CAUTION... this blog may contain some offensive material in some of the posts (but Im not one to judge others whatsoever). Since 2010 this blog is now an archive for upcoming movies or video games. For more current affairs, do check out my Facebook page, thanks.
I saw this on the last page of this week's 8 days, I found it so funny and interesting, I had to put it up here.
More Egregious Offences The MRT Should Be Fining People For
So the MRT folks are so strict about eating on their trains that they'll fine you for just eating a sweet. Surely there are more important and annoying offences that they should be going after?
Possession of smelly armpits when raising arms Yes, this should be imposed, mostly for guys who stink very badly (Melvin Da Giant and Lei Jun, watch out!!), or guys who try to make up for their 'lack of balance' by putting their arm so high at the entrance of any carriage for all to see their armpit hair and smell them. Raise up your arms only if you think you smell as good as Elva Hsiao, who uses Rexona anti-perspirant spray.
Singing along to your MP3 player Whoops!! I admit I do that sometimes... in fact, I even dance to the music!! :-X
Leaning your whole back against the pole Ok, this probably won't be of any help cos I used to do that sometimes, but only bcos I'm rather tired. It's not good having your fingers crushed by someone's sweaty back right?
Pretending to be asleep when a pregnant woman boards the carriage Shame on those who still do that!! And shame also for those who are being rather ungrateful by failing to say "Thank you" after a random act of kindness...!!
Falling asleep and letting your greasy head fall onto your neighbor's shoulder Hmmm, good point there, esp if the person suddenly drools on you. But what if it's a beautiful girl sleeping on your shoulder? :-)
Possession of annoying ringtone This really gets at me, even today. People still refusing to set their phones to silent mode in train, bus or even in church, despite constant reminders. Worse of all, some of them set their phones to ring very loudly for everyone in the bus or train to hear their stupid ringtones.
Publicly addressing your girlfriend/boyfriend by their pet names, eg "Honeybumples", "kuchipoot", "Ong-Ong", etc Ermm riiiiight... I got no comment on that. But I suggest that lovers hugging and kissing passionately in the train (or anywhere in the middle of town, except for parks or restaurants) should also be fined. No sense of decency man...
Spreading legs excessivley wide and squezing your neighbor as a result (this implies mainly for guys) Open your legs so wide for what? For everyone to see your coffee shop is it?? :-/
Pretending to be a Jedi Knight and waving your hand in front of the automatic door just before they open WHOOPS!!! This offence I also did sometimes... :-p
Attempting to read people's newspaper/magazine/iPhone over their shoulder Esp if it's Zaobao they're reading. Why try to snoop at other people's reading material when you can bring along with you a book or magazine to read at your own expense?
I also felt that the people involved in the PCK Be Gracious advertisement (excluding Gurmit) should also be fined heavily for causing possible psychological damage to us poor passengers; stop playing that music already!!! :-((
I hate The Masterpiece xiah... why the hell did he come back in first place??? Chris Masters got fired yrs ago due to violating the WWE Wellness Policy THREE freaking times, and now the WWE gives him another chance!! He still smells like salted fish xiah. I want the now-good Mark Henry to squash this bugger already...
Shaquille O'Neal was the guest host for this week's epiosde of Raw, and man what a powerful impact he made. He had a face-off with new Unified Tag Team Championship co-holder The Big Show at the start of the night, and by the end of the night, he gave Pig Slow a powerful shoulder block!!
Also, after Raw went off the air, the WWE Superstars came out to celebrate Triple H's 40th birthday. Below are links to videos uploaded by WWE fans from different seatings during the live recording of Raw. :-)
Missing in action (MIA) is a status assigned to armed services personnel who are reported missing during active service. They may have been killed, wounded, become a prisoner of war, or deserted. If deceased, neither their remains nor grave can be positively identified. Becoming MIA has been an occupational risk for service personnel for as long as there has been warfare.
