Happy Birthday to Benedict Goh WH (my schoolmate) and Megan
This was what I did yesterday and tody...
Saturday, 28th November
Finally, I get to work in morning shift at last after nearly 2 months of working in afternoon shift. Unfortunately, I don't need to work on Saturdays from next week onwards... will try and see if I can request to work voluntarily. Anyway, after knocking off at 1 pm, I headed down to VivoCity to have lunch as well as to check if there's really any upcoming roadshow there (results are negative). Then I took train to Dhoby Ghaut and changed to Somerset... was one of 3 to 4 people to reach the place the earliest at 3 plus.
987 DJ Rosalyn Lee (man, she's tall!!) was the host for this event (first time we see a female host in SI roadshow history, I believe?). The Top 4 belted out a few songs, Charles topping it up with some beatboxing sessions. Sylvia looked like an angel in that white dress, got me totally mesmerized yet again (not that I can help it). 4 fans got on stage to play some onstage game, something like "Dont Forget The Lyrics". As the roadshow came to a close, it was extremely difficult for me and a few friends to take pic with any one of the 4, with so many fans crammed up around them. Actually, I could have gotten my chance to take pic with the hottie Sylvia, but it was not meant to be... Ish and myself had dinner at Burger King with Syazali aka the Jeff Hardy lookalike and his friend. I went around Orchard for a while and headed back home. Computer time from 8 to 11.30 pm.
For the full pictures, click here... SI Top 4 finalists at Orchard Cineleisure
Sunday, 29th November (aka today)
Church service started off with a major surprise... Rev Peter Koh and Rev Tay KL are going to be transferred to another church come January next year, with 3 new reverends taking over them!! Anyway after service, Mum and I went to Compass Point to have lunch as well as try to trade in for new phone model, but to no avail due to overwhelming queue at Singtel Center. Nevertheless, I took a bus to Paya Lebar region and took train to Expo... it was at Expo that I went for the Sitex fair, spent slightly more than 30 minutes there. After getting out of Hall 5, I went on to the John Little Christmas Expo Sale at Hall 3... whoa, lots of toys (particularly Power Rangers) being sold at very low prices!! Unfortunately, don't have the ones I want (damn!!). At abt 3.40 pm, I decided that I had enough, and so i took bus back home. Spent the rest of the night slacking on computer as well as playing on PSP...
CAUTION... this blog may contain some offensive material in some of the posts (but Im not one to judge others whatsoever). Since 2010 this blog is now an archive for upcoming movies or video games. For more current affairs, do check out my Facebook page, thanks.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Totally slack day on HRH
Happy Birthday to Benedict Goh, Terrence Quah, Meixin Chen, Meryl Joan Lee and Cindy Yap
Ok to make things easier, here is an account on what I did during the past few days...
Wednesday, 25th November
Went to work as usual, and right after knocking off at 6 pm, I took the longer route to MediaCorp... take bus to Orchard, then train to Ang Mo Kio, and another bus to MDC. Lucky I never took cab, cos I was running very low on cash. Once I reached Mdc at 7.20 pm, I went into the theater with friends (about 10 of us) and we were saeted at Sector C (quite similar to the sector as used during Top 6 Spectaculars). We watched the Top 4 Idols sing 2 songs each... a cover song as well as an original song written by the Idols themselves.
During the 1-hr break, there was a special performance by 2 local guys (man, I don't even know their names) at the stage area. Gurmit chatted with Dick (looking really gay in pink jacket, white shirt and white pants) on his thoughts on the performances during the Channel 5 News live coverage. Oh, and I happened to see SI 2 alum Gayle Nerva among the crowd, but I gave her the cold shoulder (like totally), I wouldn't even bother to ask her about her current squeeze Mr Foster. I did however take pic with Nurul Huda and Malaque, as well as with Farhan Shah and 3 other fans. It was at around this time that a few of us decided to station ourselves at the Mosh Pit region for the Results Show.
The results show was clustered with performances by Jack n Rai, Nathan Horanto and Jasmine Tye (yes, my 2rd time seeing her in person this month!!). And yes, my prediction really came true... it was an all-safe round, i.e. Charles and Tabby are both safe, and the entire show is totally identical to "Idol Gives Back". Already I could sense some bookies and fans alike feeling damn pissed. I left the place for home right after the show ended, but not before playing with a spotted brown cat at the Mdc taxi foyer. As well as 3 more cats near my house region.
Click the following link to view the photos... SI Top 4 Spectaulars: Song For A Cause
Thursday, 26th November
Worked like mad from 10 am to 7 pm, with too many tasks to do at one shot... only this time round, some of us stayed behind a little longer in order to paste the necessary banners to prepare for the upcoming year-end sales period. Already the overflooding reservation shelves are enough to drive some of us bonkers, and if that wasn't enough, I was given a bout of 'bad news' upon receiving my pay check for the month (not to worry, I'm still employed, but the scenario will be a little different, more on that in a later post). I left the place at 7.20 pm, and reached Zouk within less than 10 minutes by foot (my 2nd time going there btw). Ishardi and myself saw Nur Amira, and we took pic with her. We were allowed entry into the place at around 7.45 pm... did a bit of recce around the ground level... it wasn't til about 8.45 pm then did the event start proper. About 48 men and women came out to grace the stage, in about 3 different sectors. Event hosted by freelance actress Jacqueline Chow and actor Bobby Tonelli (I had no idea he was involved!!).
The intermission that came at abt 9.30 pm was rather dull, in spite of 2 deejays making an impression with their disc-swapping talents. The male winner was some Eurasian guy named Adrian (he won a subsidiary award for forgot-which-category), whereas the female winner was a sweet-faced babe named Annabel, she won 4 subsidiary awards as well. Right after the show, the foreign workers came in to dissamble the stage boards to revert it back to the ordinary look. Me and Ish managed to take pic with Khym as well as with Bobby, who was his way out of Zouk (he said he had to have an early rest cos he had to catch a morning flight to Hong Kong). I reached home at 11.30 pm, with great satisfaction on my face.
Click on the following links to see the photos taken at Zouk...
Part 1 Part 2
Friday, 27th November (Hari Raya Haji)
Aka today... but thing is, I don't need to work at all, whoppee!! Hence I stayed at home mostly to upload lots of pictures as well as update this blog while I can, in a bid to overcome writer's block. Of course I did go out for a while, to buy lunch for Mum and myself as well as deposit the cheque (me won't tell any of you the amount, so keep guessing... I'm not a money-minded desperado like Sean Koh), as well as to have dinner at the food center behind our house. Oh yes, I did manage to buy the newly-released Terminator Salvation DVD... not sure whether to buy the G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra DVD next week.
Ok to make things easier, here is an account on what I did during the past few days...
Wednesday, 25th November
Went to work as usual, and right after knocking off at 6 pm, I took the longer route to MediaCorp... take bus to Orchard, then train to Ang Mo Kio, and another bus to MDC. Lucky I never took cab, cos I was running very low on cash. Once I reached Mdc at 7.20 pm, I went into the theater with friends (about 10 of us) and we were saeted at Sector C (quite similar to the sector as used during Top 6 Spectaculars). We watched the Top 4 Idols sing 2 songs each... a cover song as well as an original song written by the Idols themselves.
During the 1-hr break, there was a special performance by 2 local guys (man, I don't even know their names) at the stage area. Gurmit chatted with Dick (looking really gay in pink jacket, white shirt and white pants) on his thoughts on the performances during the Channel 5 News live coverage. Oh, and I happened to see SI 2 alum Gayle Nerva among the crowd, but I gave her the cold shoulder (like totally), I wouldn't even bother to ask her about her current squeeze Mr Foster. I did however take pic with Nurul Huda and Malaque, as well as with Farhan Shah and 3 other fans. It was at around this time that a few of us decided to station ourselves at the Mosh Pit region for the Results Show.
The results show was clustered with performances by Jack n Rai, Nathan Horanto and Jasmine Tye (yes, my 2rd time seeing her in person this month!!). And yes, my prediction really came true... it was an all-safe round, i.e. Charles and Tabby are both safe, and the entire show is totally identical to "Idol Gives Back". Already I could sense some bookies and fans alike feeling damn pissed. I left the place for home right after the show ended, but not before playing with a spotted brown cat at the Mdc taxi foyer. As well as 3 more cats near my house region.
Click the following link to view the photos... SI Top 4 Spectaulars: Song For A Cause
Thursday, 26th November
