1) In Iron Man 1, who did Tony Stark mistake Stan Lee for?
a) Larry King b) Malcolm Forbes c) Jay Leno d) Hugh Hefner
2) In The Incredible Hulk, what made Stan Lee sick?
a) He drank a bottle of gamma radiated soda
b) He ate some unhygienic food
c) He had a high fever
d) He had cardiac arrest
3) In Thor, what vehicle did Stan Lee use to try pulling out Mjollnir out of the crater?
a) an army tank b) a helicopter c) a pickup truck d) a deluxe-sized bus
4) In Captain America: The Fist Avengers, Stan Lee thought that the main hero would be...
a) uglier b) taller c) fatter d) older
5) What was Stan Lee doing when being interviewed on his thoughts about The Avengers?
a) fishing b) golf c) flying kite d) chess
6) What was Stan Lee's cameo in Iron Man 3?
a) Food vendor b) Sound editor c) beauty pageant judge d) Cameraman
7) What did Dr Selvig borrow from Stan Lee in the mental institute, in Thor: the Dark World?
a) Shoe b) Glasses c) Belt d) Wallet
8) Why was Stan Lee "so fired" when at the Smithosian Museum, in Captain America: The Winter Soldier?
a) The Hulk wrecked havoc in the place.
b) Captain America's WW2 uniform was stolen.
c) The Chitauri army made their return.
d) Loki had shapeshifted into an exact image of himself.
9) What was Stan Lee doing in Guardians Of The Galaxy?
a) Reading some library books
b) Flying a space bus
c) Manning a food vendor.
d) Flirting with a younger woman.
CAUTION... this blog may contain some offensive material in some of the posts (but Im not one to judge others whatsoever). Since 2010 this blog is now an archive for upcoming movies or video games. For more current affairs, do check out my Facebook page, thanks.
Sunday, March 08, 2015
Saturday, March 07, 2015
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia 9: Guardians Of The Galaxy

Questions are based on the happenings within the latest MCU film directed by Sean Gunn.
01) Which year was it when Peter Quill was abducted, soon after his mother's passing?
a) 1980 b) 1984 c) 1988 d) 1992
02) Peter is seen at the hospital listening to a mix tape, what was it titled ?
a) Music Volume 1
b) 80's Hits 1
c) Awesome Mix Vol. 1
d) Stars Music Mix 1

03) On what planet was Peter when he stole the Orb?
a) Morag
b) Monsho
c) Moonta
d) Morocon
04) Korath finds Peter just as he steals the orb, in a effort to hide his true intentions regarding the orb, what reason does Peter give for finding it, "I'm just a ____" ?
a) Scavanger
b) Junker
c) Repo Man
d) Thief

05) When Peter escapes back to his ship, he has a rather bumpy ride as he takes off, a woman appears from the floor of the ship after being tossed about, Peter had forgotten about her. What was her name?
a) Carina
b) Gamora
c) Nebula
d) Bereet
06) Peter was to bring the orb to his partner Yondu, but changes his mind. Yandu says that he's breaking the code of the ravagers, but Peter claims that the code of the ravagers is...?
a) Steal from everybody
b) Take what's yours
c) Do the work, get the reward
d) Dont be a chump
07) What is the name used by the Xandarians and Ravagers to describe Earth?
a) Earlon b) Jarkon c) Terra d) Amazonia

08) The name Rocket is an alias and he actually has a code number as his official identification, what is it ?
a) R2D34
b) 89P13
c) K85CV
d) RJ964

09) What is the name of Peter's personal scaecraft?
a) Moretti b) Melato c) Milano d) Marciano
10) After Peter, Gamora, Rocket and Groot get arrested, we find out that Peter has a middle name, what is it?
a) Jason b) James c) Jared d) Justin

11) Peter gives himself a cool nickname and tries to get others to get accustomed to it, what nickname does he choose?
a) Star-Prince
b) Star-Killer
c) Star-Blazer
d) Star-Lord
12) At the high security prison of Kyln, what color are the clothing all prisoners wear?
a) Yellow
b) Orange
c) Red
d) Purple

