CAUTION... this blog may contain some offensive material in some of the posts (but Im not one to judge others whatsoever). Since 2010 this blog is now an archive for upcoming movies or video games. For more current affairs, do check out my Facebook page, thanks.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
My take on Calefare Episode 12, Halloween parties, and Metalingus song
30th Oct- Adam "Edge" Copeland andYueting
31st Oct- Marty "The Boogeyman" Wright and Shoniah
Calefare Episode 12 was finally aired on TV a few nights ago, and although the scene of Andy Lau Hong dressed up as Brenda Fong lasted for a mere minute, the whole episode was nonetheless a very funny one; my bro and I laughed till we nearly peng san. It was quite a 'traumatizing' experience for me cos I was standing directly in front of Gurmit when he came out as Brenda!! It was also at that time that I got to find out the true colors of one of the main cast members in terms of professionalism (leave you to guess which one)... and yeah, it sure ain't easy to be a Japanese soldier (esp when you have to be in the uniform for nearly the whole night). For full coverage on the overnight filming for Episode 12, go to this link...
Halloween is just around the corner... but to be truthful, I am never really into costume parties. Sure it will be fun to dress up like a witch or a vampire or any character... but I don't even have any time for that (although I must admit, I won't mind dressing up like Two-Face or The Joker if I had the time to prepare the necessary stuff). The only Halloween party I attended was at some private estate abt 3 years ago... dressed up like a modern day Sith Lord, in mostly black clothes and gloves. I'm not even going any further into details on what happened...
I know there is gonna be a Halloween costume party at Clarke Quay on Friday... but sorry to say, I am not the least interested in participating, I dont think I'll even know anyone there. If I had to pick a costume, it will be as the Invisible Man... if you know what I mean.
Ok, looks like I've got to take a short break from blogging, but I promise I'll be back by either Sunday evening or Monday. I'll end off with a song dedicated to all WWE fans, most particularly the fans of the former World Champion who had been 'sent to hell' (literally) a few months ago... the Rated R Superstar Edge (it's his birthday today!).
Metalingus- Edge's theme song
(You think you know me)
On this day, I see clearly
Everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind
On this day, it's so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel, chance to feel alive...
I've been defeated and brought down
Ohh, dropped to my knees when hope ran out
Whoaa, the time has come to change my ways...
On this day I see clearly
Everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all, leave it all behind...
I'll never long for what might have been
Ohh, regret won't waste my life again
Whoa, I won't look back, I'll fight to remain...
On this day, I see clearly
Everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all behind
On this day, it's so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel
Chance to feel alive...
Fear will kill me, all I could be
Lift these sorrows, let me breathe
Could you set me free...
Could you set me free...
On this day, I see clearly
Everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream
And we'll leave it all behind
On this day, it's so real to me
Everything has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel, chance to feel alive
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New World Tag Team Champs at last!! YESSS!!!
Since I can't think of anything to blog abt today, I guess I'll pen in my thoughts for WWE Cyber Sunday and the aftermath...
Winning the World Tag Team Titles is indeed the sweetest and best belated birthday gift for CM Punk!! Somehow I knew that there will be a World Tag Team match on Raw, even though it lost out to Dirt Sheet vs Cryme Tyme by a mere 3% for Cyber Sunday 2008. Congrats to CM Punk and Kofi Kingston for dethroning Team Priceless off the coveted gold!! Payback is sweet indeed...!! Let's party :-)
My guesses for the stipulation for Kane vs Rey and Undertaker vs Big Show went correctly... I'm glad that the Phenom taught Big Show a lesson. I sure am surprised by Rey's win over the Big Red Monster. Oh, and Mickie James won the Divas' Halloween Costume Contest for the second time in a row!
Obviously I was delighted to see Batista become World Champ again, he truly deserved to be champ more than Chris Jericho. But one thing I would really want to see again is Shawn Michaels become World Champion just one more time.
And er, although I don't have anything against Triple H, isn't it getting kinda dull to see The Game holding on to the WWE Title for rather long? I wasn't surprised that he beat Jeff Hardy for the second time... neither was I surprised by the fact that Vladimir Kozlov got the LOWEST number of votes. But what we really need is a new WWE Champ... rather than someone who has been at the top of the mountain for a long time already.