The term AWOL is an acronym for "Absent Without Leave". Ultimate "duty" or "responsibility," however, under International Law, is not necessarily always to a "Government" nor to a "superior," as seen in the fourth of the Nuremberg Principles, which states: "The fact that a person acted pursuant to order of his Government or of a superior does not relieve him from responsibility under international law, provided a moral choice was in fact possible to him."
I personally don't like people who go MIA, even if it's for personal reasons. Be it school, NS or work, going AWOL for more than 3 days is a very serious offence in itself. I have seen way too many MIA/AWOL scenarios to know too well the consequences of committing such an immoral and unforgivable act. To go MIA is a testimony of the person's character and conscience. Look at Mas Selamat... he went into hiding for more than a year, only to get caught in JB in early April and retained in a Malaysian detention center for about 2 years.
Here's a good example of a MIA stint: I remembered back in Sec 4 when Mr GL, a loyal student of Montfort for 10 full years, suddenly went AWOL during the last few months, only to make a surprise comeback at the start of the O levels. Due to missing out on the compulsory prelim papers, he had scored a very low aggregate score and was in grave danger of getting expelled. Rumors were that his family had been summoned back to their native country due to unknwon reasons (something to do with not getting proper citizenship or something... and we all thought he was a Singaporean citizen by birth??). To nobody's surprise, Mr GL didn't turn up on the O level results day in March 2000, but we all know he scored very badly due to lack of revision and focus. Whatever happened to him after that, we may never know...
In ITE Tampines days, there were a few goons who went AWOL for unknown reasons, one of them even rumored to have been "stranded in Pulau Ubin due to some Outward Bound Course violation" or something. Before we knew it, people like Mr Y and Mr Khad been expelled from the system for good, they went to take on part-time jobs in the streets. Not that it mattered to me anyway, I never liked them for their misdeeds...
In NS days, AWOL is considered a very serious offence, but even that rule alone is not enough to stop a few individuals like Mr A (short fella) and Mr S (Jabba lookalike) from throwing MC (feign illness). And due to continuous throwing MCs in the course of 1 year, they were demoted from drivers to something less siong, leaving us no choice but to classify them as "chao keng kia" (jabronis who would think of certain ways to escape from active duty). Or simply put, MC Kings, to quote the late Jimmy Nah who was gone too soon...
During my 2-yr work at MB, anyone who dared to go MIA for more than 3 days will be terminated with immediate effect. It had happened to 3 or 4 youngsters who didn't seem to take their work seriously. Need I say more?
The various AWOL stints at ITE Bedok I shall not comment at all, lest I incur the wraths of those who were greatly offended by my past entries on them...
As for Fiona Xie and her manager, I am very ashamed with the both of them for being such bigtime liars. I got nothing to say about the late Chris Benoit'scontroversial MIA stint 2 years back... what he did on the days leading to Vengeance: Night Of Champions 2007, we all already know (and it was damn unforgivable even to this day).
As for my current job... an MIA stint had taken place recently, and it was not good at all. I am frankyl quite disappointed with the individual responsible for the crime, and I am finding it rather hard to forgive her for doing a "Fiona Xie". So what if she has a family to take care of, what she had done since 2 weeks ago is totally inexcusable!! Even if she were gracious enough to offer 2 boxes of curry puffs from Old Chang Kee, that's still not good enough to make up for her disppearance and subsequent quitting. Then again, I guess we're better off without her... ok, it's best to move on already.
Happy Birthday to Triple H, James Tan and Matthew P
There are certain thing in life which I feel are rather redundant, i.e. don't need to happen at all.
Things like the pre-season friendly between Liverpool and the Singapore Lions at the Kallang Stadium last night. This is a complete no-brainer for soccer-fanatics and non-fans alike... most of us Singaporeans know that the sub-par "Dream Team" will end up getting thrashed by Liverpool in a similar fashion as the match against Manchester United a few years back. Hence it is rather ironic that most soccer fanatics like my brother went for the pre-season friendly to root for a top billing soccer league like the Liverpool Reds while at the same time watching their fellow Singaporeans get thrashed to bits. Sigh, what happened to the team's sense of pride? Don't they ever realize that they will never ever qualify for the World Cup? Seems like the nickname "Dream Team" is very fitting for our national team indeed, cos they will forever keep dreaming of making it to the quarter or semi-finals of World Cup, when they know they can't in reality.
