Taneleer Tivan, aka The Collector, is the obsessive keeper of the largest collection of interstellar fauna, relics and species in the galaxy. An enigmatic and eccentric figure, Tivan operates from the Knowhere port installation.. When he encounters Peter Quill and his band, The Collector attempts to strike a dubious bargain.

Powers and abilities
Being an Elder of the Universe, Tivan has extensive knowledge and experience with cosmic forces, and has utilized the various energies in the universe for a variety of purposes.

The Collector possesses the ability to manipulate cosmic energy for a variety of effects, including projecting concussive force beams, and the increasing of his size and mass (and hence physical strength) at will. While demonstarting the power of the Orb to the Guardians of the Galaxy, the Collector mystically extracted the power within the Orb and made the various energy particles float around the room. Also during the demonstration, the Collector conjured two spheres of pulsating orange energy.
He also possesses limited shape-changing abilities. His precognitive abilities give him brief visions of alternate future, although he must meditate for long periods to identify the individuals he sees in the vision and its apparent point in time. He has telepathic abilities that enable him to make limited contact with the minds of other Elders. Due to a vow by Death, Collector and all the Elders cannot die and are effectively immortal.