Worked like mad from 10 am to 7 pm, with too many tasks to do at one shot... only this time round, some of us stayed behind a little longer in order to paste the necessary banners to prepare for the upcoming year-end sales period. Already the overflooding reservation shelves are enough to drive some of us bonkers, and if that wasn't enough, I was given a bout of 'bad news' upon receiving my pay check for the month (not to worry, I'm still employed, but the scenario will be a little different, more on that in a later post). I left the place at 7.20 pm, and reached Zouk within less than 10 minutes by foot (my 2nd time going there btw). Ishardi and myself saw Nur Amira, and we took pic with her. We were allowed entry into the place at around 7.45 pm... did a bit of recce around the ground level... it wasn't til about 8.45 pm then did the event start proper. About 48 men and women came out to grace the stage, in about 3 different sectors. Event hosted by freelance actress Jacqueline Chow and actor Bobby Tonelli (I had no idea he was involved!!).
The intermission that came at abt 9.30 pm was rather dull, in spite of 2 deejays making an impression with their disc-swapping talents. The male winner was some Eurasian guy named Adrian (he won a subsidiary award for forgot-which-category), whereas the female winner was a sweet-faced babe named Annabel, she won 4 subsidiary awards as well. Right after the show, the foreign workers came in to dissamble the stage boards to revert it back to the ordinary look. Me and Ish managed to take pic with Khym as well as with Bobby, who was his way out of Zouk (he said he had to have an early rest cos he had to catch a morning flight to Hong Kong). I reached home at 11.30 pm, with great satisfaction on my face.
Click on the following links to see the photos taken at Zouk...
Part 1 Part 2
Friday, 27th November (Hari Raya Haji)
Aka today... but thing is, I don't need to work at all, whoppee!! Hence I stayed at home mostly to upload lots of pictures as well as update this blog while I can, in a bid to overcome writer's block. Of course I did go out for a while, to buy lunch for Mum and myself as well as deposit the cheque (me won't tell any of you the amount, so keep guessing... I'm not a money-minded desperado like Sean Koh), as well as to have dinner at the food center behind our house. Oh yes, I did manage to buy the newly-released Terminator Salvation DVD... not sure whether to buy the G.I.Joe: Rise of Cobra DVD next week.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Randomness on upcoming attractions...
Happy Birthday to Beth Phoenix, Nat Peter and Qing Hui
I can't believe it, the Monopoly promotion for McDonald's had come to an abrupt end without warning... I felt so screwed cos I was looking forward to collecting all the tabs for the Toys R Us coupons worth 200 dollars. In place of the discontinued Monopoly promo, is the return of the Chicken Teppanyaki Burger and Seaweed Shaker Fries in lieu with the release of the upcoming 3D sci-fi film "Avatar".
Ok, enough whining... the WIN (Worship & Intercession) session for this week was cancelled beforehand due to some pastors' meeting for TRAC, which is why you see me blogging at this period of time (I am assigned to do projection duty for WIN every 4th Tuesday, you see). Problem is, I gotta do TWO WIN duties for the last 2 weeks of December. Suddenly I feel like finding an excuse to get away from one of the dates... but I have to worry more about the upcoming Christmas sales at my workplace which is to commence sometime next month (still unconfirmed as of now).
Tomorrow after work, I will be going to good ol MediaCorp to watch the Singapore Idol Top 4 Spectaculars (World Aids Day Special)... I have this feeling that this Wednesday's episode is gonna be something like "Idol gives Back", meaning that the money made from the numerous calls are going to charity proceeds, and the vote tallies for all the 4 finalists snowballed and to be totalled up for next week's votes. Of course I could be wrong, but this is only pure speculation on my part. What I know is, I won't be going for next week's Spectaculars due to a certain concert I plan to attend... it involves the guest performer for tomorrow's results show (I actually saw her last Saturday lor!!).
Upcoming events include 50 Gorgeous People Finals at Zouk on Thursday night (me and Ish going there to root for Khym Ong from Miss Earth S'pore and Miss Singapore World), Sitex Fair at Expo from Thursday to Sunday (I predict a very huge turnout for Friday aka Hari Raya Haji, yikes!!), Singapore Idol roadshow at VivoCity and Orchard Cineleisure (I think I'm going for the one at Cine), and who knows what else. But the events I'm really looking forward to are the Storm Warriors gala premiere at VivoCity next Monday night, and the 8 days 1000th issue celebration roadshow at Iluma from 12th to 13th December.
I can't believe it, the Monopoly promotion for McDonald's had come to an abrupt end without warning... I felt so screwed cos I was looking forward to collecting all the tabs for the Toys R Us coupons worth 200 dollars. In place of the discontinued Monopoly promo, is the return of the Chicken Teppanyaki Burger and Seaweed Shaker Fries in lieu with the release of the upcoming 3D sci-fi film "Avatar".
Ok, enough whining... the WIN (Worship & Intercession) session for this week was cancelled beforehand due to some pastors' meeting for TRAC, which is why you see me blogging at this period of time (I am assigned to do projection duty for WIN every 4th Tuesday, you see). Problem is, I gotta do TWO WIN duties for the last 2 weeks of December. Suddenly I feel like finding an excuse to get away from one of the dates... but I have to worry more about the upcoming Christmas sales at my workplace which is to commence sometime next month (still unconfirmed as of now).
Tomorrow after work, I will be going to good ol MediaCorp to watch the Singapore Idol Top 4 Spectaculars (World Aids Day Special)... I have this feeling that this Wednesday's episode is gonna be something like "Idol gives Back", meaning that the money made from the numerous calls are going to charity proceeds, and the vote tallies for all the 4 finalists snowballed and to be totalled up for next week's votes. Of course I could be wrong, but this is only pure speculation on my part. What I know is, I won't be going for next week's Spectaculars due to a certain concert I plan to attend... it involves the guest performer for tomorrow's results show (I actually saw her last Saturday lor!!).
Upcoming events include 50 Gorgeous People Finals at Zouk on Thursday night (me and Ish going there to root for Khym Ong from Miss Earth S'pore and Miss Singapore World), Sitex Fair at Expo from Thursday to Sunday (I predict a very huge turnout for Friday aka Hari Raya Haji, yikes!!), Singapore Idol roadshow at VivoCity and Orchard Cineleisure (I think I'm going for the one at Cine), and who knows what else. But the events I'm really looking forward to are the Storm Warriors gala premiere at VivoCity next Monday night, and the 8 days 1000th issue celebration roadshow at Iluma from 12th to 13th December.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The weekend in brief
Friday, 20th November
As stated earlier, I knocked off from work at 1 pm due to the half-day off which I used due to public holiday incentive. I went to Orchard Road to have lunch, and then I went to Orchard Central to buy the all-new Smackdown vs Raw 2010 PSP game. In spite of the heavy rain, I managed to reach home safely without getting wet, and then surfed Internet for about 2 hours. Left house at 5.30 pm, reached Expo at 6.15 pm and had quick dinner. Went to Expo Hall 4 to reconnect with some old friends (namely fellow MediaCorp fanatics) see 4 types of dances, and a hosting segment by MediaCorp artistes Rayson Tan and Koh Yah Hwee. Wah sei, Ya Hui's heirdo super short like mushroom eh. A few fans managed to take pic with the 2007 Star Search starlet before she and Rayson got escorted off to car park region rather quickly. Right after they left at around 8.50 pm, I took train and bus back home in time to watch another episode of WWE Smackdown.
Click here to see the photos... Asian Pacific Food Expo 2009
Saturday, 21st November
Internet time in morning. Work in afternoon. Then after me and 3 more guys rolled down the shutter, we went separate ways... myself heading to good ol' Orchard to watch some performances at YouthBox Star semi-finals at Level 1. To my surprise, there were a few old friends there, whom I hadn't seen for about 2 years. Main purpose of going there was obviously to root for Jasmine Tye who was one of the semi-finalists (turns out that SI 3 semi-finalist Benjamin Chow was also involded). Joselin Ng was the guest performer, and man did she look really HAWT!! Us SI fans took pic with Jasmine and left the place at 8 pm. By the time I got back home, i got an sms stating that Jasmine has proceeded to the finals. Whee, congrats!! :-)
Link to photo album... Youthbox Star Finals at Far East Plaza
Sunday, 22nd November
Start of the Sagittarius Star
This truly is a crazy day. After doing contrast-and-brightness control for morning service, I went down to Suntec City to have quick lunc, then loiter around a bit. The moment I got to LEvel 3 of Suntec Convention, I was trapped in a huge crowd full of shutterbugs taking pictures of various Cosplay characters (there was an Anime Festival going on at Level 4).
After staying there for about an hour, I went up to Hall 601 to escape the madness as well as await the arrival of 2 MediaCorp artistes who are set to promote their upcoming drama "Together"... Dai Yang Tian and Eelyn Kok!! I seriously didn't expect to see Eelyn again after so long (abt 6 months, to be exact)... yep there was a photo taking sesssion for the fans, you bet I was delighted to take pic with Eelyn again (as well as DYT). Me and the DYT fans (the ever-lovable Hui Si meimei included) went to see the starlets off in the lift lobby. Stayed around the place a little longer to snap more pics of Cosplay characters (most particularly the hot babes!!), before heading down to Bugis region to have dinner, and take long bus ride back home... reached home at 7.40 pm.
