Monday, September 08, 2008

Interesting search results on myself :-p

Happy Birthday to Darren ong and Tamera

A few days ago, I googled my name for fun, and other than my blog links and Friendster profile, I was surprised to see a few other websites that bear my name. I knew beforehand that my name is kinda common in Thailand, but nothing could prepare me for this...

Firstly there is a bus and coach company named "Tanat Vallet Coaches"... that also sells diesel and oil.

Then there were pictures of a red-haired dude named Tanat Lynn (me a Japanese Beng?? I certainly don't look like that when I was in my teens)... and since when do "I" grow up to be Ekin Cheng??? :-O

But this has gotta be the funniest of all... since when did "I" become a goddess??? I couldn't stop laughing in disbelief and amazement after I read this... :-D

About Tanat: In Cornwall, Tanat is the Mother Goddess of Fertility(!!!) who has given all her attention to nursing spring into its fullness. She also staunchly protects her children (nature and people) so that our spirits can come to know similar fulfillment.

To Do Today: The Furry Dance is an ancient festival that rejoices in Tanat's fine work manifested in spring's warmth and beauty. To bring this Goddess's lucky energy into your life, it's customary to dance with a partner. In fact, the more people you can get dancing, the more fortunate the energy! Usually this is done on the streets throughout a town as a show of regional unity, but when propriety won't allow such a display, just dance around a room together instead. Don't worry about the steps--just do what feels right.

Wearing something with floral or triangular motifs (guys, wear a necktie, and gals, pull out a square scarf and fold it in half crosswise) activates Tanat's happiness in your life and in any region where you have the token on today.

As you don the item, say, "Liberate happiness in and around, by Tanat's blossoming power, joy will be found!" Or, if you want to use the same thing to generate unity and harmony, use this incantation: "Harmony and unity, Tanat's blessings come to me!"


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