CAUTION... this blog may contain some offensive material in some of the posts (but Im not one to judge others whatsoever). Since 2010 this blog is now an archive for upcoming movies or video games. For more current affairs, do check out my Facebook page, thanks.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
My thoughts on Class 4S course and other stuff...
29th Sept- Roiswandi, Suzhen and Kar Yan
30th Sept- Darren Lim, Jia Hui, Ace Sim and ML Chong
I just survived 2 days of my first ever reservist duty... well, it can't really be considered reservist, it's more like a drivers' course for a new type of vehicle known as Class 4S Articulated vehicle. In short, it's more of a 7-Tonner... a Prime Mover attached to either a flatbed trailer with metal box on top, or a longer lowbed trailer with forklift attached to it!! Means to say that I have to make longer turns at certain road junctions, and avoid hitting the kerb or risk ramming into any nearby vehicle. Test for Coupling and Uncoupling of Trailer is this coming Thursday, followed by Tests for Parallel Parking AND Angular Parking as well as TEST FOR DRIVING PRIME MOVER WITH TRAILER on Friday!!
Although this course runs for only one week, and we can all go back home at abt 5 pm for most days, to me it is already starting to feel like "the longest 2 days". Deep down inside I'm already cursing the SAF for assigning me (and a few others) to this stressful type of course, one that could cause me to suffer from biploar disorder or go into a beserker rage. Already I am feeling the stress from angular and parallel parking under the hot sun as well as Coupling Practice and driving the Class 4S vehicle on the main road. Made worse by the fact that there's night training on Wed (aka tomorrow)...
I don't even understand what's so "damn fing important" abt reservist, it's just a waste of time seriously. Lack of freedom from 7.30 am to 5 pm, plus you get this feeling that you're being imprisoned on some remote island and being treated like a slave. This is precisely why I prefer civilian life so much more to that of life in SAF. I would prefer to be doing my own thing like going to work or spending time with family or friends on Sundays. I will forever continue to remain cynical towards the topic of reservist duty... how I wish I could get downgraded at best...
Ok, time to focus on other stuff, which I would keep rather brief. Today is the wedding for Christopher lee and Fann Wong. Already I am getting a little sick over the overexposure of this occasion... published in magazines and newspapers, broadcast on TV, and so on. I find it kinda ironic that Chris and Fann used to be very hush-hush over their relationship between 2001 to 2005, and then went public about it with holding of hands and smooching, even appearing in "The Wedding Game" early this year. Even Michelle Chia's and Shaun Chen's wedding wasn't that highly publicised!! Not to forget Zoe Tay's marriage to LTC Philip Chionh in 2001...
The Miss Singapore World scandal seems to be coming to a head... Ris Low aka "Miss Voomz" or "Miss Fraudster" has voluntarily stepped down and given up her Miss Singapore World title earlier today. Her replacement is to be announced later this week, most likely to be the 1st runner-up Claire Lee. This is what I have to say in regards to the "best decision ever made"... GOOD RIDDANCE. (evil smirk)
Click on the following link to read the report... MSW 2009 quits after criminal record revealed
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Reservist duty coming up, plus more dirt about Ris Low
I seriously don't know what to expect of my upcoming reservist duty which is to commence in a few hours' time. It's been 5 years since I was last involved in anything related to NS, so I guess I have to get used to the fact that I will have to be in No 4 uniform as well as eat not-so-tasty food. I hope I don't feel too alienated by this encounter... anyone out there who still read my blog now and then, do wish me all the best of luck yeah?
As if the "Tragic sagas" of idiots who refuse to follow simple instructions such as setting their phones to silent mode before going to church or ignorant parents who don't bother to bring their wailing toddler kids to the Cry Room weren't enough to piss me off, what truly sickened me was the 2-page main article of Ris Low in today's Straits Times. I was even more disgusted by the fact that the organisers of the Miss Singaproe World franchise has got no comments about the scandal, made worse by the revelation that Ris is actually seeking treatment for what is known as bipolar disorder (also known as manic depression). What exactly do they mean by "no comments"??? How can they pick a bimbo-cum-fraudster to win??? How can the organising team not know about Ris' past records earlier on?? And how can Ris not be aware that she has to declare her past records upon filling the application form beforehand?? This is damn kelong xiah... is a 2-page article necessary for this kind of BS?? What would the whole world think about us Singaporeans???
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Things that can piss me off
If I have to name a few things that anger me or irritate me, this is the list...
- I am not the type who would like to write up longwinded or pointless entries that shift focus here and there.
- I am not the type of person who would go to the extent of creating about 80 entries per month, just sop to share the amount of BS loaded in my mind. There are some things in life that are meant to be kept confidential and not published in the WWW!
- I also don't like to share about what I did during work, unless something remarkably interesting happened (eg a well-known senior pastor came over to the shop). Likewise I don't like to go into specifics on what I did during lunchtime or what I had for dinner.
- Reading blog entries on how Mr A has a crush on Miss B and keeps sending her invites to attempt 'wooing her', and even tries to make defenses with 'contsant apologies and pardons on being rather sarcastic'. Please stop this nonsense already and straighten your damn thinking!!!
- Having my Facebook inbox flooded with invites for late-night events or updates on Singapore Idol blog, from the usual people.
- I can't stand the increasingly hot weather, but that's beyond anyone's control.
- I hate it when people think that just because I upload lots of photos on sexy babes on Facebook, I am "the type of guy who spends late nights partying and mixing around with hot babes"... cos truth is, I AM NOT!!!
- I get rather annoyed by people who either talk too loudly, talk too fast, or talk with a stammer.
- I hate it when Person A asks me to do something, when I am in the midst of doing something important for Person B.
- I hate it when the phone in the workplace rings at the most inappropraite time, such as when I am doing cashiery work. I hate it even more if I had to be the one to pick up the phone most of the time!!