Another thing that does not need to happen is the "exclusive in Asia" screening of "Michael Jackson's Moonwalker" at GV VivoCity for one week at various timings. NO NEED TO DO THAT LAH!!! I mean look at the perspective, the film was made in 1988 and isn't really considered a proper movie, esp with the retrospective of MJ's career between the 60s to early 80s, and the various stories jumbled together. And let us not forget that the Moonwalker DVDs are being sold at special discounts at all major CD stores like HMV, MJ Multimedia and TS Group, hello!! It's kinda obvious that the crew of Golden Village are simply cashing in on MJ's passing to promote this film in the bigscreen. This is what I call "overkill".
Still on the topic of MJ, another thing which IMO shouldn't happen is the creation of "MJ King of Pop- Singapore Edition". Why now then create the compilation, some 3 weeks after Jacko's passing? Why even create it in first place when you can download the songs from the Internet for free? What's the purpose of creating it? To commemorate the legacy of MJ? Or to simply cash in on his passing yet again? Are the "King of Pop- HK version" or Essential MJ compilations not worth buying as well?
Another lamebrained tactic is the "tried, tested and slammed" release of MJ Techno-Mix album. Now THAT we don't need to hear at all, MJ's greatest hits being remixed into totally nonsensical disco versions. Why mess with the originality of the classic songs when they are already perfectand memorable as they are? Thankfully, those techno albums were taken off the shelves less than a week after their debut, citing negative feedback from bigtime MJ fans. Big mistake for the wise guys who came up with this lousy concept.
And err... to be quite honest, I am quite glad I quit from RBKD last year before the major makeover, cos I just found out that they had created a new notebook loosely based off the FC scheme. Now THAT we don't need at all, we can always buy any type of notebook from Popular bookstore, no? If you ask me, I would prefer to see a bright-colored notebook meant for the fanclubs of Felicia or Joanne...
Actually, I went for some Appetites n Escapees fair at Suntec Convention Hall 4 last night, but nothing fanciful really caught my attention (other than the fact that Nurul Maideen's 2nd sister Annisa was present among the security personnel). Yes some of the models looked quited happening, but nowhere as scorching as the babes I saw at Eastpoint Mall last week. Hence I'll skip this one...
While waiting for bus with mum and bro, I saw grey-striped Clydenear the bus stop... he seems to be grumbling over the numerous birds chirping near him, and that Felix is taking rather long to come out from who-knows-where. After a rather long church service focusing on Exodus and the Book of James, family went with a few church friends to a certain food center for lunch. On our way there, i spotted an orange cat sleeping on a car, and took some shots of him. I then 'kacau' him a bit by stroking him, he woke up quickly and looked rather drowsy! Yeah, I also managed to capture a shot of him yawning... :-)
After lunch, I took bus to Paya Lebar and took train to Expo. Went for the Gain City Expo Fair at Hall Number 4, saw lots of cars, apparel, TVs and DVDs. As expected, the TS Sale section was showing Michael Jackson performances, obviously attracting quite a lot of people.
I was actually getting ready to leave, til I saw a very familiar face at the LG stage... went forward for a closer look... Lo and behold, I realized that the girl with wavy hair is GERMAINE!!! :-O Boy was I surprised to see her... she saw me soon after and waved to me with her sugar sweet smile. And I feel like kicking myself for not having the courage to ask her for a photo (never mind if I had a brief chat with her). Went to Bedok and took bus from there, reaching home at 3 plus.
Damn, what's happening to my Blogger account??? The toolbar keeps disapperaing for no reason...
Anyway, for this PPV (shifted from June to July), all the titles will be defended on the same night.
WWE Championship match: Randy Orton (c) vs Triple H vs John Cena (wait a minute, we saw a similar scenario at WrestleMania 24!!)
