Monday, January 30, 2012

Dinosaurs Live Misc Note 2: Dinosaurs featured in Power Rangers Dino Thunder

The Zords of Power Rangers Dino Thunder were dinosaur-based cyborgs created by Tommy Oliver and Anton Mercer during their collaboration. They were mostly maintained by Tommy's friend Hayley. The Dinozords (first called Biozords), created by Anton Mercer and Tommy Oliver with the rest of their dinosaur-related experiments, they were commandeered by Mesogog. He unleashed the Tyrannozord, Pterazord, and Tricerazord upon the Rangers, but they were taken over by the Dino Thunder Rangers. Other Dinozords were unleashed throughout the series. The Tyrannozord, Tricerazord, Pterazord, and the Mezodon Rover were destroyed battling the Zelzord. The fate of the other Zords was not shown or discussed on screen.

Primary Zords
Tyrannozord: A red Tyrannosaurus Rex Zord that forms the majority of the Thundersaurus Megazord (head, torso, left arm, legs and the Dino Drill), controlled by Conner McKnight the Red Dino Ranger. It was destroyed in the finale.
Tricerazord: A blue Triceratops Zord that forms the right arm and Toro Shield of the Thundersaurus Megazord, controlled by Ethan James the Blue Dino Ranger. It was destroyed in the finale.
Pterazord: A yellow Pteranodon Zord that forms helmet and chestplate of the Thundersaurus Megazord, as well at the Pterarang weapon, controlled by Kira Ford the Yellow Dino Ranger. It was destroyed in the finale.
Brachiozord: A black Brachiosaurus Carrierzord that carries the Tyranno, Tricera, and Ptera Zords, as well as the Auxiliary Zords. Has been shown to fire electric blasts from its mouth. Controlled by Tommy Oliver the Black Dino Ranger. This may be a reference to Titanus the Carrierzord from Mighty Morphin Power Rangers.
Dragozord: A white Tupuxuara Zord that forms arms, legs, and weapons of the Dino Stegazord, and the wings of the Valkasaurus Megazord. Can create gusts of wind by flapping its wings. Controlled by Trent Fernandez the White Dino Ranger. Where it got its name is a mystery since "Drago" means Dragon in Latin.
Mezodon Rover: The personal Zord of the Triassic Ranger, the Mezodon Rover has two forms. One is that of a giant chariot pulled by the "Styracozord" (a crimson colored Styracosaurus zord), called the Triassic Megarover. In the chariot form, the Mezodon Rover's wheels can ignite and be used to ram into enemies. It also was controlled by Tommy (in 'A Test of Trust') and Ethan (in 'Thunder Struck'). It can combine with Cephalozord, Dimetrazord, Parasaurzord and Ankylozord to form Triceramax Megazord. It was destroyed by Ethan to destroy the Zelzord after it was set to self destruct.

Auxiliary Zords
Cephalozord: A violet Pachycephalosaurus Zord that forms the Punch weapon arm (right side) for the Thundersaurus Megazord and Dino Stegazord. It also forms the right arm of the Triceramax Megazord. Usually summoned by Tommy, but can also be controlled by Ethan.
Dimetrozord: A cyan Dimetrodon Zord that forms the Saw weapon arm (left side) for the Thundersaurus Megazord and Dino Stegazord. It also forms the inner right leg of the Triceramax Megazord. Usually summoned by Tommy, but can also be controlled by Kira.
Stegozord: A crimson Stegosaurus Zord that becomes a hovercraft for the Thundersaurus and Valkasaurus Megazord. Helps the Thundersaurus Megazord do a "Surf's Up" slash/drill attack. It forms the body and the head for the Dino Stegazord. Traditionally, it is Trent's Zord but it could also be Tommy's second Zord, seeing as how he entered Dino Stegazord, when he temporarily commanded it, and the Valkasaurus Megazord through the Stegozord.
Parasaurzord: A green Parasaurolophus Zord that forms the Scissor Blade weapon (left side) arm for the Thundersaurus Megazord. It also forms the inner left leg of the Triceramax Megazord. Usually summoned by Tommy, but can be controlled by Kira.
Ankylozord: An orange Ankylosaurus Zord that forms the Shield Drill weapon arm (right side) for the Thundersaurus Megazord. It also forms the left arm of the Triceramax Megazord. Usually summoned by Tommy, but can also be controlled by Ethan.

Replicant Zords
Carnotaur Zord: An indigo-and-teal Carnotaurus Zord that forms the majority of the Blizzard Megazord (head, chest, legs, left arm, and the Blizzard Drill).
Chasmosaur Zord: A silver-and-violet Chasmosaurus Zord that forms the right arm and the Blizzard Shield of the Blizzard Megazord.

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