- I feel quite irratated when anyone askes me via phonecall on what time the shop cloes, and nothing more.
- I feel rather heartpain whenever someone asks me to help him reserve a few books, then calls less than 10 minutes later to say that he doesn't need them anymore.
- I hate it when a phone call comes at the time of closing hour, esp if it's on a Saturday.
- I get irate when people forget to set their damn handphones to silent mode before Sunday service.
- I don't like it when I am unable to find a book that is rather difficult to locate or may not be in stock.
- I feel quite uncomfortable when certain guys try to stand too close to me in the train. I'm not the homo type, mind you!
- I feel irritated whenever I see people that I don't like, people like Melvin the Giant, Paul the Hobbit, or Alvin The Hutt (to name a few).
- I feel equally annoyed when, despite many reminders, someone whom I know for at least 6 mths still continues to mispronounce my name. My name is pronounced as TAH-NUT, not TAH-NET, remember that!!!
- I don't like it when anyone in general "borrows" a lot of photos from other people's photo albums (mine included!), add them to his own photo album, and claim them to be his own. Plagiarism is not to be tolerated!! Pls come up with your own photos and don't ever steal photos belonging to others!!
- I don't want to use the word "hate" here, but reservist duty is something that I am so not looking forward to. Something I have to do from this coming Monday onwards...
Friday, September 25, 2009
My thoughts on F1, Ken Lim and Ris Low
SingTel F1 fever is back, but frankly speaking, I don't give a damn about the ongoing race. I'm already too occupied by work commitments to even bother finding out who's gonna win the race here in Singapore. Lewis Hamilton or Fernando Alonso or Piquet or any other racer, the outcome wouldn't matter to me. I will be having my own go at driving during my first ever reservist duty which starts this coming Monday. And even though this is the second time the F1 race is being held in the City Hall region, I didn't enjoy the same enthusiasm as I did last year, esp with the recent audio system cock-up for the performances at Fort Canning Park.
And just when you thought that Singapore Idol 3 is already lacklustre enough, here comes another piece of controversy... or shall we call it, Kentroversy. Chief judge Ken Lim's remarks on Malaque's rendition of Pussay Cat Dolls' "Hush Hush/I Will Survive" caused a furore among the Tamil community. He said abt the good-looking Malaque, "Your performance was amateurish, it lacks quality, but you'll make a good Vasantham Star." What in the blue hell does he mean by that, may I ask?? Even "Mr India Curry House" Vadi PVSS wasn't very amused by this tasteless remark. Most of the SI fans and the Indian viewers wanted Ken to make a public apology. And to think he dared to say that he stands behind his original comment "1000 percent" (???) and that he's not going to take back what he said, as he 'did not see anything wrong about his remark'. What a lame and stupid defense made by Ken, sigh. Are we seeing another Jacintha here?
Whatever the case is, I have begun to lose some respect for the Simon Cowell wannabe, since the 1st Piano show (starting with his remarks on Nurul Huda in regards to her "7-Eleven interviewee" image), and I seriously hope that he come up with something much more constructive than said remarks, or risk being forced to bite his shoe. Dick and Flo won't even dare say anything stupid. And another thing... how can Ken not be fully aware about the existence of the Vasantham Star talent show, which is already in its third season?? Where has he been all this while?? In the planet Uranus??? He should go for Lasik or double eyelid surgery already, his eyes are too small!!!
And... and... if you think Miss Singapore World 2009 winner Ris Low being slammed for her powderful Engrish was bad enough, this piece of news will perhaps shock you even more.
Ris Low, the beleaguered Singapore Miss World who was earlier criticized for her sub-par command of the English language now sparked off a new round of controversies following the revelation that she was recently convicted of credit card fraud.
In April and May last year, she spent more than $2,400 on at least four separate occasions, using at least three illegally obtained credit cards, at times impersonating the identity of their owners. She was sentenced to 24 months of supervised probation in May this year.
Court documents show that Miss Low spent a total of more than $2,400 on at least four separate occasions, using at least three different credit cards in April and May last year. She bought two gold anklets worth almost $1,000, a $698 mobile phone, and food and drinks at a swanky restaurant. It is not known how she obtained the credit cards.
my paper understands that her previous employer, a healthcare company, made a police report about her in April last year.
It suspected that Miss Low, who worked there for five months as a patient-service assistant, had used credit cards belonging to its patients. It asked her to leave the following month.
Before leaving, she was said to have returned a part - an unspecified sum - of the total amount she had spent using the cards.
When contacted by the state media, Miss Low said that she was not in a position to comment. Multiple e-mail messages and phone calls to the organiser of the Miss Singapore World pageant, ERM World, went unanswered.
It is unclear if Ms Low, crowned Miss Singapore World on July 31, will be able to leave Singapore to take part in the Miss World pageant to be held in Johannesburg in December, for which she will need court permission.
Singapore netizens were outraged that Ms Low was selected to represent Singapore in the beauty pageant despite her conviction.
This is really sad and shocking, a nightmare come true. First the broken grammer and the robotic walk, and now the revelation of Ris's past convictions from last year. As if Rachel Kum in a phallic costume wasn't frightening enough, this is the one that truly brings controversy to a whole new level (not the first time such thing had happened... one case was when the winner for Miss Universe 2002 got stripped off the title for being a married invidual,a nd the crown went to the 2nd place winner). And what a bold thing for a 19-yr old lady to do!! I just can't seem to find the right words to phrase this issue as a whole... but I dare to say that the organisers for MSW are indeed totally BLIND to promote Ris heavily via ads and magazine shoots, and perhaps 'book' her to win the pageant!! What's so good about her, seriously?? We need someone with integirty and a CLEAN record to represent our country, not some lowlife bimbo who looks rather plastic, can't speak proper English, and cheats her way to the bank!!! And to think that only now did she reveal that she is actually suffering from BIPOLAR DISORDER!!! The verdict? STRIP RIS OFF THE TITLE ALREADY!!! >:-(((
This is certainly an issue I must include in the "Year in Preview" entry come end of the year... besides other pointers such as the economic downturn, the spread of the H1N1 virus, and yes the passing of the great Michael Jackson...
