Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Guardian Giants of Thailand Part 6: Tosakanth (Ravana)

Description on Tosakanth (known as Ravana in the original Ramayana): He is the Demon King of Longka, green skinned with 10 faces, 20 arms, 3 face rows and more 3 faces at an occiput. There are 4 small faces at the 2nd rank, in front of the 3rd rank is Brahma face and giant face is at the behind, every face composed of a broad smile, wide eyes and wears Yod Chai Crown.

Tosakanth was once a demon named Nontuk who used to wash the feet of angels before they met Lord Shiva on Mount Krailas, but was slain by Vishnu for abusing his duties by killing angels with his diamond finger weapon (only because they treated him roughly and even plucked out hair from his head til he became bald). Nontuk was then reborn as the oldest son of Thao Lasatien and Nang Ratchada, later becoming the 3rd King of Longka City, with his wife as Montho, Kala-Akkee and several concubines. Ravana has 1,015 sons and 2 daughters. This Great Giant caused trouble everywhere he went, and he doesn’t abide by the virtues of a king; he is stubborn, lustful, aggressive, despicable, and extremely hard to reason with. Tosakanth was practically invincible; although he was on the losing end of some battles, he survived grievous injuries and kept coming back stronger than ever. His near-immortality was due to his heart being stored in a mussel shell, which his mentor Narod stored on the top of Khao Tri Kude.
The significant situation is an abduction of Sita (Rama’s wife) which instigated a huge war in Longka City.  He formed alliances with many demon rulers, only to have them slain in battle. He even banished his own brother Pipek when the latter tried to persuade him to prevent further chaos by releasing Sita. The war reached its boiling point after his oldest son Prince Indrajit was slain by Hanuman, Laskhman and Rama. After more than 10 years of war, Tosakanth died by Rama’s arrows after Hanuman tricked Ravana's mentor into lending him the mussel containing his heart, and then destroying it in the final battle. Before dying, Tosakanth proclaimed Pipek as his successor and asked him to rule over Longka with righteousness and justice, as well as look after his wives and children. Even in death, he never knew that Sita was actually his daughter borne by Montho, who was adopted by King Chanok. 

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