Doomsday was a creature of Kryptonian origin that was recreated by Lex Luthor in an attempt to destroy Superman. LexCorp had taken in the corpse of General Zod to study Kryptonian anatomy and origins. Lex Luthor discovers that Kryptonians are vulnerable to kryptonite and then uses it to get Zod's fingerprints to access the ancient Kryptonian scout ship, and had the Scout Ship teach him about the Genesis Chamber using General Zod's Command Key as authority. As a result, Luthor brought Zod's body to the Genesis chamber and placed it in the waters, before cutting his hand and dropping it on Zod's face before telling the Ship to begin birthing. The Ship warned against the creation a "Kryptonian Deformity" as it is forbidden by the Council of Krypton, but Lex made the ship proceed.
Doomsday is ferocious, bloodthirsty and extremely dangerous. Doomsday lacks rational thinking and cannot tell the difference between friend or foe. This combined with his super-enhanced abilities, feral mind and ferocious bloodlust makes him the "ultimate doomsday device". However, like any feral animal, Doomsday can be trapped with the right bait.

Powers and Abilities
- Super Strength: Doomsday has tremendous, incalculable superhuman strength, equal to that of Superman, forcing the latter to team up with Wonder Woman and Batman in order to stand a chance against the mighty monster. Doomsday is strong enough to actually harm Superman, breaking through his invulnerability without the need of Kryptonite.
- Super Speed: Doomsday is seen moving and reacting at an incredibly quick rate, much faster than the likes of Batman .
- Super Stamina: Doomsday has incredible, virtually inexhaustible stamina.
- Invulnerability: Doomsday is virtually invulnerable, at the very least on par with Superman in that regard, though possibly much more so. He was able to survive a nuclear blast, which seemed to only make him stronger and could take tremendous blows from both Superman and Wonder Woman. He is not completely invincible as tons of explosive blasts were able to damage him, only for him to heal rapidly from such injuries.
- Accelerated Healing: Doomsday's regenerative healing factor is quite remarkable, as it makes him incredibly hard to defeat, even for the most powerful of opponents. Whenever he is healing, his injured are takes the form of a orange heated glow. Even though Superman & Batman were unable to damage him, whenever Wonder Woman damages him, he has able to heal the injuries within a few seconds. When his hand was chopped off, he was able to grow a spike in its place. It is possible that he can regrow limbs, but it seems that it would take some time.
- Thermal Blast: Doomsday can generates tremendous superheated torrents from his eyes and mouth, which are far more destructive than even Kryptonian heat vision, with a single blast instantly obliterating several city blocks. The blasts are far larger than normal heat vision, allowing them to encompass a target the size of a building floor and destroy it completely in one blast. Only beings of tremendous power, like Superman and Wonder Woman can survive a blast from Doomsday.
- Energy Absorption: Like any Kryptonian, Doomsday's cells are capable of absorbing energy to enhance his physical powers & sustain himself. Wonder Woman even stated "The creature seems to be feeding on energy". Once he has absorbed enough energy, he is capable of mutating into include various adaptions into his physiology.
- Energized Evolution: Once he has absorbed energy from missiles launched by various Apache copters, he was able to grow extra muscle mass, enhance his physical abilities & even grow out boney propulsions. However, he is not able to absorb Wonder Woman's magical energy.
- Flight: Once he had "evolved" for the first time, he was capable of flying. This was seen when he was levitating, while trying to fire down the Batwing.
- Electro-Kinesis: He has been seen releasing electric blasts from his body when extremely angered. He even used this electrical blast to loosen Diana's Lasso's grip over him, thus enabling him to "kill" Superman.
Doomsday is possibly one of the strongest beings in the known universe, able to match Superman on strength or even surpass him. He does have some weaknesses however.
Magic Vulnerability: Doomsday seems to still have the Kryptonian vulnerability to magic, as he was vulnerable to Wonder Woman's Sword, which was able to chop off one of his hands, in which a bone protrusion grew in its place. Doomsday was not capable of breaking out of Diana's Lasso of Truth's grip.
Kryptonite: Doomsday, like Superman, was also vulnerable to Kryptonite and was seemingly killed when Superman thrust the Kryptonite spear that Batman created through Doomsday's chest. While Doomsday was trying to break free of Diana's grip with his electric powers, Batman was able to temporarily disrupt his powers via his Kryptonite Grenade Launcher.
Feral Mind: Doomsday's mental faculties lack rational thinking capabilities and he relies solely on his bloodlust and extraordinary physical powers. However, like any feral animal, Doomsday can be trapped with the right bait. This was seen when Batman acted as "bait" via distracting him, and then Wonder Woman "trapped" him with her Lasso of Truth.