13) While at the prison, the four plan to escape and bring the orb to Gamora's buyer who is willing to pay a large sum for it. How much did Gamora claim they were willing to pay?
a) 100 Million Units
b) 1 Billion Units
c) 2 Billion Units
d) 4 Billion Units
14) After Peter obtained the fake leg, it turned out that Rocket had only requested it as a joke, not believing they'd actually get it. How much MONEY had Peter paid to obtain it?
a) 10,000 Units
b) 20,000 Units
c) 30,000 Units
d) 40,000 Units
15) The gang grab their belongings before heading to Peter's ship, but what item is missing from Peter's bag which he cannot leave without?
a) The orb
b) Walkman set
c) His space mask
d) His jet boosters

16) After breaking out of the prison, the gang have increased from four members to five, what is the name of the new member with the red tattoos all over his upper body?
a) Drax
b) Kraglin
c) Hortiz
d) Argomael
17) The group head to a mining colony which is inside the severed head of an ancient celestial being, what is it named?
a) Neverland
b) Nothing
c) Knowhere
d) Not There
18) When the orb is opened what is inside ?
a) Infinity Stone
b) Giant Emerald
c) Stone of Life
d) Stone of Destruction

19) What is the nickname of Ronan?
a) The Interrogator
b) The Accuser
c) The Persecutor
d) The Pursuer
20) What is the consequence of handling the object within the orb, as evidenced by Carina?
a) It will cause the holder to get sick.
b) It will cause the person to suffer memory loss.
c) It will result in a massive explosion.
d) It will transport the person to another dimension.
21) In order to save Gamora's life, Peter must call an enemy to come and rescue them, who does he call?
a) Yondu
b) The Nova Guards
c) Korath
d) Denarian Saal
22) Yondu has a rather unusual weapon which can hover in the air and then fly off piercing several enemies at once before returning to Yondu, what does this weapon resemble?
a) A ball
b) A boomerang
c) A missile
d) An arrow
23) How much of a plan does Peter have, which caused Rocket to laugh out loudly?
a) 8%
b) 10%
c) 12%
d) 15%

24) When Ronan's ship is about the crash with the gang onboard, Groot grows his branches around them to create a protective ball, Rocket is upset be he knows this will kill Groot, what is Groot's reply?
a) I am Groot
b) We are Groot
c) Groot must protect
d) Remember Groot
25) After the crash, what does Peter do to distract Ronan, giving Drax and Rocket time to shoot Ronan's hammer at Ronan?
a) Tell a story
b) Sing and dance
c) Mock Ronan
d) Tell a joke

26) After the Guardians kill Ronan, Yondu demands the orb as per his original deal with Peter, but instead Peter gives him a fake orb. When Yondu later opens the orb, what was inside?
A Little Pony
A micro-processor
A troll doll
A mix tape
27) After a medical scan, what does the Nova Prime tell Peter about himself?
He has a healing factor similar to a certain X-Man
He's related to Gamora
The infinity stone has become part of him
He's only half human, half Centaurian
28) At the end of the movie, Peter finally opens the gift his mother gave him at the start, it was a note and what else?
a) A mix tape
b) A picture of his father
c) A magical stone
d) A video tape

29) What is the name of the Jackson 5 song which the reborn Groot danced along to?
a) ABC
b) The Love You Save
c) I Want You Back
d) Got To Be There
30) In the end credits scene, a despondent Taneleer drinks from a green cup and is licked on the face by Cosmo the Dog. Another character seated opposite him expresses his disgust, wondering why he would allow such a thing to happen. What species is this second character?
a) Rooster
b) Duck
c) Goose
d) Swan
31) Chris Pratt, who plays Peter Quill in the film, plays a regular Joe named Emmet in which film?
a) Moneyball
b) Zero Dark Thirty
c) Wanted
d) The Lego Movie
32) Dave Bautista, who played Drax in the film, is best known as a WWE Superstar, a 6-time world champion and a 2-time Royal Rumble winner. What is his nickname during his tenure in the WWE?
a) The Cerebral Assassin
b) The Animal
c) The Brass Body
d) The Viper
33) Zoe Saldana, who played Gamora in the film, has also played a blue-skinned alien in James Cameron's "Avatar" back in 2009. What was her character's name in that film?
a) Neytiri
b) Cataleya
c) Anamaria
d) Uhura
34) Vin Diesel, who provided motion capture for Groot, is best known for his role as Dominic Toretto in the Fast & Furious film franchise. What is Dom's occupation?
a) Space pirate
b) Iron Giant
c) Street racer
d) Extreme sports enthusiast
35) Bradley Cooper, who provided the voice of Rocket, is known for his role in The Hangover trilogy. What is the first name of his character?
a) Preston
b) Phillip
c) Payton
d) Pedro
36) Lee Pace, who plays Ronan, appeared in The Hobbit trilogy as the king of which fictional species?
a) Elves
b) Dwarves
c) Volturi
d) Orcs
37) Djimon Hounsou, who played Korath in the film, also played an Egyptian god in the first Stargate film back in 1994. Which deity did he parade as?
a) Thoth
b) Osiris
c) Anubis
d) Horus
38) Glenn Close, who plays Nova Prime in the film, once played a rich socialite in the live adaptation of a Disney film, who is obsessed with collecting the fur of a certain dog breed...
a) Pomeranian
b) German Shepherd
c) Dalmatian
d) Chihuahua
39) John C.Reilly, who plays Rhomann Dey in the film, has received multiple award nominations for his role in a certain film. Which one is it?
a) Chicago
b) Walk Hard
c) The Hours
d) Magnolia
40) Benicio del Toro, who plays Taneleer Tivan the Collector, played a Universal monster in an earlier film.
a) Count Dracula
b) Wolfman
c) Mummy
d) Fanrkenstein's monster
Friday, March 06, 2015
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia 8: Captain America The Winter Soldier