Temasek Review: Miss Singapore World winner slammed for credit card fraudThursday, September 24, 2009
My thoughts on Singapore Idol Top 13 episode
23rd Sept- Rainie, Yunjia and Javin
24th Sept- Ren Liangyi and Alex
Start of the Libra Star
Although I personally don't quite enjoy watching the latest episode of Singapore Idol (to be truthful, I missed about half of it cos I finished work rather late and went for haircut at Heartland Mall between 8 to 8.30 pm!!), I still wanna express my thoughts about this show anyway. But I won't want to go into specifics as in express my thoughts for each performance, given my love-hate relationship towards the Idol franchise I once supported at a great scale (at least for Season 2).
Looking at the Top 13 grace the cover of this week's 8 days magazine (as is the case for Season 1 and 2), I just couldn't quite get the same "feel" as that for the finalists for the past 2 seasons, but eventually had to accept the eventual outcome (maybe it's all predestined after all). Ok, this time round there are 13 finalists (the 13th Wonder Nurul Huda included), all of them intact and none of them pulling out at the very last minute a la Candice Foo.
Having gotten back home from haircut, I was probalby thankful to have missed out on the first half of the show, cos I would still most probably be bored to death anyway. Watching the recaps of all the contestants' performances goes to show how lacklustre and dull the show is in general. Doesn't help either that the results show comes 30 minutes after the Performance Show. It was quite a pain to wathc Duane's take on "Pokerface" (playing piano may be a brave thing to do, but the former Kids Central actor's rendition of Lady Gaga's No 1 hit sounded NOTHING like the original). so painful that I actually switched channels after the first few seconds. And it's still painful to see Gurmit attempt more lame jokes as always, like he's being forced 'at gun-point' to do so against his own will. Even Hady didn't sound half-baked in spite of his lack of experience in hosting (but still quite pointless lah).
The results are, as usual, rather disappointing. The 6 contestants with the lowest number of votes consist of 5 girls and 1 guy... the guy being Sezairi, the gals being Mae, Tabitha, Amira, Malaque and Syltra. What, you mean the girls didn't do well at all?? Whatever happened to the overall voting strategy man?!? Thankfully, Mae Sta Maria avoided the fate of doomed foreigner finalist Jeassea Thyidor from Season 1 by being the first of the 6 to be announced safe, rather than to be in the Bottom 2/3. Next 2 to head back to the seats were Sezairi and Tabitha.
The first 'casualty' from the Top 13 turned out to be Syltra, who turned out to be one of the better performers for the night (but just wasn't good enough to win the majority of the viewers or the favor of the judges). Ironically, the pouty-lipped rock chic of Chinese, Malay and Indian parentage turned out to be the very first contestant interviewed in 8 days. Man, if this kind of outcome (aka mostly girls in Bottom 5/6 position) is gonna occur in the next few weeks, then the competition is in serious trouble. And as far as watching the show is concerned, I am most probably going to swear off watching the show from TV for good if most of the girls get wiped out before the Final 5. Not that I care about this season anyway. The cynicism as well as the skepticism towards Singapore Idol 3 continues...
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Events I had gone for between Sat to Mon
My apologies for the slight delay, I've been really, really busy going for various functions for the past few days, til i come back home with a lot of energy to upload pictures on Facebook, but very little motivation to update my blog. I mean come on, if I had 'as much energy and stamina' as that attention seeker Mr Koh Tze Seng, I would have jolly well sacrificed my bedtime every night just to upload as many as 100 nonsensical blog entries for this month alone!! Anyway, this was what I did for the past 3 days...
Saturday, 19th September
Happy Birthday to Ross, Kah Yin and Farah
Went to work as usual in the afternoon, serving customers of various walks of life. After leaving the place upon lockdown, I took taxi to Bishan Park 2 to attend Jesseca Liu gathering (for fans and assorted supporters) at the Acacia restaurant located there. Jess arrived a little late at 7 pm, but that's totally alright with us. Got about 26 fans present, committee included. We all had 3-course meal of mushroom soup, main course and dessert (which we finished very fast to get on with next segment). We all took pic with Jess (some of us 3 times), we all got her autographs, and some gave her gifts as well. Although the gathering was scheduled to end at 8, it overran for more than an hour. After some of us saw Jess off via taxi, we went separate ways. Many thanks to Karyan and Michelle for making this gathering a success!! ;-)
Gathering with Jesseca Liu at Acacia Restaurant, Bishan Park 2
Sunday, 20th September
Happy Birthday to Mr Timothy Leong and Tracy Tan
Selamat Hari Raya Puasa
Although I was supposed to do projection duty during morning service in church, the AV staff arranged for me to do the inside work while a newer personnel did the camera manning in my place, just so I would get a better understanding on the 'behind the scenes' work from inside the AV booth. After that, I took direct bus to Suntec Convention. Shuffled the next 6 plus hours between Travel Fiesta at Hall 603 and Games Convention at Level 4.
1200-1240 hrs: joined Naturals to watch Nat Ho perform on stage in Hall 603. Managed to take group photo with him, as well as get autograph from him.
1240-1345 hrs: had quick lunch at World Food Fair with Naturals.
1345-1400 hrs: took pictures of some Cosplay characters lingering outside Hall 401. Some of the female characters looked really hawt.
