Monday, July 20, 2015

Ant-Man film informatics Part 02: Pym Particles

The Ant-Man Suit was a suit created by Hank Pym that used the Pym Particles.

Pym Particles are subatomic particles of an extra dimensional nature that are capable of shunting or adding mass and reducing or increasing scale of any form of matter, distorting physical forces around such objects or organisms that they are applied to. The process of altering size and changing mass levels results in extreme physical forces being created, dramatically increases the momentum of an organic subject, which can be exerted immediately after changing size. This further increases the physical effort capabilites, as well as strength and durability, of organic subjects which they can use to perform feats of inhuman physical exertion and strength with similarly inhuman ease, especially right after a human subject uses it while returning to normal size. One example is if a human user is falling from great height in their small scale, they can utilize the kinetic energy and momentum obtained from falling and exert this force immediately after or while returning to normal size. This will translate as a feat of inhuman strength while in normal size.

The Particle's ability to warp mass and size can transport said mass, and also objects and living beings, into what is known as the Microverse, a subatomic dimension of space, that holds any mass of those who have shrunken with the use of the Particles. The mass, while still part of the shrunken subject, is shunted inside the Microverse until returned. While this has not been tested as of yet, it is believed that mass can be added onto a subject of the Particles and allow the subject to increase their size rather than shrink it.