Friday, March 06, 2015

Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia 8: Captain America The Winter Soldier

1) At the start of the film, how long has Steve Rogers run, according to Sam Wilson?
a) 10
b) 13
c) 16
d) 20

2) During the rescue mission to free hostages aboard a SHIELD vessel, Steve Rogers goes one-on-one against a certain Georges Batroc the Leaper. Which form of martial arts does Batroc specialize in?
a) Capoeira
b) Muay Thai
c) Savate
d) Wing Chun

3) Robert Redford and Scarlet Johansson appeared in an earlier film prior to this one, what was the title of that film?
a) Horse Whisperer
b) Bull Wanderer
c) Dog Explorer
d) Goat Trainer

4) What is the first name of Steve Rogers' neighbor, who later revealed herself as a SHIELD agent?
a) Sandra
b) Savannah
c) Sharon
d) Stacy

5) Where within the hospital did Steve Rogers hide the SHIELD thumbdrive?
a) Beneath an air-con duct
b) Under an operating table
c) In the handicapped restroom
d) Inside a vending machine

6) Which U.S. state was the SHIELD bunker located?
a) New Hampshire
b) New Jersey
c) New Mexico
d) New York

7) Which year did Dr Zola sucuumb to his terminal disease, before transferring his mind into SHIELD software?
a) 1972
b) 1974
c) 1976
d) 1978

8) What is Sam Wilson's codename?
a) Condor
b) Eagle
c) Vulture
d) Falcon

9) Before he was frozen alive, what did Captain America believe happened to Bucky?
a) That he fled to another country
b) he had become a traitor
c) That he died from a plane explosion
d) That he died from falling off a train

10) Which part of the Winter Soldier's body is bionic?
a) His left arm
b) His left leg
c) His right arm
d) His right leg

11) Nick Fury stated that he had taken an anti-stress serum to slow down his heart rate to appear dead. Which ally presented him the serum?
a) Doctor Selvig
b) Doctor Erskine
c) Doctor Banner
d) Doctor Stern

12) Which future MCU character was referenced in the Project Insight LD screen, but has not yet made his onscreen debut?
a) Stephen Strange
b) Matt Murdock
c) Luke Cage
d) T'Challa

13) The words engraved on Nick Fury's tomb were taken from a certain Quentin Taratino film from 1994. From which book of the Bible was the verse taken from?
a) Ephesians  
b) Exodus  
c) Ezekiel  
d) Ezra

14) What is the surname of the Baron seen during the mid-credits scene?
a) Strucker
b) Steinfeld
c) Stengel
d) Speigel

15) What is the real first name of the actress playing the female volunteer seen in the HYDRA facility during the mid-credits scene?
a) Ashley  
b) Elizabeth  
c) Eunice  
d) Mary-Kate

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