1400-1500 hrs: headed back to Hall 603 to see Huang Wenyong sing 4 old Chinese songs. Something very funny happened during the segment... an old guy suddenly got off his seat and started dancing to ALL the songs!! :-p Oh, and I did see the stupid giant Melvin and the vulgar dwarf Paul. The Jess Liu fans arrived at around this time.
1500-1545 hrs: some slim and attractive (but very chatty!!) part-time DJ named Huifang took over hosting role and brought in Jesseca Liu, who sang a Chinese song and a Teochew song. Got huge queue as expected, and among the queue were the Weirdo Brothers, Mr Hao Lian (in blue attire!!) and his retarded brother Mr Gwai Lan.
1545-1730 hrs: finally went into Hall 401 for Games Convention Asia 2009. Got characters like Predator, Xenomorph Alien, Wolverine (same guy I saw during Toys and Games Convention in mid August), and even Iron Man (portrayed by some well-known Cosplay veteran named Reno Tan). Fewer familiar faces this time round. I know I missed out on Bryan Wong and Michelle Chong at Travel Fiesta during this time, but it's ok... I wasn't a big fan of these two anyway.
1720-1800 hrs: went down to Level 3 to take picture of variious Cosplay characters posing for shutterbugs (unsurprisngly, 90% of them are guys, hee!!). The busty babe in red dress and the cutie pie in blue mini-skirt were most steamy xiah...
1800-1840 hrs: rushed back up to Hall 603 to catch Zhang Yaodong singing a David Tao song as well as a Cantonese song. He sabo'ed Huifang and a middle-aged lady from the audience to sing 'Liang Zhi Lao Hu". Being one of the first few to form the queue, I manged to take picture with Yaodong again as well as get his autograph.
1840-1930 hrs: spent a bit more time lingering with Cosplay characters with a few guy friends, namely TH, KC and SH (all dressed in red coincidentally). Nearly wanted to slash KC for going out in slippers and still mispronouncing my name yet again (he's gonna be in big trouble if he were to wear like that to St James Power Station come October 6th, seriously!!). I left Suntec soon after, had dinner at Raffles City, and headed back home via train and bus... reached home by 9 pm.
Click on the following links to see the various photo albums...
Travel Fiesta 2009
Games Convention Part 1: Cosplay characters at Level 3 and 4
Games Convention Part 2: Stage activities in Hall 401
Monday, 21st September
Happy Birthday to Yumi
Work as usual from 10 am to 5 pm. I went down to Tiong Bahru marketplace to buy packets of chicken rice for my colleagues, then took turns to take lunch break. Right after closing, I headed down to Tiong Bahru Plaza to have early dinner, then took train to Expo Hall to see SIN (Super Import Nights). Although the admission fee for thie event was quite a bomb (10 bucks mind you!!), the time spent ogling at the local and foreign babes was definitely worth it. Seeing the bikini-clad babes and saantily-dressed imports from Taiwan, Thailand and USA nearly errmmm, 'burnt a hole in my pants', WHOOPS!!! Ended the day by taking group photo with fellow 'perverts' Terence and Shanwei... took train to Eunos and then bus back home by 10.45 pm. :-)
Click on the following links to view the carious photo albums...
Super Import Night Part 1: Local babes and awesome cars at various car booths
Super Import Night Part 2: Bikini babes and imported babes on stage
Friday, September 18, 2009
Miss Earth Singapore results
Yesterday was a crazy night... the results were kinda expected, but Im really glad that my personal fave made it to the Final 4. Here's the lowdown...
Top 8 positions
- Suet Yeo (No 03)
- Michelle Lee (No 04)
- Stella Zheng (No 05)
- Valerie Lim (No 07)
- Deborah Chan (No 08)
- Ashley Ng (No 09)
- Nur Amira (No 10)
- Cindy Quek (No 11)
Coincidentally, it was Cindy's birthday on that day... that could be the best birthday she could ever ask for, I believe :-)
Subsidary award winners...
Miss Photogenic- Nur Amira
Miss Friendship- Valerie Lim
Miss Popularity- Deborah Chan
Best in Redesign- Deborah Chan
Best in Swimsuit- Nur Amira
Top 4 positions, and eventual winners...
- Stella Zheng, crowned MES 2009 Fire
- Deborah Chan, crowned MES 2009 Water
- Nur Amira, crowned MES 2009 Air
- Valerie Lim, crowned Miss Earth Singapore 2009 (Grand Winner)
Stay tuned for links to the photo albums on Facebook while I try to find sufficient time to complete uploading them...
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Encore of MJ show tonight!!!
Rest In Peace, Patrick Swayze
Fans of the late King of Pop, do catch the encore telecast of "Michael Jackson HIStory World Tour- Live in Munich" tonight at 7 pm on Channel 5!! It's a concert you won't want to miss... and it's in HIGH-DEFINITION!!! You can also catch the show on Youtube... ;-)
Set list for concert...
01. "Gates of Kiev" Computer Animation Introduction
02. "Scream" / "They Don't Care About Us" / "In the Closet"
03. "Wanna Be Startin' Somethin'"
04. "Stranger in Moscow"
05. "Smooth Criminal"
06. "The Wind" Video Interlude
07. "You Are Not Alone"
08. Jackson 5 Medley: "I Want You Back" / "The Love You Save"
09. Jackson 5 Medley: "I'll Be There"
10. "Remember the Time" Video Montage Interlude
11. "Billie Jean"
12. "Thriller"
13. "Beat It"
14. "Blood on the Dance Floor"
15. Black or White "Panther" Video Interlude
16. "Dangerous"
17. "Black or White"
18. "Earth Song"
19. "We Are the World" Video Interlude
20. "Heal the World"
21. "HIStory"
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Thoughts on recent SI news, Mr Lau and that jerk Mr West
Just when you thought that all is well with the Top 13 for the already heavily criticized Singapore Idol 3, another bombshell had dropped. MJ Kuok had done a "Candice Foo" (remember her from SI 1?), or rather a "Fiona Xie", by pulling out from the competition less than 48 hours after the 2nd Piano Show... the first guy to pull such a stunt. He could not be reached for comment, but it's believe he did it due to 'personal reasons'... perhaps it's due to the pressure of him, a powerful tycoon's grandson, being in the competition? Heck, MJ isn't even Singaporean to begin with... he's MALAYSIAN!!
