Thursday, April 02, 2015

Avengers Age of Ultron informatics Part 02B: Revisiting Captain America

Real name: Steve Rogers
Actor: Chris Evans
Prior film appaearances: Captain America: The First Avenger (2011), The Avengers (2012), Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)

We've seen Steve Rogers' highly stressful transition from sickly army reject (only 5 ft 4 in) to a super-soldier success (standing at 6 ft 4 in). But Steve Rogers essentially only wanted a normal life despite his patriotic urges. Chris Evans shared, "It's a matter of 'Where is home?' You know, he's always been a little lost ever since he was thawed out from his 7 decade-long slumber in the Arctic, even more son in The Winter Soldier. It's very much about, 'Well, what do i want? What am I supposed to be doing?' " Despite this, Steve rises to the occasion, which seems ominous. What kind of superhero  doesn't know what he's fighting for?

Secret: Steve Rogers is a soldier lost in time, unsure of his true goals
Not forgetting that while Captain America's shield is made of Vibranium (a vitrually indestructible rare metal in the MCU), the rest of his human body isn't as impenetrable. With Chris admitting that Capt isn't as effective as he'd like it, an that he may be "the only one who gets thrown around a little bit - simply because those Ultron sentries are so powerful", it sounds like the Star-Spangled Hero definitely has his work cut out for him.

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