telepathically see other peoples past loves and force them to relive it.

Unfortunately, being at the end of the emotional spectrum leads to extreme changes in personality to the owners of a violet lantern ring. Although they only act altruistically, Violet Lanterns are firm believers that all creatures should follow the ways of love. This is done through force in the case of captured criminals or through political pressure or heated conversation when dealing with innocents.

Strengths: Attuned to love, Ability to control crystals

Weaknesses: Often warped by the intensity of their love