This latest news is probably not so surprising, given the fact that contestants in past seasons had done the same thing. Candice Foo pulled out from Season 1 Spectaculars at the very last minute due to "financial difficulties"... and had to bear the humiliation of being labelled a "sore quitter" and a "has-been" in years to come. Meryl Joan Lee's case for quitting wasn't so serious, since it took place before the Wildcard rounds of Season 2. There was even a brief video montage providing Meryl's farewell message and apologies to her supporters. It is public knowledge that Meryl quit mostly due to the fact that her A levels were approaching, but then there was a bit of speculation that she 'may not have gotten along well with some of the other contestants'. By the time we got to the results of the Wildcard Round, there wasn't any more news about Meryl. Too bad no replacement was announced for the Wildcard Round... which kinda sucks huh.
And back to the topic of nationality... the surprise 13th contestant Mae Sta Maria isn't Singaporean either... in truth, she is actually Australian!! I am personally very surprised how come non-Singaporeans can be allowed to take part in this contest in first place (or any other contest for that matter, hmmm). Whatever the case, I hope you viewers don't get too surprised if Mae is among the first to be booted out... the same thing happened to Jeassea Thyidor in the very first Spectacular Round for Season 1. Although Jeassea was a much better singer than the constipated and weak Jerry Ong, she lost out by a mere 200 votes, mostly due to the fact that she's been in Singapore for only 2 years at that time (and she was actually a Canadian).
Thankfully, the producers learnt their lesson from the past 2 seasons... and so they made the wisest decision by to naming MJ's replacement... that's none other than the "7-Eleven gal" Nurul Huda. Fans of this cutie pie can rejoice at this glorious moment. So now it's 7 girls and 6 guys in the Final 13... can look forward to their first Spectacular Round. But I am most certainly NOT gonna watch all of their performances; matter of fact, I might be switching channel when it comes to those 3 inglourious basterds. In the form of SS, DH and JJ... urggghhhhh, can't stand them!! :-(((
Speaking about inglourious basterds, it's a huge shame that Andy Lau had to be in the headlines for the wrong reasons... for remaining hush-hush over his secret marriage to longtime beau Carol Choo, and then being forced to reveal everything. Little surprise then that there has to be the huge caption "WAH LAU" in the front cover of this week's 8 days. There's still probably a chance for the Heavenly King to redeem himself while he tries to dodge the continuous ammunition (aka harrassments) from the pesky paparazzi. All he could do now is remain solemn and downcast in this rather troubling time... it's quite obvious that he had been trying very hard to keep his marital status at low key standard, and all it took was a huge-scale funeral of his father-in-law in the midst of Malaysia to blow the whole truth all over. And we're still not sure whether to believe Andy when he explained that the 2 kids present with him and Carol are not theirs...
Another inglourious basterd that has to be mentioned is that bigtime jerk KANYE WEST. Who would have thought that he had to resort to his bloody attention-seeking ways... I seriously wonder what force of nature other than cognac would drive this half-drunk loser to ruin Taylor Swift's acceptance speech for "Best Female Video" during the 2009 MTV Music Awards last Sunday, jumping onto stage and declaring that Beyonce should have won the award. And with that, Kanye got banned from the remainder of the show... ha ha, loser!! Towards the end of the night, Beyonce did a sweet and gracious thing by calling out Taylor to finish her acceptance speech, right after receiving the Moon Man Video Award. KW's 2-time apologies in the days to come are probably not enough to redeem him from the mess he had gotten himself into... but come to think of it, he hadn't been slapped with 5 years of community service and a restraining order, like what happened to Chris Brown after he beat up his ex Rihanna. As the Justin Timberlake song goes, "What goes around, comes around."
Sigh, I seriously wonder why does such inglourious basterds have to exist in first place?? :-/
Sunday, September 13, 2009
POSSE event on Saturday night, and lacklustre Sunday
Finally, Joanne came out at 8.15 pm... she and the lead singer for Freaky-Z gave away prizes to the winners for the photo and video montage categories. She then sang some English song, before going to the backstage region to take group picture with the crew of Audible Hearts. When Mi Lu Bing were getting on stage, Joanne got escorted by the darn security... depriving the fans a chance to get her autograph. Oh well, there's still next month to look forawrd to... :-/
More photos can be viewed here.
As for Sunday... went for church service in morning, had lunch at Bugis in the afternoon, then meet up with a few friends, then head back home to have KFC for dinner with family... spent the rest of the night surfing Net of course. I was relieved to have chosen to go to the Comex Fair at Suntec Convention on Friday night after work... cos from the look of the crowd at City Link, I could only guess that the turnout was much more chaotic. I don't quite give a care on the gathering at East Coast Park that got cancelled one week in advance, but I sure will set my eyes for the upcoming Travel Fiesta event which falls next Sunday, aka Hari Raya Puasa!! Stay tuned for more info... ;-)
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Former WWE Superstar arrested for drug possession!

Former World Champion Jeff Hardy, who is taking time off from wrestling following his loss to CM Punk in a "Loser Leaves Town" match on the August 28th taping of Friday Night Smackdown, has been arrested for possession of anabolic steroids and a number of pills, reports, a local newspaper from Moore County where Jeff Hardy is located.