Links to photo albums...
SingTel Christmas Fair at Suntec Hall 601
Anime Festival Asia 2009 Part 1
Anime Festival Asia 2009 Part 2
As stated earlier, I knocked off from work at 1 pm due to the half-day off which I used due to public holiday incentive. I went to Orchard Road to have lunch, and then I went to Orchard Central to buy the all-new Smackdown vs Raw 2010 PSP game. In spite of the heavy rain, I managed to reach home safely without getting wet, and then surfed Internet for about 2 hours. Left house at 5.30 pm, reached Expo at 6.15 pm and had quick dinner. Went to Expo Hall 4 to reconnect with some old friends (namely fellow MediaCorp fanatics) see 4 types of dances, and a hosting segment by MediaCorp artistes Rayson Tan and Koh Yah Hwee. Wah sei, Ya Hui's heirdo super short like mushroom eh. A few fans managed to take pic with the 2007 Star Search starlet before she and Rayson got escorted off to car park region rather quickly. Right after they left at around 8.50 pm, I took train and bus back home in time to watch another episode of WWE Smackdown.
Click here to see the photos... Asian Pacific Food Expo 2009
Saturday, 21st November
Internet time in morning. Work in afternoon. Then after me and 3 more guys rolled down the shutter, we went separate ways... myself heading to good ol' Orchard to watch some performances at YouthBox Star semi-finals at Level 1. To my surprise, there were a few old friends there, whom I hadn't seen for about 2 years. Main purpose of going there was obviously to root for Jasmine Tye who was one of the semi-finalists (turns out that SI 3 semi-finalist Benjamin Chow was also involded). Joselin Ng was the guest performer, and man did she look really HAWT!! Us SI fans took pic with Jasmine and left the place at 8 pm. By the time I got back home, i got an sms stating that Jasmine has proceeded to the finals. Whee, congrats!! :-)
Link to photo album... Youthbox Star Finals at Far East Plaza
Sunday, 22nd November
Start of the Sagittarius Star
This truly is a crazy day. After doing contrast-and-brightness control for morning service, I went down to Suntec City to have quick lunc, then loiter around a bit. The moment I got to LEvel 3 of Suntec Convention, I was trapped in a huge crowd full of shutterbugs taking pictures of various Cosplay characters (there was an Anime Festival going on at Level 4).
After staying there for about an hour, I went up to Hall 601 to escape the madness as well as await the arrival of 2 MediaCorp artistes who are set to promote their upcoming drama "Together"... Dai Yang Tian and Eelyn Kok!! I seriously didn't expect to see Eelyn again after so long (abt 6 months, to be exact)... yep there was a photo taking sesssion for the fans, you bet I was delighted to take pic with Eelyn again (as well as DYT). Me and the DYT fans (the ever-lovable Hui Si meimei included) went to see the starlets off in the lift lobby. Stayed around the place a little longer to snap more pics of Cosplay characters (most particularly the hot babes!!), before heading down to Bugis region to have dinner, and take long bus ride back home... reached home at 7.40 pm.
Links to photo albums...
SingTel Christmas Fair at Suntec Hall 601
Anime Festival Asia 2009 Part 1
Anime Festival Asia 2009 Part 2
Friday, November 20, 2009
6 months on and counting...
Today is officially my 6th month in my current workplace, I somehow managed to strike a balance between work and leisure time. And in case you're wondering how come this entry could pop up in the middle of Friday afternoon when I should be working, that's because I made use of half-day off from public holiday! :-)
It's really a blessing to grow deeper with God and learn more about myself every day as I attended to customers from all walks of life. Resiliency and confidence are some of the main factors that got me going. I never thought that time could pass so quickly from the time I went for the interview on that Friday afternoon. Had it not been for the Hope programme I had attended in early May, I would probably be wasting my time away, either using Internet for too many hours or going for countless interviews with very little luck. Unfortunately, it is mostly due to my work commitments that I am somewhat suffering from a moderate case of writer's block. Which is why I don't update my blog as much as I used to nowadays.
Ok, enough for now, I gotta log off, will be going to Expo later to see a certain Miss Koh Yah Hwee... watch this spce ;-)
It's really a blessing to grow deeper with God and learn more about myself every day as I attended to customers from all walks of life. Resiliency and confidence are some of the main factors that got me going. I never thought that time could pass so quickly from the time I went for the interview on that Friday afternoon. Had it not been for the Hope programme I had attended in early May, I would probably be wasting my time away, either using Internet for too many hours or going for countless interviews with very little luck. Unfortunately, it is mostly due to my work commitments that I am somewhat suffering from a moderate case of writer's block. Which is why I don't update my blog as much as I used to nowadays.
Ok, enough for now, I gotta log off, will be going to Expo later to see a certain Miss Koh Yah Hwee... watch this spce ;-)
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Surprises and shocks during SI 3 Top 5
Happy Birthday to Andrew and Grace
Sigh, I can't believe it. Faizal Isa, the same guy whom I befriended 3 years back during Singapore Idol season 2 roadshows 3 years ago and had gone all the way to the Spectaculars, had been eliminated last night.
Just when we thought that Faizal, perhaps the only one who has never been in bottom position due to the huge amount of support from family and friends, would be anounced safe, it turned out hat it was he who got the lowest number of votes, lower than Tabby and Charles who were already in the Unsafe Zone. Like Duane before him, it was his first and only time in the bottom half, and his elimination was just as jaw-dropping as Mae's elimination.
After my shift ended at 6 pm, I took cab to good ol MediaCorp theater to watch Singapore Idol Top 5 with about 6 friends. The special segment that took place from 9.30 to 9.45 pm involved ousted Idols Malaque, Farhan and Duane doing a Sing-Off and Dance-Off. For the live feed, it was Gurmit asking Florence on her opinions about the Top 5's performances and whether the song choices from their friends/fans did them justice.
During the Results show, Gurmit had a 'face-off' with Phua Chu Kang who was working backstage (footage actually pre-recorded). When it came to the results, Sezairi and Sylvia advanced to the Top 4, while Tabitha and Charles were sent to the Bottom Half corner. And yet another surprise came forth... Faizal Isa, the only contestant whose fate had not been determined, was indeed the one whose Idol journey came to an end. And with the Judges' decision not to use the stupid Judges' Save on Faizal, the veto cluase is no longer effective. It was truly a shocking and surreal moment for everyone in the theater... oh, and the Pink Team led by Sherry that Chao Ah Quah were crying nonstop!!
After the show, we headed to the reception. I managed to take picture with Faizal's pretty sister Nurulain as well as with the gorgeous Sylvia (yeah baby!!). All the Top 5 Idols came out rather early this time round, including Malaque, Duane and Farhan. No prizes for guessing which Idol finalist drew the biggest crowd... :-)
For more photos, go here.
Sigh, I can't believe it. Faizal Isa, the same guy whom I befriended 3 years back during Singapore Idol season 2 roadshows 3 years ago and had gone all the way to the Spectaculars, had been eliminated last night.
Just when we thought that Faizal, perhaps the only one who has never been in bottom position due to the huge amount of support from family and friends, would be anounced safe, it turned out hat it was he who got the lowest number of votes, lower than Tabby and Charles who were already in the Unsafe Zone. Like Duane before him, it was his first and only time in the bottom half, and his elimination was just as jaw-dropping as Mae's elimination.
After my shift ended at 6 pm, I took cab to good ol MediaCorp theater to watch Singapore Idol Top 5 with about 6 friends. The special segment that took place from 9.30 to 9.45 pm involved ousted Idols Malaque, Farhan and Duane doing a Sing-Off and Dance-Off. For the live feed, it was Gurmit asking Florence on her opinions about the Top 5's performances and whether the song choices from their friends/fans did them justice.
During the Results show, Gurmit had a 'face-off' with Phua Chu Kang who was working backstage (footage actually pre-recorded). When it came to the results, Sezairi and Sylvia advanced to the Top 4, while Tabitha and Charles were sent to the Bottom Half corner. And yet another surprise came forth... Faizal Isa, the only contestant whose fate had not been determined, was indeed the one whose Idol journey came to an end. And with the Judges' decision not to use the stupid Judges' Save on Faizal, the veto cluase is no longer effective. It was truly a shocking and surreal moment for everyone in the theater... oh, and the Pink Team led by Sherry that Chao Ah Quah were crying nonstop!!
After the show, we headed to the reception. I managed to take picture with Faizal's pretty sister Nurulain as well as with the gorgeous Sylvia (yeah baby!!). All the Top 5 Idols came out rather early this time round, including Malaque, Duane and Farhan. No prizes for guessing which Idol finalist drew the biggest crowd... :-)
For more photos, go here.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
My collection of current WWE Superstars part 3
As promised here are the assorted group photos of the WWE Superstars