1) At the start of the film, how long has Steve Rogers run, according to Sam Wilson?
a) 10
b) 13
c) 16
d) 20

2) During the rescue mission to free hostages aboard a SHIELD vessel, Steve Rogers goes one-on-one against a certain Georges Batroc the Leaper. Which form of martial arts does Batroc specialize in?
a) Capoeira
b) Muay Thai
c) Savate
d) Wing Chun
3) Robert Redford and Scarlet Johansson appeared in an earlier film prior to this one, what was the title of that film?
a) Horse Whisperer
b) Bull Wanderer
c) Dog Explorer
d) Goat Trainer

4) What is the first name of Steve Rogers' neighbor, who later revealed herself as a SHIELD agent?
a) Sandra
b) Savannah
c) Sharon
d) Stacy
5) Where within the hospital did Steve Rogers hide the SHIELD thumbdrive?
a) Beneath an air-con duct
b) Under an operating table
c) In the handicapped restroom
d) Inside a vending machine
6) Which U.S. state was the SHIELD bunker located?
a) New Hampshire
b) New Jersey
c) New Mexico
d) New York

7) Which year did Dr Zola sucuumb to his terminal disease, before transferring his mind into SHIELD software?
a) 1972
b) 1974
c) 1976
d) 1978

8) What is Sam Wilson's codename?
a) Condor
b) Eagle
c) Vulture
d) Falcon
9) Before he was frozen alive, what did Captain America believe happened to Bucky?
a) That he fled to another country
b) he had become a traitor
c) That he died from a plane explosion
d) That he died from falling off a train

10) Which part of the Winter Soldier's body is bionic?
a) His left arm
b) His left leg
c) His right arm
d) His right leg
11) Nick Fury stated that he had taken an anti-stress serum to slow down his heart rate to appear dead. Which ally presented him the serum?
a) Doctor Selvig
b) Doctor Erskine
c) Doctor Banner
d) Doctor Stern
12) Which future MCU character was referenced in the Project Insight LD screen, but has not yet made his onscreen debut?
a) Stephen Strange
b) Matt Murdock
c) Luke Cage
d) T'Challa
13) The words engraved on Nick Fury's tomb were taken from a certain Quentin Taratino film from 1994. From which book of the Bible was the verse taken from?
a) Ephesians
b) Exodus
c) Ezekiel
d) Ezra
14) What is the surname of the Baron seen during the mid-credits scene?
a) Strucker
b) Steinfeld
c) Stengel
d) Speigel

15) What is the real first name of the actress playing the female volunteer seen in the HYDRA facility during the mid-credits scene?
a) Ashley
b) Elizabeth
c) Eunice
d) Mary-Kate
Thursday, March 05, 2015
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia 7: Thor the Dark World