The following is from the article:
"Hardy, 32, of 265 Boys Camp Road, Cameron, was arrested after a search of his residence yielded 262 Vicodin prescription pills, 180 Soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, a residual amount of powder cocaine and items of drug paraphernalia..."
He's currently in Moore County jail with bail set at $125,000. Hardy was charged with felony trafficking in opium, two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance, felony maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substance, felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
Click here for the full story!!
Friday, September 11, 2009
YSL Grand Opening at Ion Orchard
Other than Yvonne Lim who was present at this opening event for the YSL outlet at Ion Orchard, there were others like Jacelyn Tay, Zhang Yaodong, retired singer Kit Chan (yikes, since when did she get so busty??) and plastic surgeon Georgina Lee (still as scrawny as ever, like Stefanie Sun!!) The artistes reached at 7 plus, walked around the shop region, had a couple of drinks, mingled with clients of different professions (about 200 people in all), and left the place at about 8.45 pm. I managed to have a short chat with Yaodong, and then I took picture with him. He thanked me for informing him in advance on an upcoming event in which he would be involved within a couple of days. Yeah, he does look a bit like Michael Jackson... I don't quite like the hairstyle though.
Click here to view the rest of the photos. ;-)
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What I did on the night of 09.09.09
1900 to 1945 hrs- took bus to Ion Orchard, then took train to Ang Mo Kio
1945 to 2030 hrs- met up with Friend A, then had dinner at McDonald's
2045 to 2130 hrs- after walking around AMK Central, we eventually ended up watching Singapore Idol Piano Show at the Courts outlet there. HD tv sets rock!! :-)
2140 to 2210 hrs- Took bus to MediaCorp of course. Nothing to see at Radiogate, it's way too hot there.
2210 to 2240 hrs- Met up with Friend B at the taxi foyer (he was watching the Results show in his i-phone)... upon the elimination of Charlene (alonside Gabrielle), we stopped watching, and instead relied on SMSes from other friends to tell us about the ones who got in (the results are horrifying to say the least). Then we went into the reception to enjoy the aircon, and of course wait for the contestants to come out.
2240 hrs- the fans entered the reception... then by 2350 hrs, the finalists got out one by one... mostly the Eliminated Ones. And the first one to come out is... none other than the Vickie Guerrero lookalike, Frances Maria!!! (EXCUSE ME!!!)
2300 hrs- Finally, Charlene Torres-Tan came out... looking slim and beautiful in light blue top and jeans (love her sexy lips and husky voice). The 3 of us guys took pic with her of course... we assured her that we are still very proud of her even though her Idol journey had ended. Charlene stayed for about 2 to 3 minutes cos she needed to rush back to tender to her mum (who is recovering from a stroke). I personally thought that Samantha looked rather trampy in translucent white dress (though sweet-faced).
Reached home at 12 midnight, no thanks to slight delay for the 2nd bus at Hougang Central. I only slept at around 0045 hrs after reading through the picture for the 2nd batch of Top 12...
Results for 2nd Piano Show totally KELONG!!!
I'm gonna keep my thoughts for last night's episode rather brief... I seriously think that the results for the 2nd (and last) Piano Round is totally disastrous. And I suddenly felt that Hady makes a better host than Gurmit, never mind if he still lacks the experience that Gurms possesses (but his role as 'big brother' was still rather pointless, seemed rather scripted). If I have to be rather frank, hearing Gurmit stumble and fumble through his lines is quite a torture, so to speak. It is as if Mr PCK is starting to get rather fed up with the new rules for this season (no Wildcard, Top 13 spot, voting for only one night, and so on). Or maybe he's too aware of the brickbats he's gonna get for this season, like what he had survivied from the past 2 seasons?
On the contestants... I felt that Faizal, Sylvia, Jonathan and Mae were the most outstanding of the 12 (lol, Jon sang "Come Together"?? I didn't even expect that!!). Faizal wowed the fans with his confidence and charisma with his take on Maroon 5's "This Love". Although I like Charlene the most, I felt that her performance wasn't up to par (she was recovering from a sore throat), and though she did quite well for "Can't Take My Eyes Off You", it wasn't really enough to connect with the judges. But I'm still happy for her even though she didn't make it through to the Finals.
The ones whom I seriously felt should not get to the Final 12 are... Duane, Justin and Sezali (all so bloody nerdy). Justin Jap?? Yucks!! Duane Ho??? DOUBLE YUCKS!!! The big boy should be focusing on his O levels man!!! Sezali's vocal range was quite messy I feel. Oh Singapore, what have you done? Do you seriously want us to get cardiac arrest with these lacklustre performers?? If Season 1 had an Ah Beng and an Ah Lian (Sly and Maia), and Season 2 had angsty rocers (Paul and Rahima)... then Season 3 is the one where the NERDS reign supreme over the babes. And also, why is it the guys who got more votes from the public than the girls?? Are the girls not better by a milestone??? No wonder the judges are so damn pissed...
On a personal note, I was quite relieved that Samantha didn't make it through (her rendition of "Don't Speak" was totally terok)... I never forgot the time she ade a bad impression by coming to MediaCorp 30 minutes late for the Top 100 round, due to a hangover (and coming up with her bland excuses). And what's up with Sam baring her legs in a translucent white dress at the reception? She seemed to be quite trampy, never mind if she still looked sweet and demure. With this wrong song choice, Sam can never be anywhere as good as Rahima Rahim, who sang that song during SI 2 Piano Show with pure angst and gusto.
If the rating for the first Piano Show is a C, then I shall rate the overall of this Piano Show a big fat F. Thank God I didn't commit fully to going for the live roadshows (esp since I have to work on Saturday afternoons anyway). Not only will I resort to watching the show at home from 23rd September onwards, I shall also have the choice of watching the show with A) one eye closed, or B) with the volume muted, or C) don't watch at all; switch to other channel. Behold, Singapore Idol is already in the path of becoming another crapola disaster like "Live The Dream" 2 years back... lacking in originality and becoming more ridiculous than ever. Oh God, please let this be the very last season already.