World Heavyweight CHampionship match: CM Punk (c) vs Jeff Hardy Rematch from their last showdown at "The Bash"
ECW Championship match: Tommy Dreamer (c) vs Christian
WWE Divas' Championship match: Maryse (c) vs Mickie James
WWE Women's Championship match: Melina (c) vs Michelle McCool
Intercontinental Championship match: Rey Mysterio (c) vs Dolph Ziggler
United States Championship match: Kofi Kingston (c) vs MVP vs The Miz vs Carlito vs Jack Swagger vs The Big Show
WWE Unified Tag TeamChampionshipmatch:Chris Jericho and a partner of his choosingvs Cody Rhodes and Ted DiBiase I wonder who Jericho's new partner would be, now that Edge had to be taken out of action following a torn Achilles heel tednon (yeouch!!)
Something very weird (and I do mean weird!) hapened yesterday. It was during lunchtime, when I just got out of the workplace and was heading for the lift. Out of nowhere, there was this very weird Baboo Singh who called out to me for no apparent reason. He claimed to be a fortune teller, telling me 'not to eat fish, cut hair or cut fingernails' (oh please, how to do that when they're so short already!!). He even suggested that I buy 4D, and I would get 1st prize.
Damn him xiah, who the hell does he think he is to tell me what to do??? Bloody f'ing weirdo... I managed to rebuff the 'fortune teller' by asking him to 'talk to the hand', then I told him to BEAT IT and shut his damn mouth. I also challenged him to "go to my workplace" (I simply pointed at the entrance of the warehouse) if he had the guts to. Perhaps I should suggest to him a book on spiritual warfare, no?
I seriously hope the police arrest this freaking weird ape, and maybe even shave off his ZZ Top-like beard (ok forget I said that, it's just too cruel). I am not that easily fooled by conmen like him... people like him MUST be locked up for fraud!! And this is the 3rd time I came across such superstitious people... fortune tellers out there (esp those who go around the streets and try harassing citizens), WATCH OUT!!
With that, I dedicate this song to him, as well as to that coward who had been MIA for more than a week and still refused to show up. Talk about testing our patience...
Michael Jackson- 2 Bad
Told me that you're doin' wrong Word out shockin' all alone Cryin' wolf ain't like a man Throwin' rocks to hide your hands
You ain't done enough for me You ain't done enough for me You are disgustin' me, yeah yeah You're aiming just for me You are disgustin' me Just want your cut from me But too bad, too bad!
Look who just walked in the place Dead and stuffy in the face Look who's standing if you please Though you tried to bring me to my knees
Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it!
Hell all up in Hollywood Sayin' that you got it good Creepin' from a dusty hole Tales of what somebody told
What do you want from me? What do you want from me? Tired of you haunting me, yeah yeah You're aiming just for me You are disgustin' me You got blood lust for me But too bad, too bad!
Look who got slapped in the face It's dead and stuffy in the place I'm right back where I wanna be I'm standin' though you're kickin' me!
(Repeat twice) Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it!
[Rap: Shaquille O'Neal] Life's about a dream I'm really undefeated when MJ is on my team, theme Reality brings forth realizm It's the man of steel organizm, twizm Not from the prizm, take charge like manilla Nine five shaq represent with the Thrilla Grab my crotch, twist my knee, then I'm through Mike's bad, I'm bad, who are you
Repeat twice Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it Why don't you just scream and shout it! Too bad too bad about it!
Happy Birthday to Christopher Lee, Stefanie Sun Happy Advance Birthday to Syazali and Farhan Start of the Leo Star
I reached the Cenosis booth at Suntec City at about 7.50 pm, but not before having a quick dinner. Along with abt 6 other friends I played the Numbers Game; basically we had to guess a number between 1 to 999 (or 900, for that matter). Last night was the last day for Chen Meixin's Cenosis therapy session, she had to fly off to China tomorrow. The sweet and pretty Meixin came out at about 8.45 pm, and was kind enough to chat with us for about 20 mintues. I managed to take picture with the sweetie for the very first time. And I also got her autograph on the Popstar Media calendar featuring her :-) We also took group picture with her :-) We went separate ways at about 9 plus soon after she headed for dinner at a nearby Japanese restaurant.
