Sunday, March 08, 2015

Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia: Stan Lee cameos in the MCU

1) In Iron Man 1, who did Tony Stark mistake Stan Lee for?
a) Larry King b) Malcolm Forbes c) Jay Leno d) Hugh Hefner

2) In The Incredible Hulk, what made Stan Lee sick?
a) He drank a bottle of gamma radiated soda
b) He ate some unhygienic food
c) He had a high fever
d) He had cardiac arrest

3) In Thor, what vehicle did Stan Lee use to try pulling out Mjollnir out of the crater?
a) an army tank b) a helicopter c) a pickup truck d) a deluxe-sized bus

4) In Captain America: The Fist Avengers, Stan Lee thought that the main hero would be...
a) uglier b) taller c) fatter d) older

5) What was Stan Lee doing when being interviewed on his thoughts about The Avengers?
a) fishing b) golf c) flying kite d) chess

6) What was Stan Lee's cameo in Iron Man 3?
a) Food vendor b) Sound editor c) beauty pageant judge d) Cameraman

7) What did Dr Selvig borrow from Stan Lee in the mental institute,  in Thor: the Dark World?
a) Shoe b) Glasses c) Belt d) Wallet

8) Why was Stan Lee "so fired" when at the Smithosian Museum, in Captain America: The Winter Soldier?
a) The Hulk wrecked havoc in the place.
b) Captain America's WW2 uniform was stolen.
c) The Chitauri army made their return.
d) Loki had shapeshifted into an exact image of himself.

9) What was Stan Lee doing in Guardians Of The Galaxy?
a) Reading some library books
b) Flying a space bus
c) Manning a food vendor.
d) Flirting with a younger woman.