Sunday, December 20, 2015

Star Wars Episode 7 Part 07: Rey

Young, bold and independent, Rey lives alone in the desert, on the remote planet of Jakku. As a scavenger, she spends her days exploring a spaceship graveyard and the enormous vessels abandoned there. She removes valuable parts and pieces of technology from the spacecrafts, then sells then for food at Niima Outpost. One day, Rey saves a small droid from another scavenger: the droid is called BB-8 and it has a secret mission to accomplish. Helping BB-8, Rey begins a journey that will take her a long way from Jakku, and from what she had always thought she was.

Speeder Bike
Jakku's junk-strewn desert is immense. Here scavengers can find crashed Imperial Star Destroyers and TIE Fighters as well as Rebllion X-Wings and star cruisers. To move through it, Rey drives an old salvaged speeder bike.

Amazing Skills
Rey doesn't have a lot of experience, but she is an incredibly talented pilot. She is able to outrun two TIE Fighters flying the Millennium Falcon alone, through the wreckage of a Super Star Destroyer. Due to her experience as a scavenger, Rey has also learnt all the sercets of spacecraft mechanics. When the hyperdrive control unit of the Falcon is overheating, it doesn't take her long to repair it.

Fearless Fighter
Despite being very young, Rey is far from helpless. She may not be a trained solider or an expert lightsaber combatant, but she learnt how to use her salvaged quarterstaff to defend herself from Jakku's thugs and thieves.