Santino's showdown with the 3 former Intercontinental Champs is certainly entertaining. But what's even more humurous is the latest impersonation made by his opponent Charlie Haas... watch WWE Raw on Super Sports tonight at 10 pm (provided you have Starhub cable) to find out!! ;-p
Next week, the Dirt Sheet (John Morrison and The Miz) will square off against D-Generation X (HBK and HHH) in the 3-hour edition of WWE Raw, the record-breaking 800th episode! And not to forget the rematch between Jericho and Batista... in a Steel Cage!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
"By My Side" debuts tonight
A new drama is about to debut tonight, and it's rather different from others (save for the drama on the SARS virus). "By My Side" will be the first ever drama whose main focus is on an unseen disease that has claimed many lives all around the world in the past few decades (mostly in Africa)... AIDS. The drama stars Chen Hanwei, Zoe Tay, Elvin Ng, Rui En and a few others.
During the sermon on Sunday, Dr Donald Messer came up with a few statistics regarding AIDS...
- 33.2 million people are infected worldwide
- Nearly 50% of the AIDS carriers are women; 60% of these women are from Sub-Saharan Africa
- There are currently about 16 million AIDS orphans, most of them getting the disease from their parents
And here are some statistics noted in the Singapore Health board...
2003- 242 AIDS cases
2004- 311
2005- 317
2006- 357
2007- 423!!!
Based on a recent poll, 68% of the people who took the poll knew that sharing a meal with an HIV-positive person cannot transmit HIV. Only 22.4% said that they wouldn't mind sharing a meal with an HIV-positive person. And 54% said that they would care for a family member living with HIV.
Perhaps the social stigma shouldered by AIDS patients can never be fully alleviated, nor can the public quell their fears to whole-heartedly embrace them, but as their family, the least one can do, would be to stick by the sufferers through weal and woe. The unconditional support, genuine love and concern, and acceptance by family members are the greatest strength that the sufferers can ever seek and it is this strength that allows them to hold their heads up high and continue down the paths of their lives.
Monday, October 27, 2008
More thoughts on blogging etiquette and other stuff
Like I said before, I feel he is one bigtime loonie, taking pictures of the KFC meal that he and his brother ate earlier today!! As if 'nobody had seen 2 piece chicken meal from KFC before'!! Worst part was, he even took pic of rotten crab that he had bought from some food stall!! Unless MKP is a food critic, then maybe I can understand... reality check: he is a NOBODY!!! I don't think he even passed Home Economics during his secondary school days!!!
Well, I am not afraid that my brother and I had 2 sets of pizza and some drumlets for lunch, but did we ever take picture of them??? HELL NOOOO, cos everyone knows what pizza and chicken drumlets look like!!!
Ok, let me make one thing clear... I honestly don't mind anyone taking pics of food or their personal stuff and posting them in their blogs, I don't have a problem with that at all, really. But this abomination keeps uploading lots of photos on the food he eats and the branded goods he buys... all for the sole purpose of SHOWING OFF!!! And to think he would even take pictures of his legs!!! This goes to show that MKP's brain is not located in his skull, but rather in his... ermm, you know where (the word rhymes with gas)
And another thing... if MKP really despises fat people, then why did he even attend a seminar by Moses Lim earlier this year??? Again I say, I am NOT against fat people (I happen to be one), but I am most certainly against scumbags like MKP who insult fat or ugly people. Tell me if I really look like I 'got my face disfigured by a great fire'? I'd rather say that MKP looks like he's been stuffing a vibrator up his 'you-know-where' way too many times!!! What's the word for that... oh yes that's right, MKP LOOKS CONSTIPATED!!!
Still I just hope that MKP jumps off a building someday, like what Zaixi did in the last episode of "Crime Busters X 2". Seeing Zaixi claim himself as the 'ultimate victor' (in regards to the fate of Yu Jie) reminded me of The Joker... he had suceeded in corrupting Harvey "Two Face" Dent, and Batman knew all too well that The Joker really wins if the public ever got to find out about Harvey's madness. Which is why Batman asked Commisioner Gordon to put all of Dent's crimes onto him in order to preserve Dent's image as Gotham's 'white knight'.
And all Daxiong could do in order to ensure that Zaixi does not get his way is to lie to Yu Qing that his sister had died peacefully. And I still get a bit queasy whenever I think about how a woman can actually change sex into a man, when such cases are very rare. Much like the 'man' who retained female organs after a partial sex change op, and made headlines by being the first 'man' to actually give birth. That is just so eeeewwww... :-S
This is my 300th entry for this year, no big deal about it. I don't even need to call for a celebration on such things. I may have claimed my prizes from The Arena earlier today, but I sure ain't gonna call for a celebration on that either. All I can tell you is that I won a set of postcards, 2 magazines featuring Ning, and a VCD on JC Sum's illusions. I can choose to take picture of my prizes and upload them here, but I am not the type of person who would do that. Neither am I the type of person who would go for late night parties (ENOUGH FACEBOOK INVITES ON SUCH EVENTS ALREADY!!!). I'm not a mega star, I'm just a normal person. Anyone could have won a prize in the game of pot luck. I'm already satisfied enough over my win.
