Paul Twohill u still rock! (Rui En too)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO IAERMAI aint gonna talk much abt what happened in school (just slacking and doodling away)... except to say that I am very disappointed with the same idiots who came to school super late (as always... stay tuned for names by the end of the week), and yet Im very happy that I managed to complete my design poster on X-Posure in the classroom... and that was the very last assignemnt for the first semester. Hey wait, that also means Im FREE from owing the teachers any assignment!!! YAPHOOOOOO!!!! :-D
Rui En was really beautiful just now at Mediacorp... she sang quite well (in spite of off-key pitching) and she was really touched to see us Rui En fans in the studio. Esp when she saw me and Jayne at the side of the Mosh Pit (yep, i was the one who held up the i-weekly magazine while she was performing)... as the Rui En fan club rushed out of the studio at the start of the commercial break (the same time when the phone lines were closed), I couldnt help but exclaim "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!!" Later after the results show, I was so happy to still see Rui En's car outside Radiogate, and after getting her autograph and taking some pics of her, I went on my knees, kissed my camera, thanked the good Lord and exclaimed, "YEAH BABY YEAH!!!" :-DBefore Rui En's performance, Ken Lim (her boss btw) shared wif Gurmit and all of us abt how he wanted the fans to know more abt his background and views with his appearing on the 8 days issue wif his son Jax... and how he wanted everyone to know that tho he may be known as Judge Dread of Singapore Idol, he should also be perceived as a very nice guy :-)For pics of the frenzy at Radiogate between 2120 hrs to 2200 hrs, go to this link in my Friendster account: reading the recaps of the judges' verdicts, Gurmit announced: "Hady, I have something to say to you... we'll be seeing you next week." Hady then broke down and sighed in relief. (loud cheers from the Hady fans)
Then he said, "Jasmine, I have something to say to you... you'll also be coming back next week." (loud cheers from the Jasmine fans)
The Jonathan and Paul fans were in tears... the Paul fans were taking it even worse, for they knew somehow that Paul might be next to go. Altho I was happy that Jasmine would be coming back next week, I knew that the next person's elimination would cause a lot of sorrow and depression, as it had always been every Thursday. And I knew somehow my prediction would turn out correct... but I just couldnt shed a tear, tho my heart was in slight pain.
And so after the commercial break, Gurmit went straight to the point, "Paul, I have something to say to you... I'm sorry... your Idol journey ends tonight." And I could see all the Paul fans at the other side of the Mosh Pit and all around the studio breaking down in tears. And the Jon fans cried tears of relief as Gurmit continued, "Jon, we'll see you next week."
Hady broke down soon after... Emilee and Nurul, who were present at the studio, were also in tears. And after Paul sang "Superman (It's Not Easy)", he hugged the remaining 3 Idols, then he went off the stage and embraced his family as well as his fans (some similarities to the Gospel when Jesus preached to the five hundred)... even the non-Paul fans joined in the chants of "PAUL TWOHILL!! PAUL TWOHILL!!".Somehow I guessed correctly that Paul would be leaving tonight, but what else can I say? This is a competition after all... I would be equally devastated if Jasmine, Hady or Jon were to go. And now the competition would be a lot toguher now that the Final 3 haf to sing their favourite songs... THREE SONGS this time round.
Anyway, back to Paul... although he wasnt the best in terms of vocals, he was probably the only contestant who could connect with the fans at a tremendous rate (hence the overwhelming support from his family, old schoolmates, church friends and of course the young fans)... and indeed he has become a respectable performer in spite of his flawed performing on certain weeks. It's his uniqueness that makes him stand out among the other contestants. Unfortunately, he seemed to have lost some of the spunk and energy as the weeks wore on.
Altho he may look scary wif all that gothic makeup, he is actually a very lovable guy with a cheerful and fun-loving personality... he has proven time and again that it really is more than just THE HAIR. Not to forget that that he's very friendly too (he actually came out of the bus just so he could chat wif us and do the usual stuff, i.e. signing autographs and taking pics)... and that he's very filial to his parents Anthony and Angelina. And its so easy to forget that he's only 17 this year. And what freaked me out the most was the fact that I was watching some of his Spectacular performances on Youtube just hours before leaving for early dinner at Bishan prior to going to Mediacorp. Am I becoming a mutant or what!!
Hey Paul, if u get to read this, I haf something to say... even tho I may not be your fan, u still earned my respect overall. Same goes out to the other Idols who had been booted before you. And boy do you still smell pretty as before... I really appreicate your hard work tho u may not be as good as the others. Your Idol journey may haf ended, but it's only the start of your musical journey. For you to get this far is not easy at all... still, I will miss your wacky antics, your emo attitude, your goofy behaviour and your presence in the Mediacorp studio. Do come next Wed and Thurs to show your support for Jon, Hady and Jasmine k? Love you loads... and one more thing before I end off...SAY SAY SAY YAPHOOOOOOOO!!! :-p
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