If there's one thing I really hate, it's having a super stinkbomb sitting next to me in the bus instead of a decent fella or even a slim beautiful girl. Not just any stinkbomb, but one who looks as fugly and obese as that pile of turd known as Jabba the Hutt. To make things worse, he looked as if he made no apology in sitting next to me!! I was so distraught, I had to ask him to BEAT IT as I was about to get off the bus... somebody please throw some Dettol soap packs onto him already. Sheesh!! :-@
This is a scenario I never, ever wanted to see happen. Fiona Xie doing a “Mas Selamat” (according to some of my friends) by pulling out from the year-end blockbuster drama “Together” at the 11th hour last Wednesday, and then going overseas to “attend to personal matters”. Whatever the reasons for her pulling out may be, she is simply making matters worse by running away without a proper explanation. What a huge shame indeed... surely she should know that running away won't solve anything?
I may not know Fiona very well in spite of the 2.5 years of going for her events and taking picture with her a few times, I did get a rough idea of her off-screen character at one point of time. I do remember the other time when I worked with her and a few others for “Calefare” last August, I could somehow see that she doesn’t seem very passionate with what she’s doing, she seemed to lack focus in the job, and quite often she was seen chatting on the phone for minutes before filming began. No wonder my mum and her colleague think that she's rather snob. I left the fanclub for good sometime after my stint as calefare, not just because of this few encounters, but also due to sheer pressure from ONE of the committee members who was trying to keep me within the FC (damn you, EY!!!). But even so, I still went for some of her events whenever I can...
Although I wasn't a big fan of Fiona, I was nonetheless quite affected by this recent news. In fact, I may find it rather hard to forgive Fiona for this action (even if it's nowhere near Chris Benoit standards). You may call me cold-blooded all you like, but I personally feel that what she did was unethical, irresponsible and totally unprofessional. I mean come on, she is 27 years old, not 7! She should know better than to "just up and run away"... that this decision she made could lead to a serious breach of contract. Even though she has left a very bad impression on all of us MediaCorp fans, I simply hope that someday she would come out of hiding and bear full responsibility for her own actions.
I got one more thing to add... I COULD have chosen to write to 8 days on my thoughts abt Fiona'swithdrawal-cum-MIA... but I did some consideration and decided not to do it, feeling that my proposed letter wouldnt solve anything, it would only serve to hurt Fiona's reputation even more as well as her fans (esp since I know some of them). Still, her offence is no different from the several MIA stints I had seen in school or in NS, even at work. With that, I dedicate this MJ song (complete with those unavoidable 'vocal hiccups') to Fiona Xie Wan You... as well as to anyone who have been greatly affected by this controversy, one way or another. I apologise if I have been rather harsh on Fiona here... but I can't just sit down and keep my peace, esp since she had committed a very serious offence.
MICHAEL JACKSON- Who Is It Written and composed by Michael Jackson Featured in the studio album "Dangerous"
I Gave Her Money, I Gave Her Time I Gave Her Everything Inside One Heart Could Find I Gave Her Passion, My Very Soul I Gave Her Promises And Secrets So Untold
And She Promised Me Forever And A Day We'd Live As One We Made Our Vows We'd Live A Life Anew And She Promised Me In Secret That She'd Love Me For All Time It's A Promise So Untrue Tell Me What Will I Do?
Chorus 1 And It Doesn't Seem To Matter And It Doesn't Seem Right 'Cause The Will Has Brought No Fortune Still I Cry Alone At Night Don't You Judge Of My Composure 'Cause I'm Lying To Myself And The Reason Why She Left Me Did She Find In Someone Else?
(Who Is It?) It Is A Friend Of Mine... (Who Is It?) Is It My Brother! (Who Is It?) Somebody Hurt My Soul Now (Who Is It?) I Can't Take This Stuff No More!