And if anyone of you ain't down with that, then I got two words for you... BE JEALOUS. (taken from John Morrison and The Miz)
One last thing... I'm quite okay with the outcome of Cyber Sunday. Only result Im not happy with is the Tag Team match that was picked... the percentile results were so close yet so far. BUT WE HAVE A NEW WORLD CHAMPION!! :-D
Free show at The Arena!! Muahaha... :-p
Happy Deepavali
My sincere apologies that this entry came rather late. Not that I didn't want to put it up so late, it's mostly because my mind has been feeling a little 'dry' on details as of late.
On Friday evening, after I knocked off from work, I took a walk to Funan and had dinner there. Then I resumed my walk to Clarke Quay, where I met up with a guy named Matthew (who works for The Arena). He apologized profusely for forgetting to bring along the prizes due to last minute stuff, but I told him it's alright and that I dont harbor any hard feelings towards him. And guess what... I saw from the LCD screen at the entrance of The Arena that for the day, anyone can enter... it's FREE ADMISSION FOR THE PUBLIC!!! Oh yeah baby... I'm actually glad I chose to come on this day :-p
Sunday, October 26, 2008
So-so weekend, having lunch n watching movie
Today I didnt really do much... for the morning service in church, this guest speaker named Reverend Doctor Donald Messer talking about the AIDS virus. I find this kinda coincidental because there's a new AIDS-related drama that is about to debut on Channel 8 in a few days' time. Before we knew it, the sermon was done in less than 30 minutes, and the service ended very early at 10 am!! :-O
Anyway, after everyone was dismissed, I took a bus to VivoCity, had lunch with a friend there after passing to her some stuff. Then after hanging around at a bookstore for a while, we went separate ways. I took a train to City Hall, headed to Suntec City and looked around the toy stores. Then I walked to Bugis Junction, and since I was already there, I decided to watch the 5 pm screening of "Tropic Thunder". Man I tell you, it's freaking hilarious and full of action as well as several "DOH!!" and "WHAT??" moments. Robert Downey Jr aka Iron Man was the funniest, speaking like an African American and even sporting tanned complexion! I rate this film 8.5 out of 10 stars. But beware... there are some very disturbing scenes. Which is why the film was rated M18 in frist place (and took so long to arrive here).
After that... errmmm, I went back home and slacked about til midnight. Still unsure on what to do tomorrow... haiz. :-/
I hope my predictions for Cyber Sunday come true. Or at least, most of them.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Seeing Mother off, and then... shock encounter!!
Yesterday, I went to The Arena with the intention of collecting my prizes... even though I couldnt get them, I still managed to get into The Arena free-of-charge due to some Class 95 function there. Details on the Fearsome Female Fight will be mentioned in a later post... ;-)
YEAH! Yeahhhh...
All I've ever wanted was destiny to be fulfilled
It is in my hands, I must not fail, I must not fail!
This fire burns always
This fire burns always
Misery begins to rise
Turn away from yesterday
Tomorrow's in my eyes (Oh!)
Nevermore to be held down
Nevermore to be cast aside
This day is mine
Even through the darkest days
This fire burns always
This fire burns always
I will not be denied in this final hour
I will not be denied, this day is mine
This passion inside me is burning (Is burning)
This passion inside me is burning (Is burning)
Even through the darkest days
This fire burns always (always)
This fire burns (fire burns) always
Always (always)
Friday, October 24, 2008
Birthday dedication to a Princess!