1) We are greeted at the beginning with a great fight scene between the Asgardians and their foe, the Dark Elves of Svartlfheim. Borr, the then Asgardian leader, secured victory and locked the Aether away where no-one can find it. Growing up, what name would Thor and Loki have called Borr?
a) Grandfather
b) Great granduncle
c) Uncle
d) Great grandfather
2) During Loki's trial, Odin sentences Loki to life-long imprisonment, neglecting him of the right to ever talk to his mother again. Odin also mentions Thor and says that Loki's brother is striving to bring peace to the Nine Realms, of which we visit five over the course of the film. We visit Asgard, Vanaheim, Svartlfheim, Jotunheim, and ?
a) Muspell
b) Nifheim
c) Midgard
d) Alfheim
3) During Thor's liberation of Vanaheim from the marauders, he comes face to face with a foe that he eliminates in one swift move. Recognisable by die-hard fans as Thor's foe from his very first comic issue, what are they known as?
a) Jotuns
b) Kursed
c) Kosmosians
d) Kronans
4) Which of these allies hails from Vanaheim, and has only about 3 minutes of screentime?
a) Sif
b) Hogun
c) Fandral
d) Volstagg

5) The Dark Elves awaken from their millennia-long sleep and invade Asgard. Having not been able to 'see' them coming, Heimdall quickly springs to action on the Bifrost and manages to single-handedly destroy one of the invading ships with the help of his two knives. Where does Heimdall keep them beforehand?
a) Strapped to his lower back
b) In a chest within the Observatory
c) Strapped to his ankles
d) Concealed in his helmet
6) All hell breaks loose in the Asgard dungeons when Kurse breaks free of his cell as well as freeing all the other Marauders and criminals incarcerated there. Yet upon reaching Loki's cell, the two exchange stares, intimidating Kurse enough to leave Loki alone. As he walks away, what message does Loki give Kurse?
a) ''This plan of yours is going to get us both killed.''
b) ''See you in hell, monster.''
c) ''You might want to take the stairs to the left.''
d) ''What makes you think you can trust me?''

7) After Frigga is fatally wounded, Malekith and Kurse make their escape, but not before Thor sends a blast of lightning at Malekith and manages to permanently scar a part of his face. Which was it?
a) Eyes and nose
b) Whole right half
c) Whole left half
d) Forehead
8) Which of these Avengers did Loki briefly shapeshift into as they make their exit from the prison?
a) Iron Man
b) Hawkeye
c) Nick Fury
d) Captain America
9) What is the name of Jane's blind date in a restaurant at the start of the film?
a) Richard
b) Randall
c) Robert
d) Rudolph
10) Before Thor the Dark World, Christopher Eccleston (Malekith) and Adewale (Algrim/Kurse) have appeared together in GI Joe: The Rise of Cobra, though not in the same team. Name the characters that they portrayed.
a) Duke and Ripcord
b) Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow
c) Destro and Heavy Duty
d) Cobra Commander and Zartan
11) Thor and Loki have battled and defeated Kurse and a small troop of Dark Elves. But it isn't without a casualty. Loki is gravely wounded and is dying. Having said his final goodbyes, Loki closes his eyes and appears to have breathed his last, and Thor and Jane make good their escape back to Earth. Of course, Loki was fooling them the whole time, and when Asgardian guards come to find the brothers, Loki shapeshifts into one as a means to get back safely to Asgard. We get a good look at the Guard/Loki, but where have we seen that face before?
a) Loki talks to him in a scene in the dungeons.
b) Loki shapeshifts into him in an earlier scene with Thor.
c) He is one of Odin's personal guard.
d) She was with Fandral in an Asgardian tavern that Thor visited.

12) The Aether is a mysterious, red-colored liquid-like force that existed before the birth of the Nine Realms. It maintains an almost lifelike existence that causes it to bond in a parasitic fashion to a living host. What is its main purpose?
a) alter the minds of hapless victims
b) open up a portal to another dimension
c) can wipe out an entire planet
d) convert any matter into dark matter
13) Thor faces Malekith in one final showdown in Greenwich, with the Convergence happening at the same time. Cue lots of portal mishaps and realm jumping, and Thor finds himself miles away at one of the many stations of the London Underground Network. He asks a woman how to get to Greenwich, to which she replies, ''Take this train, three stops.'' Which Underground station has Thor found himself at?
a) Charing Cross
b) Piccadilly Circus
c) Baker Street
d) Kings Cross

