Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Ant-Man film informatics Part 03: Ant-Man suit

The Ant-Man Suit was a suit created by Hank Pym that used the Pym Particles.

Insect Manipulation: Dr Pym created the cybernetic Ant-Man helmet for achieving rudimentary communication with ants and other higher order insects. It uses electromagnetic waves to stimulate their olfactory nerve center. The user can communicate with them and use them as an extension of the users senses. In Pym's later years, he made an earpiece, that can be easily mistaken as a hearing aid, that can allow him to control insects, mostly his own ants from his ant farm, and have them work for him. He used them to keep Scott Lang under surveillance when he took the Ant Man Suit and some time after. He could also seemingly interface with the suits headpiece and seamlessly communicate with Scott when he reactivated the headpiece, tried on the suit, and accidentally shrunk himself.

Size Manipulation:
The suit's user is able to reduce his scale and mass, thereby shrinking himself to approximately the size of an ant, the extra mass being shunted into a subatomic physical dimension known as the Microverse, until the reduction effect is reversed.
Enhanced Force Generation: The user still maintained his regular sized strength and durability during shrinking. Also, the process of size alteration generates great amounts of physical force and momentum which is scaled beyond that of normal humans, which allows the user to perform feats of superhuman strength and exert such extreme physical force, comparable to that of a bullet, as well as momentum in their regular size immediately after changing their size back to normal. A user could size up physical force generated while they are in small scale and by sizing up while exposed to these forces, such as those found when an object his falling from a significant height, and utilize it to enhance their strength immediately after changing back their size. The user can exert force in their shrunken state that allows them to leap vast distances and great heights with ease. All physical action the user can perform exert an enhanced amount of kinetic energy that they can use.

The suit comes with an array of Ant-Man Disks created by Dr Pym that can increase and decrease objects' size. Red Disks shrinks objects, and Blue Disks enlarges them.