I dedicate yet another song to the lovely Felicia, as she turns one year older today... this is the very same song I dedicated to her in my Friendster blog 2 years ago!! And this song also goes out to a girl Im starting to like... one who bears some resemblance to the birthday gal!! Can't tell you who yet :-X
Eyes like a sunrise
Like a rainfall down my soul
And I wonder, I wonder why you look at me like that
What you're thinking what's behind
Don't tell me But it feels like love
I'm gonna take this moment
And make it last forever
I'm gonna give my heart away
And pray we'll stay together
Cause you're the one good reason
You're the only girl that I need
Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen
I'm gonna take this night and make it evergreen
Touch like a angel
Like velvet to my skin
And I wonder, I wonder why you wanna stay the night
What you're dreaming what's behind
Don't tell me but it feels like love
I'm gonna take this moment
And make it last forever
I'm gonna give my heart away
And pray we'll stay together
Cause you're the one good reason
You're the only girl that I need
Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen (oh yeah)
I'm gonna take this night and make it evergreen
Whoaa yeah yeah yeah
(Don't tell me but it feels like love)
I'm gonna take this moment
And make it last forever (forever)
I'm gonna give my heart away
And pray we'll stay together
Cause you're the one good reason (You're the one good reason)
You're the only girl that I need
Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen (oh yeah)
I'm gonna take this moment...
I'm gonna give my heart away
Cause you're the one good reason (You're the one good reason)
You're the only girl that I need
Cause you're more beautiful than I have ever seen (ever seen yeah)
I'm gonna take this night and make it evergreen
Ooohhh... make it evergreen
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Another anti-MKP blogger, and the true maening of satisfaction
Start of the Scorpio Star
During another day of boredom at the office, I happened to chance upon some random fella's blog... I discovered that we both have one thing in common: we are not afraid of voicing out opinions on a certain attention seeker known as MKP!!!
I've always been very anti-Viewship based mentality bloggers, because I believe blogging is all about the content and our main audience is the readers. They are the sole reason why the blog exist as a blog and not a personal journal.
But if the blogger main aim is to win the highest view-ship which is obtained from the statistics of the regulairity and variety of readers reading it, then it totally defeats the purpose of starting up a blog. I can only say people who function that way are really selfish because they put themselves before their readers, in the place where readers comes first- THE BLOG!
I strongly agree with Jordan on that. Blogging is never intended for one to showcase his achievements and personal life. If a blogger wants high traffic, then he/she should more focus on the content, rather than on the viewership. Yet, advertisements are vital for the bloggers who use blogs as THEIR ONLY SOURCE OF INCOME.
My one and only reaction is: THIS WHOEVER IS A LOSER
Not just a loser... but he's also a jackass, an attention seeker, a retard and last but not least, AN ABOMINATION!!!
To Sean Koh, you are getting famous again by being infamous, but it doesn't bother me at all. You get to keep the extra hits, for all the wrong reasons.
Yeah, let that idiot get his retribution someday. Let him rot in hell for all we care!!
Since I had already 'wasted a lot of time and energy' on those countless entries aimed at that siao kiah fella in regards to his despicable and corrupt personality, I shall play it differently this time round by putting up Bible references...
In 1 John 2:12-17, the apostle John, known for his great love for Christ and His church, warned fathers and young men against these three deadly lusts:
- The lust of the flesh- the insatiable appetite to indulge in pleasures that inflame the flesh, but never satisfy.
- The lust of the eyes- wandering eyes that continually want more riches and possessions, but always remain covetous.
- The pride of life- the vain mind that thirsts for man's applause, but the glory evaporates quickly.
Different forms of temptation, most particularly pornography, can damage anyone in general... it feeds lustful desires in ways that can never satisfy. True satisfaction is found only when we give our affections to eternal things- to a right relationship with our Heavenly Father and with those He had created in His image.
Excerpt from MKP's latest entry:
You can say whatever you like about me because honestly i don't really care. I am very used to such negative comments, i received from others. =) You are nobody to me, by right i shouldn't give u any attention at all.
MKP stated that he is 'too used to negative comments' and that 'he doesn't really care about what others say about him', and yet the worst part is, he's not doing anything to change himself for the better, and still has the balls to claim that "he is not affected by what is going on"!! Then again the saying goes, "A leopard never changes its spots". So yeah, no use trying to change the heart of someone who thinks 'he is very famous', when in reality he is NOT!!!
If I had my way, I would most certainly like to transform into something equivalent to The Hulk and bash up that abomination to a bloody pulp, but come to think about it, violence won't solve anything. Let the heavens decide MKP's fate, without anyone intervening.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Review on Incredible Hulk DVD, and shock win!!
Paiseh for lack of update in terms of personal encounters, I hadn't even been doing much last weekend, and I've been working as usual on weekdays.
