Thursday, June 04, 2015

Jurassic World informatics part 04: Velociraptor

Name meaning: Speedy thief
Height: 6 feet (2 meters)
Length: 10-13 feet (3-4 meters)
Weight: 300 pounds

Velociraptor is the dromaeosaurid theropod carnivore that appears in all Jurassic Park films and film-based media. The Raptors are the main antagonists of the first film and are the secondary antagonists of the second and third films. But in the fourth film, they become a sort of protagonist, as Owen Grady trained them as the park's guard dogs.

Velociraptors are highly intelligent pack hunters. They could run 60-70 mph at full sprint, so they could outrun most dinosaurs. They have a primitive level of vocalization which enables them to direct attacks and call for help. The average distance an adult raptor could jump was around 10–12 ft high and thats about the same in length. The tail is helpful to show counterbalance can even make quick turns and be agile.

Raptors did not always get along, and were sometimes very anti-social towards each other. However, they show a high devotion in protecting or retrieving their eggs.

In reality, there is no real paleontologist that recognizes this animal. Although it is called Velociraptor, it also shows characteristics of other dromaeosaurs, like Deinonychus and Utahraptor. Acheroraptor which also has a vague distinction to the dinosaurs in the film. Interestingly and by coincidence no less the Acheroraptor was found in the state of Montana, the same place where the film's Velociraptor was found.

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