Sunday, January 28, 2007

Venting out frustrations in an alien language


I'm gonna vent out my frustrations in Wookiee language... something that happened at work that nearly caused me to 'lose mobility in my hands'. Highlight the text after these few words and you'll know the true story.
HHHüürrRRwwwRRn hhhh. HHHurrRRRRR RRRn hhhh, HHHüürrRRwwwRRRn hhhh! HHHurrRRRRR Susan Yoke RRRn hhhh, UüüHHHGGG-rrrrRRR!!! huurrrrrr!! uhhn. HHHurrRRRRR RRRn hhhh.UüüHHHGGG-rrrrRRR! Edwin uuurrrh huuwwwrr! UUUHHHGGG-rrrr! Jeff Aaaa aaaaarrrrr rrrrrrrr rrnnnn nn nnhwwh, aaaa aaaaa uh Vanilla Crepe Souffles aaa Burger wrappers uh-aaaaaa aaaaRRRRRR HHH. Aaaa guhaaaa aaaaa uhaa aar rrrrnnn uhnnnn nnn uhnhh. Crocquette Pies aaa Burger Buns aaa six-pack fries HRRR GLLLRRR UGhRR! HRRR GLLLRRR UGhRR! Huuwwwrrrrrr! uhhn. UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR Hurrrr Shaw House!!! Aaaaahhh Rrrrn Rhhh six-pack fries aaa aar nnn crocquette pies aaaa burger buns HHHurrRRRRRn Toa Payoh MRT station hhhh uhhh Orchard MRT station. AAAAAAAAaaa rrrrwwwr rrrnn UUUHHH GGG-rrrr! UUUHHH GGG-rrrrRRR! RRRR Jesus Christ aaahhh uhhhh road to Calvary rrrah RRR-DDDDD! Arrrghhhh rwwwh Jesus aaaa arrwhhh rrrwwwh UUUHHHGGG-rrrrRRR! HHHüürrRRRRRRRRn hhhh! MWARRRHHH UHHHGGGRRR RAWRRRHHHH!!!!
Link to Chewbacca's blog:

Translation (pls highlight to read full story): Today was kinda terrible... sure I didnt mind working in the morning for once, but things got bad when Susan Yoke reported sick at the last minute!! Because of that, I couldnt go for break til later!! And the customer traffic became way too uncontrollable! And Edwin couldnt do anything about it!!! Luckily Jeff came to save the day by asking me to go for a quick break first, and asking me to stock transfer some Vanilla Crepe Souffles and Burger wrappers to Toa Patyoh outlet. No problem with that, but then I needed to bring back Crocquette pies, burger buns and SIX PACK OF FRIES!!! Worst of all, I didnt haf any money to take a cab back to Shaw House!! So I carried the sack of fries in one hand and carrying the bags full of crocquette pies and burger buns in the other... all the way from Toa Payoh MRT station to Orchard MRT station. Wah lau eh, damn f**king tiring and u know!! I did it all by myself without much help at all!! I got shoulder cramps and my fingers were swollen, and I nearly injured my back!! Come to think of it, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour had it a lot worse when He carried the cross all the way to Calvary, esp when His back was full of scars after all that lashing (not to forget that He got crucified soon after that painful ordeal). I know my pain is NOTHING compared to what Jesus had gone through, but STILL IT'S F**KING EXHAUSTING!!! Although Jeff was kind enough to dismiss me from work after this tiring task, i swear I dont ever want to carry such huge shit in the near future again!!! ARGGHHHHH!!!!

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