The Brothers of Destruction... The Phenom Undertaker and the Big Red Monster Kane. They were the first and only tag team to becme unified tag team champions (WWE and WCW tag team titles) back in the InVasion era.

Who else but D-Generation X (both of them being Royal Rumble winners as well as Triple Crown/Grand Slam winners)... The Game Triple H and the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels

Friends turned enemies... the Animal Batista and the High-Flyer Rey Mysterio. Both were former World Champions, and they had been WWE Tag Team Champions on one occasion.

John Cena the Freestyler, and CM Punk the Straight-Edge Superstar.

Group arrangement 1... title belts and chairs laid on ground

Group arrangement 2... John Cena the current WWE Champion, and Undertaker the current World Heavyweight Champion.
The Brothers of Destruction... The Phenom Undertaker and the Big Red Monster Kane. They were the first and only tag team to becme unified tag team champions (WWE and WCW tag team titles) back in the InVasion era.
Who else but D-Generation X (both of them being Royal Rumble winners as well as Triple Crown/Grand Slam winners)... The Game Triple H and the Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels
Friends turned enemies... the Animal Batista and the High-Flyer Rey Mysterio. Both were former World Champions, and they had been WWE Tag Team Champions on one occasion.
John Cena the Freestyler, and CM Punk the Straight-Edge Superstar.
Group arrangement 1... title belts and chairs laid on ground
Group arrangement 2... John Cena the current WWE Champion, and Undertaker the current World Heavyweight Champion.
My collection of current WWE Superstars part 2
Conitnued from previous post...

We have the high-flying Rey Mysterio, someone you should never look down on. What he lacks in terms of height and size, he make up with his quickness and agility, lucha libre style. Starting off in ECW and later in WCW, Rey is a former World HeavyweightChampion, the 21st Triple Crown winner, as well as the 2006 Royal Rumble winner. In spite of coming close to having his face exposed in recent times, we already know what he looks like since his days in WCW back in 2000.
Hometown: San Diego, California
Brands competed: Smackdown (2002-2008, 2009-current), Raw (2008-2009)
Achievements: World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, WWE Tag Team Chapion (4), WWE Cruiserweight Champion (3), WCW Cruiserweight Champion (5), WCW Tag Team Champion (3), 2006 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: 619 feint kick, Dropping Da Dime, Springboard senton, West Coast Pop, Mysterio Express, hurricanrana, spinning dropkick, arm drag, moonsault variations

The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels isn't called Mr WrestleMania for nothing. He competed in the first Ladder Match, the first Iron Man match, the first Hell In A Cell match, and the first Elimination Chamber match. He is the 4th Triple Crown winner, the first ever Grand Slam winner, and he was the first person to win 2 consecutive Royal Rumbles. Together with longtime friend Triple H, he is the co-founder of D-Generation X. The biggest highlight was when he came out of semi-retirement in mid 2002 and won the World Title at Survivor Series 2002.
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Brands competed in: Raw (2002-current)
Achievements: WWE Champion (3), World Heavyweight Champion (1), Intercontinental Champion (2), European Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (4), 1995 and 1996 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark move: Sweet Chin Music, diving elbow, moified figure-four leglock, flying forearm smach, reverse atomic drop, moonsault, Skin-the-cat, slingshot crossbody

Behold the King of Kings!! I mean let's face it, Triple H is the only person to be King of The Ring (1997) as well as Royal Rmble winner (2002), that's why the critics say that he's that damn good. He is a 13-time world champion (watch out, Ric Flair!), he became the 7th Triple Crown winner and 2nd Grand Slam winner on the same night with his sole tag team title win with Steve Austin at Backlash 2001. Not to forget that the Cerebral Assassin is co-founder of 2 powerful factions, Evolution and D-Generation X. Did we forget to mention that he's the son-in-law of Vince McMahon?
Hometown: Greenwich, Connecticut
Brands competed in as per WWE Draft: Raw (2002-2008, 2009), Smackdown (2002, 2008-2009)
Achievements: WWE Champion (8), World Heavyweight Champion (5), Intercontinental Champion (4), European Champion (2), World Tag Team Champion (1),1997 King Of The Ring winner, 2002 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: Pedigree, Knee Smash, spinebuster, chop block, figure four leglock, running kneedrop to face, running clothesline, sleeper hold