Anyway, I already bought the Incredible Hulk DVD... it is a definite MUST-BUY!! If you think you've seen the whole film, THINK AGAIN!! The DVD Extras include nearly 20 deleted scenes (some of which are extended versions for certain scenes), plus an inside look on the 3 transformation sequences (not counting the one at Dr Sterns' labaratory) for the Hulk, as well as behind-the-scene-footage on Edward Norton and Tim Roth doing motion capture for the Hulk and Abomination respectively. Oh, and if you're a fan of The Incedible Hulk TV series starring Bill Bixby and Lou Ferrigno, do stay tuned for the DVDs coming real soon! ;-)
I was watching a certain video in Facebook on Saturday night... I was shocked to discover that I was one of 2 lucky winners for some lucky draw in regards to Singapore's well-renowned magicians...!! :-O I nearly got a heart attack the moment (yes, really!!) I saw my name on the slip of paper held up by JC Sum ... now all I have to do is wait for the personnel to contact me with info on how to claim my prizes. :-/
Go to this website to see the video...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Do Something with your "Nothing"
Bible dedication time again...
A newspaper ad showed 3 people waiting for a city bus. Two of them were bored and listless, while the third was happily playing a game on his PSP. "Do something with your nothing", the ad said. "That nothing time. The time in between everything else you have to do." The idea was to promote the PSP so people could use all those segments of wasted "waiting" time.
I suspect that many of us already constructively use those small increments of waiting time to read a book, memorize a verse, or pray for a friend. It's our longer waiting periods filled with uncertainty and indecision that may leave us anxious and frustrated.
Paul challenged the Christians in Epheus to "walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming thetime, because the days are evil" (Ephesians 5:15-16). The Greek scholar Kenneth Wuest suggests that this refers to time in its "stragetic, opportune seasons" and means "making a wise and sacred use of every opportunity for doing good."
During those seasons when we wonder, "How did I get here and when can I leave?", it's best to look for our God-given opportunities instead of focusing on the obstacles. That's the way to do something with our "nothing".
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Cyber Sunday 2008 predictions

It's that time of the year again, where WWE fans have the ability to vote on certain aspects of every match. Unfortunately, the concept for Cyber Sunday this year will be completely different. For the first four events from 2004 to 2008, voting was made online through, with the official tag line for the PPV being "Log On. Take Over." For this year however, this was replaced by votes through text messaging, but this is only avaliable to United States mobile carriers. DAMN!!!
Even though I (along with other non-US citizens) am unable to contribute any votes, I am still going to make my predictions on who may get the highest votes for each match... oh yeah, I really like the poster, it looks quite similar to "V for Vendetta". :-)
I have to put this entry up earlier so you readers may get to know more about the PPV earlier, and start placing your bets early.
Updated: WHOOPS MY BAD!!! Online voting is now available on but only for the matches from WWE Smackdown.
World Heavyweight Championship match
Even though he's survived a Ladder match at No Mercy, Chris Jericho will have his hands full at Cyber Sunday when he defends the World Heavyweight Championship against Number 1 contender Batista. It's up to the WWE Universe to decide who the special guest referee will be for the match...
- the Legend Killer Randy Orton,
- the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels,
- or the Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin.
WWE Championship match
In this match the fans can choose who current WWE Champion Triple H faces, whether it be...
- the Xtreme high-flyer Jeff Hardy,
- the Russian powerhouse Vladimir Kozlov,
- or both in a Triple Threat Match.
My vote: a one-on-one match between The Game and Jeff Hardy. I still don't like Vladimir, esp after how he poked his nose into the other two's businesses by bashing them up in the weeks prior to No Mercy. I got a feeling that he might still interfere in their match on the actual event...
ECW Championship match
At Cyber Sunday, ECW Champion Matt Hardy must defend his title against three possible challengers. It’s up to the WWE Universe to decide Hardy’s Extreme opponent.
- The World's Strongest Man Mark Henry
- The high-flying Evan Bourne
- The Belfast Brawler Finlay
My pick: Finlay!! No one else deserves an ECW Title match more than the Irishman, who is a 20-year veteran in professional wrestling. I don't mind Evan Bourne either, though I feel he's a bit too new to taste big-time gold. A big NO-NO to Mark Henry... I still don't like that Hutt (and never will).
Intercontinental Championship matchThe fans will get to choose which former Intercontinental Champion will face Santino Marella for the Intercontinental Championship. The choices are:
- "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, a Hall of Famer,
- Goldust aka Dustin Rhodes (Cody Rhodes' half-brother)
- or The Honky Tonk Man (longest reigning IC champ of all time).
My vote: The Honky Tonk Man!! Santino's Honk-A-Meter was there for a purpose. It would actually make a lot of sense for HTM to put an end to that cocky Italian's attempt to break Honky's record 64-week reign as Intercontinental Champ. (Pedro Morales held a previous record of 61 weeks, but he holds the top spot for the list of combined reigns). But then I doubt Honky would be able to compete due to a finger injury he had sustained a few weeks ago...