14) Volstagg and Sif entrust the Aether to Taneleer Tivan the Collector, saying that it would be unwise to keep 2 Infinity Stones at the same place (with the Tesseract locked up in Odin's Vault). How many more Infinity Stones does Taneleer need to complete his collection?
a) 3
b) 4
c) 5
d) 6
15) After the mid-credits scene featuring a new threat to the many heroes of Marvel, waiting through the credit crawl presented those who stayed with a light-hearted scene featuring Jane back home on Earth. Thor appears and the two embrace and share in a loving kiss, interrupting Jane's morning breakfast. Although, which specific cereal is she eating?
a) Frosties
b) Shreddies
c) Corn Flakes
d) Lucky Charms
Wednesday, March 04, 2015
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia 6C: Iron Legion as seen in Iron Man 3
1) Which of these armors tried to attack Pepper and was eventually destroyed?
a) Mark 08 b) Mark 09 c) Mark 10 d) Mark 11
2) Which of these suits was the first armor to have a silver and black plating?
a) Mark 12 b) Mark 13 c) Mark 14 d) Mark 15
3) Which of these suits gave Rhodey a lift in the opening moments of the battle at Roxxon oil rig?
a) Nightclub b) Heartbreaker c) Sneaky d) Casanova
4) What is Mark 19 capable of?
a) Enhanced flexibility b) Sensor invisibility c) Creating forcefields d) High velocity travel
5) What is the codename of the Mark 20 armor?
a) Python b) Viper c) Cobra d) Anaconda
6) Mark 21 is named after a popular Greek character, who is best remembered for...?
a) Inventing wax feathers to escape from prison
b) Leading the Greek army to invade the city of Troy
c) Turning everything he touched into gold
d) Entering the Labryinth and battling the Minotaur
7) Which body part did Hot Rod (the War Machine Mark 2 Prototype) sport flame decals?
a) Shoulders b) Shins c) Forearms d) Waistline
8) What is "Shades" able to withstand?
a) Sub-zero temperatures b) Deep space c) Nuclear radiation d) Extreme heat
9) Which fellow Avenger is the Mark 26 armor alluded to?
a) Hulk b) Thor c) Hawkeye d) Nick Fury
10) What are the main colors of the Mark 27 armor?
a) Green and silver b) Yellow and brown c) Blue and orange d) Red and purple
11) What is the name of the Radiation-Zone armor?
a) Jason b) Jaden c) James d) Jack
12) Which armor is named after a tragic Shakespearean character? (a MediaCorp actor also bears this name)
a) Mark 31 b) Mark 32 c) Mark 33 d) Mark 34
13) Which of these armors did Tony put on first to fight against Killian?
a) Silver Centurion b) Peacemaker c) Shotgun d) Bones
14) What is the codename of the Disaster Rescue armor?
a) Red Dragon b) Red Lobster c) Red Snapper d) Red Stinger
15) What kind of sea creature is the Mark 37 armor named after?
a) A dolphin b) A shark c) An eel d) An octopus
16) Which is not true about Mark 38 Igor?
a) It is painted red and gold like the earlier Iron Man armors.
b) It is the bulkiest and largest armor.
c) It is the only one who did not battle any Extremist soldiers.
d) It can lift and carry objects 4 times its weight.
17) What is the alternate name for the Sub-Ortibal Armor Starboost?
a) Pisces b) Aries c) Virgo d) Gemini
18) Which of these attributes is true about the Mark 41 armor?
a) Riot control b) Hypersonic speeds c) Focus on maneuverability d) Stealth artillery
19) Which of these armors does not have an enhanced RT piece?
a) Blue Steel b) Heartbreaker c) Casanova d) Tank
20) Which of these armors does not possess a jackhammer arm?
a) Thumper b) Gamma c) Fiddler d) Southpaw
a) Mark 08 b) Mark 09 c) Mark 10 d) Mark 11
2) Which of these suits was the first armor to have a silver and black plating?
a) Mark 12 b) Mark 13 c) Mark 14 d) Mark 15
3) Which of these suits gave Rhodey a lift in the opening moments of the battle at Roxxon oil rig?
a) Nightclub b) Heartbreaker c) Sneaky d) Casanova
4) What is Mark 19 capable of?
a) Enhanced flexibility b) Sensor invisibility c) Creating forcefields d) High velocity travel
5) What is the codename of the Mark 20 armor?
a) Python b) Viper c) Cobra d) Anaconda
6) Mark 21 is named after a popular Greek character, who is best remembered for...?
a) Inventing wax feathers to escape from prison
b) Leading the Greek army to invade the city of Troy
c) Turning everything he touched into gold
d) Entering the Labryinth and battling the Minotaur
7) Which body part did Hot Rod (the War Machine Mark 2 Prototype) sport flame decals?
a) Shoulders b) Shins c) Forearms d) Waistline
8) What is "Shades" able to withstand?
a) Sub-zero temperatures b) Deep space c) Nuclear radiation d) Extreme heat
9) Which fellow Avenger is the Mark 26 armor alluded to?
a) Hulk b) Thor c) Hawkeye d) Nick Fury
10) What are the main colors of the Mark 27 armor?
a) Green and silver b) Yellow and brown c) Blue and orange d) Red and purple
11) What is the name of the Radiation-Zone armor?
a) Jason b) Jaden c) James d) Jack
12) Which armor is named after a tragic Shakespearean character? (a MediaCorp actor also bears this name)
a) Mark 31 b) Mark 32 c) Mark 33 d) Mark 34
13) Which of these armors did Tony put on first to fight against Killian?
a) Silver Centurion b) Peacemaker c) Shotgun d) Bones
14) What is the codename of the Disaster Rescue armor?
a) Red Dragon b) Red Lobster c) Red Snapper d) Red Stinger
15) What kind of sea creature is the Mark 37 armor named after?
a) A dolphin b) A shark c) An eel d) An octopus
16) Which is not true about Mark 38 Igor?
a) It is painted red and gold like the earlier Iron Man armors.
b) It is the bulkiest and largest armor.
c) It is the only one who did not battle any Extremist soldiers.
d) It can lift and carry objects 4 times its weight.
17) What is the alternate name for the Sub-Ortibal Armor Starboost?
a) Pisces b) Aries c) Virgo d) Gemini
18) Which of these attributes is true about the Mark 41 armor?
a) Riot control b) Hypersonic speeds c) Focus on maneuverability d) Stealth artillery
19) Which of these armors does not have an enhanced RT piece?
a) Blue Steel b) Heartbreaker c) Casanova d) Tank
20) Which of these armors does not possess a jackhammer arm?
a) Thumper b) Gamma c) Fiddler d) Southpaw
Tuesday, March 03, 2015
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia 6B: Info on The Mandarin