The Undertaker is perhaps the most dominant force iever to walk the face of the WWE universe. He has been leaving a path of destruction since his debut in late 1990, taking out WWE all-time greats like Jimmy Snuka, King Kong Bundy, Yokozuna, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock and most recently, Shawn Michaels. His arsenal of flying clotheslines, chokeslams, Tombstones and the dreaded Hell's Gate have made him a 7-time World Champion as well as the 2007 Royal Rumble winner.(the first of 2 men to win the Rumble at number 30, the other being John Cena). And he stands at an impressive 17-0 for his undefeated streak at WrestleMania. And er yes, he was the leader of the dreaded Ministry of Darkness from 1998 to 1999...
Hometown: Death Valley
Brands competed in as per WWE Draft: Raw (2002), Smackdown (2002-current)
Achievements: World Heavyweight Champion (3), WWE Champion (4), Hardcore Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (6), WCW Tag Team Champion (1), 2007 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: Tombstone piledriver, Hell's Gate, chokeslam, Last Ride powerbomb, Old School, flying clothesline, running DDT, reverse STO, Darkness choke, jumping legdrop
So there you have it, the current WWE Superstars of the 21st century. Stay tuned to the next post consisting of group shots ;-)
We have the high-flying Rey Mysterio, someone you should never look down on. What he lacks in terms of height and size, he make up with his quickness and agility, lucha libre style. Starting off in ECW and later in WCW, Rey is a former World HeavyweightChampion, the 21st Triple Crown winner, as well as the 2006 Royal Rumble winner. In spite of coming close to having his face exposed in recent times, we already know what he looks like since his days in WCW back in 2000.
Hometown: San Diego, California
Brands competed: Smackdown (2002-2008, 2009-current), Raw (2008-2009)
Achievements: World Heavyweight Champion, Intercontinental Champion, WWE Tag Team Chapion (4), WWE Cruiserweight Champion (3), WCW Cruiserweight Champion (5), WCW Tag Team Champion (3), 2006 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: 619 feint kick, Dropping Da Dime, Springboard senton, West Coast Pop, Mysterio Express, hurricanrana, spinning dropkick, arm drag, moonsault variations
The Heartbreak Kid Shawn Michaels isn't called Mr WrestleMania for nothing. He competed in the first Ladder Match, the first Iron Man match, the first Hell In A Cell match, and the first Elimination Chamber match. He is the 4th Triple Crown winner, the first ever Grand Slam winner, and he was the first person to win 2 consecutive Royal Rumbles. Together with longtime friend Triple H, he is the co-founder of D-Generation X. The biggest highlight was when he came out of semi-retirement in mid 2002 and won the World Title at Survivor Series 2002.
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Brands competed in: Raw (2002-current)
Achievements: WWE Champion (3), World Heavyweight Champion (1), Intercontinental Champion (2), European Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (4), 1995 and 1996 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark move: Sweet Chin Music, diving elbow, moified figure-four leglock, flying forearm smach, reverse atomic drop, moonsault, Skin-the-cat, slingshot crossbody
Behold the King of Kings!! I mean let's face it, Triple H is the only person to be King of The Ring (1997) as well as Royal Rmble winner (2002), that's why the critics say that he's that damn good. He is a 13-time world champion (watch out, Ric Flair!), he became the 7th Triple Crown winner and 2nd Grand Slam winner on the same night with his sole tag team title win with Steve Austin at Backlash 2001. Not to forget that the Cerebral Assassin is co-founder of 2 powerful factions, Evolution and D-Generation X. Did we forget to mention that he's the son-in-law of Vince McMahon?
Hometown: Greenwich, Connecticut
Brands competed in as per WWE Draft: Raw (2002-2008, 2009), Smackdown (2002, 2008-2009)
Achievements: WWE Champion (8), World Heavyweight Champion (5), Intercontinental Champion (4), European Champion (2), World Tag Team Champion (1),1997 King Of The Ring winner, 2002 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: Pedigree, Knee Smash, spinebuster, chop block, figure four leglock, running kneedrop to face, running clothesline, sleeper hold
The Undertaker is perhaps the most dominant force iever to walk the face of the WWE universe. He has been leaving a path of destruction since his debut in late 1990, taking out WWE all-time greats like Jimmy Snuka, King Kong Bundy, Yokozuna, Ric Flair, Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, The Rock and most recently, Shawn Michaels. His arsenal of flying clotheslines, chokeslams, Tombstones and the dreaded Hell's Gate have made him a 7-time World Champion as well as the 2007 Royal Rumble winner.(the first of 2 men to win the Rumble at number 30, the other being John Cena). And he stands at an impressive 17-0 for his undefeated streak at WrestleMania. And er yes, he was the leader of the dreaded Ministry of Darkness from 1998 to 1999...
Hometown: Death Valley
Brands competed in as per WWE Draft: Raw (2002), Smackdown (2002-current)
Achievements: World Heavyweight Champion (3), WWE Champion (4), Hardcore Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (6), WCW Tag Team Champion (1), 2007 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: Tombstone piledriver, Hell's Gate, chokeslam, Last Ride powerbomb, Old School, flying clothesline, running DDT, reverse STO, Darkness choke, jumping legdrop
So there you have it, the current WWE Superstars of the 21st century. Stay tuned to the next post consisting of group shots ;-)
My collection of current WWE Superstars part 1
Happy Birthday to Ying Tian and Sherlyn
As promised, here's the range of currently active WWE Superstars (mostly face, I decided not to buy any major heels due to their heinous deeds... people like Edge or Randy Orton). Here goes the first 4...

First up, we have the Animal Batista. Sure he's turned heel right after turning his back on his fans and good friend Rey Mysterio at Bragging Rights, but you can't deny the impact the powerhouse had made since his debut in 2002 (interestingly enough, he started off as a 'deacon' to Reverend D-Von). He is a 5-time World Champion, a former member of Evolution, and the winner of the 2001 Royal Rumble.
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Brands competed in: Raw (2003-2005, 2008-2009), Smackdown (2002, 2005-2008, 2009-current)
Achievements: World Heavyweight Championship (4), WWE Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (2), WWE Tag Team Champion (1), 2001 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: Batista Bomb, Spinebuster, Spear, powerslam, shoulder blocks, running clothesline

Next we have the Straight Edge Superstar CM Punk. He's also turned heel since Extreme Rules, but he has already been riding on a high since March last year. He made his WWE debut on the ECW brand in mid 2006, became ECW Champion in Sept 2007, won the Money In The Bank match twice, and he became the 19th Triple Crown in a record 203 days.
Hometown: Cicago, Illinois
Brands competed in: ECW (2006-2008), Raw (2008-2009), Smackdown (2009-current)
Achievements: World Heavyweight Champion (3), ECW Champion (1), Intercontinental Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (1), Mr Money In The Bank (2008 and 2009)
Trademark moves: Go-To-Sleep, Anaconda Vice, Shining Wizard combo, snap scoop powerslam, rope stretch chicken wing, savate kicks

The Champ is here!! None other than John Cena, the ultimate protagonist of WWE Raw. He's never backed down from a challenge (esp with his first televised match against Kurt Angle on Smackdown), he's entertained the fans with his freestyling (he wrote the lyrics to his own entrance themes), and within 4 years he had become a 7-time World Champion, as well as the winner of the 2008 Royal Rumble (he's the 2nd person to win the Rumble at No 30). He's also had a tryout in cinema as leading man in "The Marine" and "12 Rounds".
Hometown: West Newbury, Massechusetts
Brands competed in: Smackdown (2002-2005), Raw (2005-current)
Achievements: WWE Champion (5), World Heavyweight Champion (2), United States Champion (3), World Tag Team Champion (2), 2008 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: Attitude Adjustment (formerly known as FU), STF, 5-Knuckle Shuffle, Reverse powerbomb, legdrop bulldog, Throwback, Cena punches, leaping shoulder blocks, fisherman suplex