United States Championship
The WWE Universe gets to pick the opponent for current reigning United States Champion Shelton Benjamin... in a special match that is to be aired only on
- The husky-voiced rapper R-Truth
- The cocky ballin' MVP
- The unpredictable Festus
My pick: R-Truth all the way!! 'Nuff said.
Pick your Tag Team Match
With Cyber Sunday quickly approaching, the power is once again in YOUR hands as the WWE Universe will choose which teams will go one-on-one in a Pick the Tag Team Match concept.
- World Tag Team Champions Cody Rhodes & Ted DiBiase vs. CM Punk & Kofi Kingston
- John Morrison & The Miz vs. Cryme Tyme
- Jamie Noble & Mickie James vs. William Regal & Layla
My pick: the World Tag Team Championship match!! I really want to see CM Punk and Kofi beat the living crap off Team Priceless and become Tag Team Champs!! It wouldn't make sense for the Straight Edge Superstar to be excluded from the card, esp since his face is feature din the poster. And we already saw Dirt Sheet vs Cryme Tyme battle twice on Raw. No comments on the intergender tag match...
Kane vs Rey Mysterio (choose stipulation)
When rivalries reach their boiling point, it is often difficult for the opposing forces to agree on what type of match would be most suitable for the two to settle the score. Fortunately, for Kane and Rey Mysterio, neither will have to decide as it will be the WWE Universe’s choice of what match the two will clash in at Cyber Sunday.
- Falls Count Anywhere Match
- No Holds Barred Match
- Best 2-out-of-3 Falls Match
My pick: Falls Count Anywhere. Pinfalls or submissions can be made anywhere, foreign objects can be used. That would give Kane and Rey more space to battle their guts out. For a No Holds Barred match, pinfalls must be made inside the ring, plus there is less emphasis for use of weapons (though it is still legit to do so).
Undertaker vs The Big Show (choose stipulation)
At Cyber Sunday, Undertaker will look for retribution against Big Show, re-igniting one of WWE's most heated rivalries. After Big Show's deception at Unforgiven and his revealed partnership with SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero, The Deadman will look to bring down The World's Largest Athlete at WWE's interactive pay-per-view. The stakes are even higher as the WWE Universe will decide the fate of these two Superstars.
- Last Man Standing
- Knockout
- I Quit
My pick: Last Man Standing match. No pinfalls, no submissions, no DQs, no countouts... the only way to win is to make your opponent so weak that he is unable to answer the ten-count after being downed. I have no idea on what a Knock-out match is... no wait, a boxing match?? You gotta be kidding... (I have a bad feeling about the aftermath of the match)
Divas' Halloween Costume Contest
In a Cyber Sunday event sure to leave the WWE Universe very pleased, the Divas will show off their creativity in a special Divas Halloween Costume Contest. Whether or not these lovely ladies have tricks up their sleeves, the competition is sure to be a treat.
Featured in this year's contest will be Women's Champion Beth Phoenix, Divas' Champion Michelle McCool, Jillian, Katie Lea Burchill, Layla, Brie Bella, Eve Torres, Maria, Lena Yada, Tiffany, Maryse, Natalya, Victoria, Candice Michelle, Kelly Kelly, and Mickie James.
Voting takes place exclusively on, but only after the WWE Universe has seen the Divas' efforts at the pay-per-view.
For full details, go to these sites...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Having fun with PhotoFunia
I've been slacking in the office for dunno how many days... unsure of what to do. Until i came across PhotoFunia. Here are some pics I created, heh :-p
The red, yellow and blue primary colors of Tanat
This is actually the Futuristic TV from the 1920s era... foretelling Tanat's win of the WWE Title in 90 years' time. Yeah right!
Tanat's win of the WWE Title has become major headline for the Annandale Advocate.
Tanat Da Man will be making a special appearance at Madison Square Garden!
Victoria Beckham is shocked by the fact that someone had secretly swapped David's photo with that of the new WWE Champ...
Paris Hilton admits to being a big fan of Tanat Da Man's musical works. Now THAT'S HOT.
Guy holding popcorn: Ermmm... are you sure we are at the right cinema?
2 of Tanat's diehard fans admiring the new poster at the entrance of his mansion
The entourage is shocked by the fact that their limited edition poster collection had been secretly swapped with pictures of Tanat Da Champ!!