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Bumping into an old friend by pure luck
I most prob will be using less of this blog and spending more time on Facebook, given the frequent screw-ups from Blogger these days (not to mention how drained out I can get after 8 hrs of work per weekday). Ok correction, I prob won't be uploading too many pictures here, Facebook is now the main domain for uploading multiple photos.
Anyway, I was most surprised to bump into an old friend in the train last night on the way home... in the form of the cute and petite Elizabeth, former secretary from SOCE, Nee Soon Camp!! :-O It's really a small world indeed, it was even better when she recognised me from afar (helps that we both got Facebook). We did talk during the time in the train before she got off at the stop (before mine)... it's nice to re-connect with old friends :-)
Oh yes, tomorrow after knocking off from work, I will be revisiting MediaCorp for some 'special mission' alongside a few more friends... will elaborate more on that in a later post. For now, I dedicate this song to Miss CTT as well as Elizabeth... ;-)
Come Together- Michael Jackson
Here come ol' flat top
He come groovin' up slowly
He's got Joo Joo eyeball
He one holy roller
He got hair down to his knees
Got to be a joker he just do what he please
He wear no shoe shine
He's got toe jam football
He's got monkey finger
He shoot Coca-Cola
He say "I know you, you know me"
One thing I can tell you is you got to be free
Come together, right now, over me
He bag production
He's got walrus gum-boot
He's got Ono sideboard
He one spinal cracker
He got feet down through his knees
Hold you in his armchair
You can feel his disease
Come together, right now over me
Aaoww!! Come together babe! Hoo...
Aaoww!! Come together babe... aaow!
Come together...
Come together!!
Aaaaaooowwww... oh!! Urghh...
He roller coaster
He's got early warning
He's got muddy water
He one Mojo filter
He say "One and one and one is three"
Got to be good looking 'cause he's so hard to see
Come together right now over me
Come together now baby, yeah baby... hoo!!
Monday, September 07, 2009
The weekend in brief... Miss earth babes in bikini plus Dead Sea Scrolls
This was how I spent the weekend...
Saturday, 5th September
I went for work during the afternoon shift... after work, I went to Liang Court to meet up with Ishardi. Came to realize that Bellini Grande was located just next to Liang Court, I broke out in laughter. Yeah anyway, we were allowed to enter at 7 pm (for the Miss Earth Singapore Swimsuit-cum-Pre-Judging Round of course)... photography and video recording is actually allowed!! We were greeted by the lovely Genecia, who was co-host alongside Power 98 DJ Elliot Danker.
The event started proper at 8 pm, and the 13 babes came out in light blue bikinis. ve Deborah looked beautiful with wavy hairstyle and rather high voice. The hottest babe IMO had gotta be Xuanhua, but her Australian accent during Q n A segment was quite a turn-off, rather unnatural. There was some Filipino guy named Gino who made our ribs hurt like hell with his cross-dressing as a buxom lounge singer and singing Elton John's "Your Song" as well as "Crazy Little Thing Called Love". Because of his rather disturbing act, I decided not to uplaod any photo of him in the albums on Facebook. The event ended at 10 plus, Ish and I waited outside Bellini Grande til 10.45 pm, then decided to leave. Strangely I could sleep quite well in spite of the sizzling hot parade that happened at BG :-p
Sunday, 6th September
The day started off with very heavy downpour... me and family headed for church service as usual, then we went to plaza Singapura for lunch. After that, I went to Suntec Convention for a while... stumbled on some Latin Dance Contest going on at the ballroom... went upstairs for a better view and took quite a lot of photos from 3rd level. Then I went to Toys R Us for a while to deal with some private stuff (shhh, cant say it out) and walked to Arts House to attend Dead Sea Scrolls exhibition. I can tell you that there's lots of surprises going on there, so you better hurry and go for this event before 20th September. After that, I walked across the Padang, happened to see some Samba Masala performance in front of the Supreme Court, hosted by Nadya Hutagalung and some random dude. I took bus back to hometown, had dinner with family, and spent the rest of the night slacking at Internet time. :-)
Click on the following links to view the pictures...
Miss Earth Singapore Swimsuit/Pre-Judging Part 1
Miss Earth Singapore Swimsuit/Pre-Judging Part 2
Dead Seas Scrolls exhibition at Arts House
Samba Masala performance outside Supreme Court
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Looking forward to MES Swimsuit Competition (yeah baby)
I know this came a bit late, but I went to Iluma to watch "Bruno" on Sunday afternoon... crass, disgusting and hilarious to the max, we all laughed til we peng san (see how scared Bruno got when a dominatrix tried to make him take off his thong in a swingers' party). And yeah, I have come to realize that I am certainly straight and not a homo at all. Proof of this is when I continue to stare at leggy babes on my way out of Iluma... :-)
This coming Saturday evening after work, I am going to Bellini Grande at Clarke Quay specially to watch 13 babes strut their stuff in Miss Earth Singapore Swimsuit Competition. Prepare for SexyTime, muahaha!!! With that, I dedicate this MJ song (duet with Mick Jagger) to all the babes, including the host Genecia... :-)
(Click here to access to official Miss Earth Singapore website)
STATE OF SHOCK- Michael Jackson and Mick Jagger
Aaow!! Yeah, come on baby... aaow!
Gotta be mine
Cos you're so fine!
I like your style
It makes me wild!
You give it to me good,
Just like you know you should
You get me on my knees
Please, baby, please... listen
You look so great, everytime I see your face
You put me in a state (uh, uh, uh, uh)
State of shock
Hee hee hee... we're doing it!! Hoo!!