The Big Red Monster has been leaving a path of destruction since his WWE debut in October 1997. Kane used to be known as Isaac Yankem DDS and the Imposter Diesel between 1994 to 1996, but his current gimmick as Kane is the best one to date. Matter of fact, he's gotten more aggressive since removing his mask in 2003. He is a former WWE Champion (stinks that he never won it again), the 8th Triple Crown champion and 3rd Grand Slam winner, has captured the World Tag Team Championship on 8 occasions, and has taken part in every Royal Rumble match since 1999. And he's one of 4 characters to appear in all the games of the Smackdown vs Raw video game series.
Hometown: Parts unknown
Brands competed in: Raw (2002-2006, 2008-2009), Smackdown (2006-2008, 2009-current), ECW (2009)
Achievements: WWE Champion (1), ECW Champion (1), Intercontinental Champion (2), Hardcore Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (8), WCW Tag Team Champion (1)
Trademark moves: Chokeslam, Tombstone piledriver, flying clothesline, falling powerbomb, throat thrust, big boot, gorilla press slam
Stay tuned for part 2... comprising of Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and The Undertaker!!
As promised, here's the range of currently active WWE Superstars (mostly face, I decided not to buy any major heels due to their heinous deeds... people like Edge or Randy Orton). Here goes the first 4...
First up, we have the Animal Batista. Sure he's turned heel right after turning his back on his fans and good friend Rey Mysterio at Bragging Rights, but you can't deny the impact the powerhouse had made since his debut in 2002 (interestingly enough, he started off as a 'deacon' to Reverend D-Von). He is a 5-time World Champion, a former member of Evolution, and the winner of the 2001 Royal Rumble.
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Brands competed in: Raw (2003-2005, 2008-2009), Smackdown (2002, 2005-2008, 2009-current)
Achievements: World Heavyweight Championship (4), WWE Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (2), WWE Tag Team Champion (1), 2001 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: Batista Bomb, Spinebuster, Spear, powerslam, shoulder blocks, running clothesline
Next we have the Straight Edge Superstar CM Punk. He's also turned heel since Extreme Rules, but he has already been riding on a high since March last year. He made his WWE debut on the ECW brand in mid 2006, became ECW Champion in Sept 2007, won the Money In The Bank match twice, and he became the 19th Triple Crown in a record 203 days.
Hometown: Cicago, Illinois
Brands competed in: ECW (2006-2008), Raw (2008-2009), Smackdown (2009-current)
Achievements: World Heavyweight Champion (3), ECW Champion (1), Intercontinental Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (1), Mr Money In The Bank (2008 and 2009)
Trademark moves: Go-To-Sleep, Anaconda Vice, Shining Wizard combo, snap scoop powerslam, rope stretch chicken wing, savate kicks
The Champ is here!! None other than John Cena, the ultimate protagonist of WWE Raw. He's never backed down from a challenge (esp with his first televised match against Kurt Angle on Smackdown), he's entertained the fans with his freestyling (he wrote the lyrics to his own entrance themes), and within 4 years he had become a 7-time World Champion, as well as the winner of the 2008 Royal Rumble (he's the 2nd person to win the Rumble at No 30). He's also had a tryout in cinema as leading man in "The Marine" and "12 Rounds".
Hometown: West Newbury, Massechusetts
Brands competed in: Smackdown (2002-2005), Raw (2005-current)
Achievements: WWE Champion (5), World Heavyweight Champion (2), United States Champion (3), World Tag Team Champion (2), 2008 Royal Rumble winner
Trademark moves: Attitude Adjustment (formerly known as FU), STF, 5-Knuckle Shuffle, Reverse powerbomb, legdrop bulldog, Throwback, Cena punches, leaping shoulder blocks, fisherman suplex
The Big Red Monster has been leaving a path of destruction since his WWE debut in October 1997. Kane used to be known as Isaac Yankem DDS and the Imposter Diesel between 1994 to 1996, but his current gimmick as Kane is the best one to date. Matter of fact, he's gotten more aggressive since removing his mask in 2003. He is a former WWE Champion (stinks that he never won it again), the 8th Triple Crown champion and 3rd Grand Slam winner, has captured the World Tag Team Championship on 8 occasions, and has taken part in every Royal Rumble match since 1999. And he's one of 4 characters to appear in all the games of the Smackdown vs Raw video game series.
Hometown: Parts unknown
Brands competed in: Raw (2002-2006, 2008-2009), Smackdown (2006-2008, 2009-current), ECW (2009)
Achievements: WWE Champion (1), ECW Champion (1), Intercontinental Champion (2), Hardcore Champion (1), World Tag Team Champion (8), WCW Tag Team Champion (1)
Trademark moves: Chokeslam, Tombstone piledriver, flying clothesline, falling powerbomb, throat thrust, big boot, gorilla press slam
Stay tuned for part 2... comprising of Rey Mysterio, Shawn Michaels, Triple H and The Undertaker!!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
SPD Breaking Barriers Challenge-cum-Charity Show
Yesterday after work, I went to Ngee Ann City to see the happening at the SPD Challenge event. Much to my surprise, the response at the stage area within Civic Plaza was rather quiet (compared to the overwhleming turnout at Toa Payoh Hub for the True Hearts charity show inJune)... my main purpose of going there was to see Jasmine Tye obviously. Other singers involved in this charity special include YY Chen, Kenneth, Leon, Zijie and Rachel Chua Ai Jia (why did she have to cut her hair super short?!?).
Much to my displeasure, most of the other fans I am aware of consist of people I don't like... the weird duo Mr Cyan (always put finger at lip!) and Mr Red (when will he ever fully tuck out his damn shirt and put down his bag!!), and even the Stinkbomb was present!! Thank God that Lei Jun didn't lay a hand on me or Ishardi in front of the others... otherwise he's finished for sure!!

CSS 3 runner-up Rachel Chua Ai Jia with her new look

CSS 1 Top 10 finalist Chen Yiyuan

CSS 2 Top 8 finalist Ngeow Zijie

Some tall guy named Kenneth

Another guy named Leon

Finally, it's time for Singapore Idol season 2 runner-up Jasmine Tye to grace the stage. Cutie and weetie as ever :-)