I Am The Damned, I Am The Dead I Am The Agony Inside The Dying Head This Is Injustice, Woe Unto Thee I Pray This Punishment Would Have Mercy On Me
And She Promised Me Forever That We'd Live Our Life As One We Made Our Vows We'd Live A Love So True It Seems That She Has Left Me For Such Reasons Unexplained I Need To Find The Truth But See What Will I Do!
Chorus 2 And It Doesn't Seem To Matter And It Doesn't Seem Right 'Cause The Will Has Brought No Fortune Still I Cry Alone At Night Don't You Judge Of My Composure 'Cause I'm Bothered Everyday And She Didn't Leave A Letter She Just Up And Ran Away
(Who Is It?) It Is A Friend Of Mine... (Who Is It?) Is It My Brother! (Who Is It?) Somebody Hurt My Soul Now (Who Is It?) I Can't Take It 'Cause I'm Lonely!
Hee hee... hee hee... Don't try to make me... don't try to make me quit I never was... we never were... it just won't stop Don't bother me... don't bother me
(Who Is It?) It Is Friend Of Mine (Who Is It?) To Me I'm Bothered! (Who Is It?) Somebody Hurt My Soul Now (Who Is It?) I Can't Take It 'Cause I'm Lonely!
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter (Hee hee!) And It Doesn't Seen Right (Hee hee!) 'Cause The Will Has Brought No Fortune Still I Cry Alone At Night Don't You Judge Of My Composure (Buddy!) 'Cause I'm Lying To Myself And The Reason Why She Left Me Did She Find Someone Else?
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter (don't bother me!) And It Doesn't Seem Right (you just did it!) 'Cause The Will Has Brought No Fortune (da dap, da dap) Still I Cry Alone At Night (Saint of the nothing but the) Don't You Judge Of My Composure 'Cause I'm Bothered Everyday And She Didn't Leave A Letter She Just Up And Ran Away (can't you really see I'm lonely!)
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter And It Doesn't Seem Right (hee hee...) 'Cause The Will Has Brought No Fortune Still I Cry Alone At Night (da da da da!) Don't You Judge Of My Composure (don't be, don't be) 'Cause I'm Lying To Myself (don't be judging!) And The Reason Why She Left Me (don't be, don't be) Did She Find Someone Else? (can't take it cause I'm lonely!)
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter (don't bother me!) And It Doesn't Seem Right (just won't cleave it) 'Cause The Will Has Brought No Fortune (da dap, da dap) Still I Cry Alone At Night (saint of the nothing but the) Don't You Judge Of My Composure (don't be judging...) 'Cause I'm Bothered Everyday (show me, show me) And She Didn't Leave A Letter She Just Up And Ran Away (can't you really feel I'm lonely!)
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter (Hee hee...) And It Doesn't Seem Right (Hee hee...) 'Cause The Will Has Brought No Fortune Still I Cry Alone At Night Don't You Judge Of My Composure (she don't, she don't) 'Cause I'm Bothered Everyday (won't she just do anything) And She Didn't Leave A Letter (she don't leave a letter) She Just Up And Ran Away (Is it my brother!)
And It Doesn't Seem To Matter (don't bother me!) And It Doesn't Seem Right (just won't cleave it) 'Cause The Will Has Brought No Fortune Still I Cry Alone At Night (da da da da da da, argh!) Don't You Judge Of My Composure (Hee!) 'Cause I'm Lying To Myself (Hee!) And The Reason Why She Left Me Did She Find Someone Else? (did she really feel I'm lonely!)
Contestant No 20 Michelle Shoo, 19 yrs old Contestant No 21 Poh Shee Yean, 26 yrs old
Contestant No 22 Kashdhurie S., 24 yrs old Lineup of the 18 gorgeous ladies.
Winners for Subsidary awards of the day... Pilar won Miss Personality, Assumptia won Miss Fabulous Tan, Ris won Miss Popularity and Miss Fabulous Smile.