89P13 or Rocket is an Earth-born raccoon that was recovered by an alien race. Brought to the alien world Halfworld in the Keystone Quadrant star system, Rocket was genetically and cybernetically enhanced so that he was given sentient intelligence. Years of abuse and repetitive genetic rewrite caused Rocket to develop a vain and chaotic personality, driving him into becoming a gunslinging mercenary. Only recently he has been content to roam the stars in search of adventure ans fast cash with his partner in crime Groot. But when an ominous threat leaves the entire cocmos at risk, Rocket must bring his mechanical genius and ingenuity to bear as a member of the Guardians.

Powers and abilities
Rocket Raccoon possesses the normal attributes of an Earth raccoon, including speed (which has been additionally amplified by his training) an acute sense of smell, sight, hearing and touch. He is an accomplished starship pilot, an expert marksman with the two laser pistols he carries as well as having an affinity for heavy weapons. Rocket's entire skeletal structure is cybernetic, allowing him to move more like a human and still be as agile as a normal raccoon. He is also a master military tactician and leader; he is able to formulate battle strategies and his brilliant tactical sense allows him to alter any strategy to fit the changing need of the situation.

As a weapon specialist, Rocket Racoon favors the use of many different high-technology weapons in order to fulfill his missions as a mercenary.
Ion Cannon: Rocket's favorite weapon, until he was forced to sell it in The Hub in order to obtain cash in fast way.
Laser Cannon: Rocket's new weapon, described as "the juiciest killware seen in ages", and obtained in a confiscated weapons case in a customs station in The Hub.
Gas Grenade: A small device that emits a sleeping gas.
Hadron Enforcer: A large combustion cannon used for demolition purposes.