A quiz on the Mandarin's rings of powers as seen in the comics.
1) What is the Matter Rearranger Ring not capable of doing?
a) Transform surrounding air into a Toxic Gas
b) Encase opponents in blocks of cement-like material
c) Transmute any elements or objects encased in forcefields
d) Alter his appearance and rearrange costume
2) Which finger is the star-shaped ring located at?
a) Left middle finger b) Right index finger c) Right ring finger d) Left little finger
3) Which is the name of the ring that can cause the air to move at high speeds?
a) Vortex b) Tornado c) Tsunami d) Hurricane
4) What is the shape of the ring on the right ring finger?
a) Circle b) Hexagon c) Square d) Triangle
5) How many dots does the Black Light ring comprise of?
a) Twelve b) Six c) Ten d) Eight
6) Which of these abilities of the White Light ring makes use of telekinesis?
a) Light Burst b) Magnetic Levitation c) Gravity Field d) Image Projection
7) What is the ring on the left index finger capable of doing?
a) Emitting infrared heat b) Create absolute blackness
c) Project eletrical blasts d) Destroying inanimate objects
8) What is the color of the Electro Blast ring?
a) Blue b) Orange c) Green d) Pink
9) Which of these is not a function of the Mento-Intensifier Ring?
a) Magnify the Mandarin's psionic energies
b) Increase the Mandarin's intelligence to genius level
c) Cause temporary mental paralysis via mind manipulation
d) Generating illusions to affect the senses of anyone
10) What is best used to describe the ability of the ring on the left little finger?
a) Geokinetic b) Pyrokinetic c) Electrokinetic d) Cryokinetic
1) C 2) B 3) A 4) C 5) D 6) B 7) A 8) C 9) B 10) D
Monday, March 02, 2015
Marvel Cinematic Universe Trivia 6A: General Facts of Iron Man 3