Come on baby...
Uhhh... come on baby...
Come on AVA! Woo, aaow!!
She brought me on my knees
Please, baby, please!
I know you like to tease
Please, baby, please!
So give it to me good
Just like you know you should
I love the way you walk
Talk, baby, talk... listen
She looked so great, everytime I see her face
She put me in a state (uh, uh, uh, uh)
A state of shock
Hee hee hee... she put me, woo!
State of shock
Come on over here...
No, come on over here
(Hee hee) Oooh!!
Talk, talk to me (state of shock)
(Aaow!!) Woo hoo hoo...
Oh, state of shock
You put me in
You know I really love you baby
You know I really want you mama
You got me paralyzed
You got me paralyzed
You got me catatonic
You got me catatonic baby
You got me supersonic
You got me supersonic, baby
You got me deep fried
You know I'm deep fried
Refrain (twice)
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah (Hoo! Hoo!)
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah (Hoo! Hoo!)
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah (Hoo! Hoo!)
Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah (state of shock)
Da da dee dee lee don da,
Da da dee dee lee don da (hoo hoo!)
Da da dee dee lee don da,
Da da dee dee lee don da (hoo hoo!)
Da da dee dee lee don da,
Da da dee dee lee don da (hoo hoo!)
Da da dee dee lee don da,
Da da dee dee lee don da (state of shock)
You know, I need mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (hoo hoo!)
Come on baby (hoo hoo!)
Woo! You know I really love you baby (hoo hoo!)
Da da dee dee lee don da (state of shock)
Refrain (twice)
Yeah baby (hoo! hoo!)
Just look at me, just look at me...
You got me, you got me
You got me in a state of shock
Look at that, look at me
Look at me, look at me
Lomk at me, look at me... urgh!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
My thoughts for first live show of Singapore Idol 3
Although I had vowed from the start of June not to be too closely involved with Singapore Idol 3, I still found myself rushing back home to watch the first batch of Top 24 performing live in a small studio earlier today. I feel kinda bad for Hady, his 'big brother' role was rather pointless and laughable, doesn't help that his English sounds rather broken. And to think that this guy was the very first Asian Idol!! I think the HapyHadys must be covering their faces in shame... could this mark Hady's fall from grace?
But alas, the new season is not without some new twists. The first twist, as we may have known already, is that the phone lines begin at the start of the show, and that the results show come right after the news. Here's the second twist... 6 of the first 12 will advance to the Spectaculars, there will not be a second chance for those who didn't get in. Meaning no Wildcard round for this show, this wll be a last chance for half of the Idol wannabes. Sucks totally, right? This just kills the enthusiasm for the new season... makes it sound very rushed, as if the producers seem to have run out of fresh ideas. The third twist is the Judges' Save, which will be used at any point of time during the Final 12 (more on that at a later time).
I can't help but feel that the girls fared batter than the guys for this first of 2 Top Piano shows. The only ones I think have potential are... Tabitha, Jannah, Syltra. I dunno about the guys, unfortunately... goodness, one of them is actually named MJ? Is it too much of a coincidence from the recent passing of "you-know-who"? Farhan reminds me too much of Zac Efron with that hair of his... his vocals are ok, but will he end up being labelled as Sanjaya Malakar No 2? Or maybe a hate target like ermm, Jerry Yeo from SI 1 or even Victor Tang from "Live The Dream"? No surprise then that Ken Lim has certain concerns towards the cute guy...
The most LOL moment of the night had gotta be when the Top 12 started off the Results show at 10 pm by singing one of Michael Jackson's hit songs from Thriller (the greatest selling album of all time!!), "Wanna Be Starting Something". Lamest MJ Tribute I have ever seen, seriously!! Somewhere in California, MJ must be rolling in the mortuary (and he's due to be laid to rest in Glendale Park only tomorrow night...)
The ones who got in are... Charles, MJ, Farhan, Tabitha, Syltra and Malaque. 3 guys and 3 girls made it to the next round. But what was more surprising was that the public voted the guys in, while the judges were the ones who voted the girls in. Too bad we won't get to see more of people like Theodore, Nurul Huda or even that Vickie Guerrero lookalike Frances Maria. I hope the same scenario doesn't happen next week...
Still, I have to admit that Singapore Idol has evidently lost its magic touch for this season, it fails miserably in its attempt to once again connect with the viewers at home. Where it succeeded for the first 2 seasons, it failed for this one; I'm sure most of you would agree with me on that. Where 2 times is a charm, the third one is a mere fizzle. Watching the piano shows and Spectacular rounds of Singapore Idol 1 or 2 on TV or 'live' in the good ol' MediaCorp theater is like watching a blockbuster movie (eg Iron Man or The Dark Knight or even Transformers)... excellent script, a stellar cast, action-packed scenes. Watching the first live show for SI 3 is like watching a direct-to-TV movie DVD... with C-list actors, a weak plot and absurd scenes, complete with cheap digital effects.
As much as I would love to go to the studio to root for sweet-faced Charlene Torres-Tan in next week's episode, I would actually prefer to wait at MediaCorp reception instead. Moreover, I finish work at 7 pm next Wed, and I don't see any need to rush to MediaCorp by taxi, I'm way past that phase. Besides, how to survive in a cramped studio that can only hold up abt 100 people or less?
Hopefully, the Top 3 finalists for SI 3 wll be either A) 2 girls and a guy, or better yet B) 3 girls. Remember the last time there were 2 guys and a girl for Seasons 1 and 2, not to forget the solo category for "Live The Dream"? The girl gets booted out, and the guys proceed to the finals. Like I said before, there better not be a deja vu for this year's show. Anything can happen.
For the recap, go here and be amazed by the interesting 'pattern'.