4 guys and 1 girl with the group of disabled but strong-willed people

Obviously Ish and myself took 2 photos with Jasmine after the show.
For certain, I'm going to see Jasmine again this coming weekend at Far East Plaza... this time round for Youthbox Star Semi-Finals. For more photos for the SPD Challenge-cum-charity show, go here.
Much to my displeasure, most of the other fans I am aware of consist of people I don't like... the weird duo Mr Cyan (always put finger at lip!) and Mr Red (when will he ever fully tuck out his damn shirt and put down his bag!!), and even the Stinkbomb was present!! Thank God that Lei Jun didn't lay a hand on me or Ishardi in front of the others... otherwise he's finished for sure!!
CSS 3 runner-up Rachel Chua Ai Jia with her new look
CSS 1 Top 10 finalist Chen Yiyuan
CSS 2 Top 8 finalist Ngeow Zijie
Some tall guy named Kenneth
Another guy named Leon
Finally, it's time for Singapore Idol season 2 runner-up Jasmine Tye to grace the stage. Cutie and weetie as ever :-)
4 guys and 1 girl with the group of disabled but strong-willed people
Obviously Ish and myself took 2 photos with Jasmine after the show.
For certain, I'm going to see Jasmine again this coming weekend at Far East Plaza... this time round for Youthbox Star Semi-Finals. For more photos for the SPD Challenge-cum-charity show, go here.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Song to dedicate once more before heading off to NAC
I will be going to Ngee Ann City to see some performances for the SPD Charity Show at Ngee Ann City Civic Plaza later today after knocking off from work at 6 pm. I do have a song to dedicate primarily to anyone who disagrees with my thoughts on Sherry and Duane (that includes that lowlife twit whose comment I deleted not too long ago), as well as to a certain Mr NT and Mr PCST (leave you to guess who, they happen to be Idol alumni) in regards to their constant invites for late night invites... they all need to BEAT IT!!!
BEAT IT- Michael Jackson
They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it! Just beat it!
You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be no macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it! But you wanna be bad
Just beat it! Beat it!
No one wants to be defeated
Show them how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it! (beat it!)
Just beat it! (beat it!)
Just beat it! (beat it!)
Just beat it! (beat it!)
They're out to get you, better leave while you can
Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it! (beat it! ) Just beat it! (beat it! )
You have to show them that you're really not scared
You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare
They'll kick you, then they beat you,
Then they'll tell you it's fair
So beat it (beat it), but you wanna be bad
(Repeat chorus)
Just beat it! (beat it) Beat it! (beat it)
No one wants to be defeated
Show them how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Repeat chorus til end
BEAT IT- Michael Jackson
They told him don't you ever come around here
Don't wanna see your face, you better disappear
The fire's in their eyes and their words are really clear
So beat it! Just beat it!
You better run, you better do what you can
Don't wanna see no blood, don't be no macho man
You wanna be tough, better do what you can
So beat it! But you wanna be bad
Just beat it! Beat it!
No one wants to be defeated
Show them how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Just beat it! (beat it!)
Just beat it! (beat it!)
Just beat it! (beat it!)
Just beat it! (beat it!)
They're out to get you, better leave while you can
Don't wanna be a boy, you wanna be a man
You wanna stay alive, better do what you can
So beat it! (beat it! ) Just beat it! (beat it! )
You have to show them that you're really not scared
You're playin' with your life, this ain't no truth or dare
They'll kick you, then they beat you,
Then they'll tell you it's fair
So beat it (beat it), but you wanna be bad
(Repeat chorus)
Just beat it! (beat it) Beat it! (beat it)
No one wants to be defeated
Show them how funky and strong is your fight
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Beat it, beat it, beat it, beat it
Repeat chorus til end
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Justice is served in SI 3 Top 6 last night...
Happy Birthday to Rina and Keely
Yesterday after finishing shift at 6 pm, I took taxi to MediaCorp once more to watch another episode of Singapore Idol, this time I got sector seat tickets and was seated alongside Charles' family, friends and fans. On a very interesting note, Tabby's family arrived about 1 or 2 minutes after me. I felt it is more worth getting sector seat tickets than mosh pit tickets, cos you get to enter the theater straightaway instead of wait at the parking lot for a long time before heading for the mosh pit. I couldnt seem to keep my eyes off Sylvia's curvaceous figure and beauty, but I put on earplugs the moment "Lousy Figure" Duane Ho performed a mediocre rendition of Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi", with a few dance moves for the finishing touch.
During "Sing-Along Idol" which came after the performance show, there were 6 fans representing the Top 6 by singing different songs. That attention seeking faggot named Sherry represented Sylvia and sang Rihanna's "Unfaithful", drawing a lot of boos for messing up his lyrics. Some leggy ang moh babe representing Tabitha got the loudest cheers and won the top prize. Also, there was a minor showdown between 6 young gals and 2 tall guys in green (why can't the second one put down his arms already!!).
For the Ch 5 news live feed, it was Gurmit along with Sezairi and Charles being surrounded by many fans as usual. I managed to get Gurms' autograph just before that :-) Former Idol contetants present at the theater were Farhan and Justin, no sign of Malaque, Nurul or even Mae (she had flown back to Perth to rent out her house and move all her stuff back to Singapore).
No guest performance during the Results show, but there was a music video featuring the Top 6 playing instruments and getting wet at the fountain in front of VivoCity, to the main theme of F.R.I.E.N.D.S "I'll Be There For You". When it came to the results, Faizal and Sezairi were declared safe, followed by the 2 remaining girls Tabitha and Sylvia. And last person to fill up the Top 5 slot was... CHARLES!! Finally, Duane's path of humiliation as well as his Idol joruney had ended (funny how come it had to happen right after his last O level paper). It was his first and only time in the Bottom 2 position. I laughed really hard cos there was a group of guys seated in front of me chanting that Bananarama song "Na na na na, na na na na, hey Duane, goodbye..." Justice has finally been served. Me and friends decided to head back home a few minutes before 11 pm, upon being told by one of the Idols' parents that the Idols will come out only after 12 am.
I seriously think the Judges' Save clause shouldnt even be introduced in first place...like no use already now that we're headed to Top 5.
Yesterday after finishing shift at 6 pm, I took taxi to MediaCorp once more to watch another episode of Singapore Idol, this time I got sector seat tickets and was seated alongside Charles' family, friends and fans. On a very interesting note, Tabby's family arrived about 1 or 2 minutes after me. I felt it is more worth getting sector seat tickets than mosh pit tickets, cos you get to enter the theater straightaway instead of wait at the parking lot for a long time before heading for the mosh pit. I couldnt seem to keep my eyes off Sylvia's curvaceous figure and beauty, but I put on earplugs the moment "Lousy Figure" Duane Ho performed a mediocre rendition of Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi", with a few dance moves for the finishing touch.
During "Sing-Along Idol" which came after the performance show, there were 6 fans representing the Top 6 by singing different songs. That attention seeking faggot named Sherry represented Sylvia and sang Rihanna's "Unfaithful", drawing a lot of boos for messing up his lyrics. Some leggy ang moh babe representing Tabitha got the loudest cheers and won the top prize. Also, there was a minor showdown between 6 young gals and 2 tall guys in green (why can't the second one put down his arms already!!).
For the Ch 5 news live feed, it was Gurmit along with Sezairi and Charles being surrounded by many fans as usual. I managed to get Gurms' autograph just before that :-) Former Idol contetants present at the theater were Farhan and Justin, no sign of Malaque, Nurul or even Mae (she had flown back to Perth to rent out her house and move all her stuff back to Singapore).
No guest performance during the Results show, but there was a music video featuring the Top 6 playing instruments and getting wet at the fountain in front of VivoCity, to the main theme of F.R.I.E.N.D.S "I'll Be There For You". When it came to the results, Faizal and Sezairi were declared safe, followed by the 2 remaining girls Tabitha and Sylvia. And last person to fill up the Top 5 slot was... CHARLES!! Finally, Duane's path of humiliation as well as his Idol joruney had ended (funny how come it had to happen right after his last O level paper). It was his first and only time in the Bottom 2 position. I laughed really hard cos there was a group of guys seated in front of me chanting that Bananarama song "Na na na na, na na na na, hey Duane, goodbye..." Justice has finally been served. Me and friends decided to head back home a few minutes before 11 pm, upon being told by one of the Idols' parents that the Idols will come out only after 12 am.
I seriously think the Judges' Save clause shouldnt even be introduced in first place...like no use already now that we're headed to Top 5.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Dedication to the fans of the Idols and the King of Pop
Before I set off for bed to prepare for a new day (as well as to watch Singapore Idol after work), I dedicate this song to the fans of the remaining Top 6, as well as to the fans of MJ. The movie "Michael Jackson's This Is It" has just ended its 2-week run in cinemas, now all we need to do is wait for the DVD to hit the stores.
They Don't Care About Us- Michael Jackson
Skin head, dead hea, everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation, everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news, everybody dog food
Bang bang, shot dead, everybody's gone mad
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Beat me, hate me, you can never break me
Will me, thrill me, you can never kill me
J** me, Sue me, everybody do me
Kick me, K*** me, don't you black or white me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride oh for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad
Trepidation, speculation, everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news, everybody dog food
Black man, black mail, throw your brother in jail
