Saturday, November 22, 2008

Saturday madness part 2... Nanoboy, Isaac Neuron and JJ Lin at Bookfest

Here is part 2 of the happenings for today.

Once I reached Suntec Convention at 2 plus, I went straight for the Bookfest at the 6th level, and once there I looked around the multimedia section, finding myself hooked to Guitar Hero. So hooked that I eventually tried out the 'Wii-guitar' (or whatever you call it) and strummed away to Michael Jackson's "Beat It". I had played Guitar Hero before, but due to the fact that I wasn't a regular player, I had to resort to Easy Difficulty level. Then I went forth to the stage region to survey the overwhelming crowd in lieu to JJ Lin's phototaking session.

Nick Shen was one of the emcees for the programme, just as he had been for days.

At abt 3.10 pm, cartoon characters NanoBoy and Isaac Neuron came up on stage, and obviously the mascots had to this big even though they are meant to be really small in the series "NanoBoy". They were on stage for only a short while... in a segment hosted by Mervyn whats-his-sruname from Okto.

JJ Lin reached the place late, but that's because he was involved in the Children's Charity event at NAC at 3 pm. The response was overwhelming, given Junjie's immense popularity in Singapore as well as in Taiwan and China. About 600 fans turned up (perhaps even more!!), and the event had to go for a 30-minute overrun.

That period of overrun put in a bit of stress (as well as leg cramps) on those fans wanting to queue up for Rui En's autograph session. The organisers decided to push Rui En's segment to commence right after JJ Lin's session in order to make things fair, and the Kelly Reedy's Material Magic segment in between to right after Rui En's. Go to Part 3 to read abt Rui En's autograph session...

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