Happy Birthday to Thomas Haden Church, Crystal and Zax Hui On Saturday, I went to Chinatown for a while, to look through some old toys at China Square Central. After much consideration, I decided to buy 2 WWE toys at a cheaper price (see last paragraph).Then I took a bus to Bugis and reached the place super early, at abt 3.45 pm. I soon realized I wasn't the only early bird (Ice and Delphine had arrived way earlier than me). I felt tempted to watch "The Incredible Hulk" again, but decided not to. Watching this incredible film once is good enough, can always wait for the DVD to be out. :-)
There were some dancing rehearsals between 5 to 5.30 pm, and i immediately recognized one of the dancers to be Kay, one of the members from Platinum. This is due to her distinguishable facial features and star tattoos on her back. I managed to chat with her after the show, yippee!! :-P
Most of the fans had gathered near the stage at about 6.30 pm, fans like Rachel, Li Juan, Jerena, Vincent, etc. And to our horror, the Abominable Mr Kiam Pa did show up for the event. BLOODY FUCKER, KNNBCCB!!! Yes, I was very close to turning into The Hulk almost immediately after I found out about this. Refer to 2nd last paragraph of this entry to read my message to him.
Fel the ambassador for Tweety! brand arrived sometime before 7 pm. I felt like kicking myself for not seizing the chance to take pic wif her at the Tweety Bird shop. I did manage to talk to her for a while, and she said I don't need to get her anything from Thailand.
Then we headed back to stage... we saw a few artistes there. Artistes like Eelyn, Rebecca, Dennis Chew and Pat Mok. Not forgetting Benjamin Heng, though I doubt many people actually recognise him, let alone remember him.
The event started at 8 pm, after a long wait. I took pictures of 6 ang moh models and 2 xiaomeimeis parading on the catwalk in various Tweety Bird attire. Fel ended the fashion launch by coming out in a lovely yellow dress, complete with umbrella (ella, ella, eh eh eh).
We waited outside the stage for Fel to come out, and eventaully swarmed around her outside the Tweety Bird shop. We ended off with a group pic of Fel and fans (including that despciable soul, humph!!). Due to overwhelming crowd and other factors, I couldnt take pic wif Fel, and I felt like kicking myself again right after Fel boarded a taxi-. At least I managed to get her autograph on the Simply Her magazine I had brought along. I forgot to ask her about Mickey (the toy I gave her at Ngee Ann City last month).
But I made up for my blunder quickly by taking pic wif the beautiful Eelyn (also involved in fashion launch) at the Tweety Bird shop. Hurray!! :-D
After which most of us fans (about 14 in all, I think) gathered for supper at TCC, before taking our separate routes back home.
To the Abominable MKP aka Koh Tze Seng... you're damn right that all of us were 'damn shocked' to see YOU. I am typing this in smaller font cos of your low-class status, and also bcos I DON'T respect you at all. Truth be told, I was actually EXPECTING you to show up at Bugis, knowing how 'obsessed and highly motivated' you are towards stars like Felicia or Pat or Yanzi (to name a few). I'd be lying if I said that I 'wasn't angry' the moment I saw you; it took me a while to control my anger, lest I turn green and mean. Your abominable presence is enough to anger me, and I won't wanna throw any punches, for it is of no use to do so (not in a public place). You're right about one thing... nobody (not even myself) can stop you from 'appearing whenever you want'. Let me tell you that all of your online bragging (esp on your 'super loud whistle') will get you NOWHERE in the end. Your arrogance and abominable character will prove to be your downfall. The artistes DON'T need to know about your whistle at all. You are a cerified moron and that's the honest truth. You think people really wanna look at you??? They want to KILL you cos of your super-irritating and detsetable behavior!!! I will NEVER stop leaving you alone, and I take full pleasure in insulting you (as well as putting 'you' against various WWE Superstars in my WWE game). There's NOTHING you can do about it anyway.
And if you ain't down with that, then I got TWO WORDS for ya.. SUCK IT!!! XDDDD
And the 2 WWE figures I bought from China Square Central are... none other than the Chaingang Soldier John Cena and the Animal Batista!!! Top billing Superstars from Raw and Smackdown! :-)