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no
Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation, everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me, you can never trash me
Hit me, kick me, you can never get me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, oh no
Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation (hoo hoo...)
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food (hoo hoo...)
Kick me, K*** me
Don't you wrong or right me!
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
(We're deep in fire)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
(I'm there to remind you)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
(Don't you like to know what it feels babe?)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us (hoo hoo...)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us (hoo hoo...)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us (hoo hoo hee!!)
Hee hee... hoo hoo!!
They Don't Care About Us- Michael Jackson
Skin head, dead hea, everybody gone bad
Situation, aggravation, everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news, everybody dog food
Bang bang, shot dead, everybody's gone mad
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Beat me, hate me, you can never break me
Will me, thrill me, you can never kill me
J** me, Sue me, everybody do me
Kick me, K*** me, don't you black or white me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my life
I have a wife and two children who love me
I am the victim of police brutality, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate
You're rapin' me of my pride oh for God's sake
I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...
Set me free
Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad
Trepidation, speculation, everybody allegation
In the suite, on the news, everybody dog food
Black man, black mail, throw your brother in jail
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't wanna see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no
Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad
Situation, speculation, everybody litigation
Beat me, bash me, you can never trash me
Hit me, kick me, you can never get me
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
Some things in life they just don't wanna see
But if Martin Luther was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, oh no
Skin head, dead head, everybody gone bad
Situation, segregation
Everybody allegation (hoo hoo...)
In the suite, on the news
Everybody dog food (hoo hoo...)
Kick me, K*** me
Don't you wrong or right me!
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
(We're deep in fire)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
(I'm there to remind you)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us
(Don't you like to know what it feels babe?)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us (hoo hoo...)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us (hoo hoo...)
All I wanna say is that
They don't really care about us (hoo hoo hee!!)
Hee hee... hoo hoo!!
Random thoughts for first week of Nov
Happy Birthday to Chris Jericho, Tay Ping Hui, Ariz and Jeron
If you might have noticed, I hardly have time to update my blog nowadays, mostly due to lack of motivation stemming from work fatigue 5.5 days a week. I mean seriously, there isn't much happenings these days, save for going for SI recordings and thinking of how to kill boredom on Sunday afternoons, given the lack of roadshows in recent months. Not to forget that I am still trying to kick the addiction from Facebook. Which is probably why you don't see much photos uploaded here as of late. Like I said many times, I'm nowhere as long-winded or lowlife or retarded as Sean Koh...
Speaking abt Sunday, I didn't do much... I went to church service with family, then we had lunch at Heartland Mall, I went to Chinatown to go see the mega toy-electronic fair again (it was the last day), bought 2 WWE figures (more on that in an upcoming entry, I promise!), and that's about it. I nearly wanted to go to Orchard Road, but was too tired by the time I got out of Chinatown. It was probably a blessing in disguise, cos I later found out from Mum that Orchard Road would be closed for about a week due to the APEC Summit that is to take place at Shangri-La Hotel at around this time. And President Obama is one of the many delegates involved in this global-scale meeting...
Tomorrow I will be going to MediaCorp once more to watch the Singapore Idol Top 6 Spectaculars (thanks a lot for the extra ticket, Edmund)... I will be bringing along a pair of earplugs and maybe a blindfold to use when one of the finalists is about to perform Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi"... some of you might know who I am referring to. And the judges had BETTER use the Judges' Save already, it's already nearing the Top 5!! Whatever happens tomorrow, I am still sticking by the conditions I lay upon myself since last month... already lost part of my heart, mind and soul following the disastrous results for the past 4 weeks. The girls are the more impressive ones yet they are being dropped like flies... now there's only 2 girls left to cling onto the hope of having a female contestant being voted in the Finals come the night of December 27th. Already I can sense the pressure being put on these 2 fine-looking babes. Iskandar Sa'ad the Idol blogger did make a point... if Singapore doesn't get it right in time, the show may be 'dead and gone for sure'.
On a good note, I will still be updating my blog whenever I can... I can never bear to take a long hiatus from the blog which I had stayed faithful to for more than 3 years... to shift domain to the Notes function in Facebook would seem a bit strange.
If you might have noticed, I hardly have time to update my blog nowadays, mostly due to lack of motivation stemming from work fatigue 5.5 days a week. I mean seriously, there isn't much happenings these days, save for going for SI recordings and thinking of how to kill boredom on Sunday afternoons, given the lack of roadshows in recent months. Not to forget that I am still trying to kick the addiction from Facebook. Which is probably why you don't see much photos uploaded here as of late. Like I said many times, I'm nowhere as long-winded or lowlife or retarded as Sean Koh...
Speaking abt Sunday, I didn't do much... I went to church service with family, then we had lunch at Heartland Mall, I went to Chinatown to go see the mega toy-electronic fair again (it was the last day), bought 2 WWE figures (more on that in an upcoming entry, I promise!), and that's about it. I nearly wanted to go to Orchard Road, but was too tired by the time I got out of Chinatown. It was probably a blessing in disguise, cos I later found out from Mum that Orchard Road would be closed for about a week due to the APEC Summit that is to take place at Shangri-La Hotel at around this time. And President Obama is one of the many delegates involved in this global-scale meeting...
Tomorrow I will be going to MediaCorp once more to watch the Singapore Idol Top 6 Spectaculars (thanks a lot for the extra ticket, Edmund)... I will be bringing along a pair of earplugs and maybe a blindfold to use when one of the finalists is about to perform Lady Gaga's "Paparazzi"... some of you might know who I am referring to. And the judges had BETTER use the Judges' Save already, it's already nearing the Top 5!! Whatever happens tomorrow, I am still sticking by the conditions I lay upon myself since last month... already lost part of my heart, mind and soul following the disastrous results for the past 4 weeks. The girls are the more impressive ones yet they are being dropped like flies... now there's only 2 girls left to cling onto the hope of having a female contestant being voted in the Finals come the night of December 27th. Already I can sense the pressure being put on these 2 fine-looking babes. Iskandar Sa'ad the Idol blogger did make a point... if Singapore doesn't get it right in time, the show may be 'dead and gone for sure'.
On a good note, I will still be updating my blog whenever I can... I can never bear to take a long hiatus from the blog which I had stayed faithful to for more than 3 years... to shift domain to the Notes function in Facebook would seem a bit strange.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
My thoughts on "This Is It"
On Sunday afternoon, I went to Iluma to watch "Michael Jackson's This Is It". I totally enjoyed the entire show... not just because it represents a posthumous hurrah for the late King of Pop, but it also portrays MJ as a lively and energetic performer who had hardly lost his magic touch in terms. Never mind if Mike is looking way too scrawny or malnourished, or if his face looks worse than before (from all those botched surgeries for the past 20 years)... he could still pull off a great performance, he still got all it takes to show the world why the critics call him the King of Pop. I couldn't help but sing, snap my fingers and even tap my feet to most of his songs. He probably arranged for the 50 rehearsals to be compiled into a music concert film 'just in case' he wasn't going to make it (which unfortunately really did happen with his tragic passing on June 25th). I'm so gonna buy the DVD when it comes next month... :-)
This is the list of songs featured in the film...
01) Wanna Be Starting Something- taken from Thriller album (opening song)
with snippet of "Speechless")
02) Speechless- taken from Invincible album (interlude for Song #1)
03) Bad- taken from Bad album (interlude before Song #2)
04) Smooth Criminal- taken from Bad album (2nd song)
05) The Way You Make Me Feel- taken from Bad album (3rd song)
06) Jam- taken from Dangerous album (4th song, with snippet of "Another Part Of Me")
07) Mind Is The Magic- ?
08) They Don't Care About Us- taken from HIStory album (5th song, with snippets of "Bad", "HIStory", "She Drives Me Wild" and "Why You Wanna Trip On Me")
09) Human Nature- taken from Thriller album (6th song)
10) I Want You Back- Jackson 5 song (7th song)
11) The Love You Save- Jackson 5 song (8th song)
12) I'll Be There- Jackson 5 song (9th song)
13) Shake Your Body (Down to the Ground)- Jacksons song (10th song)
14) I Just Can't Stop Loving You- taken from Bad album (11th song)
15) Thriller- taken from Thriller album (12th song, with snippets of "Ghosts" and "Threatened")
16) Who Is It- taken from Dangerous album (instrumental during aerialists rehearsal)
17) Beat It- taken from Thriller album (13th song)
18) Black Or White- taken from Dangerous album (14th song)
19) Earth Song- taken from HIStory album (15th song)
20) Billie Jean- taken from Thriller album (16th song)
21) Man In The Mirror- taken from Bad album (closing song)
22) This Is It (played during the credits)
23) Heal The World- taken from Dangerous album (live audio played during the credits)
For more info on the film, go here.
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