This quiz, the first for Phase 2 of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, will be slightly more challenging than the previous Iron Man quiz... it will focus not just on the happenings of the third film, but also on the rings used by the Mandarin in the comics, and even the functions of the Iron Man armors.
1) Which country was Tony Stark at during the flashback of New Year'e Eve 1999?
a) Romania b) Poland c) Switzerland d) Netherlands
2) Which of these characters did not accompany Tony Stark into the elevator (and was being unceremonially snubbed)? He made an important appearance in Iron Man 1.
a) Happy Hogan b) Ho Yinsen c) Aldrich Killian d) Maya Hansen
3) Which branch of life sciences did Maya Hansen specialize in?
a) Botany b) Genetics c) Marine biology d) Zoology
4) Which Christmas carol was being played when Tony Stark did a test on the Mark 42 armor?
a) Joy To The World b) Frosty the Snowman c) Silent Night d) Jingle Bells
5) The original Iron Patriot was portrayed by a villain from the Spider-Man comics. What is his alias?
a) Electro b) Green Goblin c) The Lizard d) Sandman
6) What is Happy Hogan most particular about?
a) His inability to flip the screen for his iPad.
b) Janitorial staff complaining about his work etiquette.
c) People like Savin refusing to display their security badges.
d) Downtown Abbey not being screened on TV.
7) How many armors has Tony been building since the Battle in New York?
a) 20 b) 25 c) 30 d) 35
8) What makes the Extremist procedure so dangerous?
a) Any subject who rejects it will heat up and explode.
b) The subject will turn into a being of uncontrollable rage.
c) The subject will be granted godlike power.
d) Any subject deemed unsuitable will dissolve into mercury.
9) What is the postal code for Tony's residence?
a) 90210 b) 90238 c) 90247 d) 90265
10) How did Tony destroy one of the helicopters that was destroying his Malibu home?
a) He threw the toy rabbit at its blades. b) He tossed a sofa onto its tail.
c) He launched a piano towards it. d) He cut it down with lasers.
11) What did Tony steal from the Texaco outlet upon reaching Tennessee?
a) A poncho b) A petrol canister c) A pair of tomahawks d) Car engine
12) How many people were vaporized by Chad Davis' suicidal combustion in Tennessee?
a) 3 b) 5 c) 7 d) 9
13) Which electrical appliance did Tony use to defeat Ellen Brandt?
a) Refrigerator b) Kitchen stove c) Washing machine d) Microwave oven
14) What is Thomas Richards' position in the Roxxon Corporation? (the man who was 'slain' by the fake Mandarin on live TV)
a) Accountant b) Refinery worker c) Executive Assistant d) Computer programmer
15) What is the name of the TV crew member who patterned himself after Tony?
a) Barry b) Jerry c) Gary d) Larry
16) In which Asian country did James Rhodes try to look for the Mandarin?
a) Iran b) Pakistan c) Bangladesh d) Kuwait
17) Which US city in Florida was the Mandarin's broadcast signal at?
a) Palm Beach b) Tampa c) Jacksonville d) Miami
18) What is the name of one of the hookers in Trevor Slattery's room?
a) Vanessa b) Melissa c) Rebecca d) Jessica
19) Which Avenger was being referenced by Aldrich Killian, before he unveiled a hologram of Pepper undergoing Extremis treatment?
a) Black Widow b) Thor c) Hawkeye d) Captain America
20) What cartoon character is featured on the toy watch belonging to Harley's younger sister (and destroyed by Killian's henchman)?
a) Barbie Doll b) Barney the Dinosaur c) Dora the Explorer d) Powerpuff Girls
21) What was Trevor Slattery watching on TV prior to being confronted by Tony and Rhodey?
a) Wrestling match b) Baseball match c) Basketball match d) Soccer match
22) Which member of the White House conspired with Killian with hopes of curing his daughter?
a) First Lady b) Secretary of Defense c) Vice President d) Chief of Staff
23) What does Aldrich Killian have that the other Extremist soldiers do not?
a) Regenerative healing factor b) The ability to breathe fire
c) Enchanced reflexes d) Exothermic reaction
24) What time did Eric Savin (in the Iron Patriot suit) begin his attack in Air Force One according to the center clock?
a) 5 pm b) 6 pm c) 7 pm d) 8 pm
25) How many people did the Mark 42 armor save via "Barrel-of-Monkeys"?
a) 7 b) 10 c) 13 d) 16
26) Which HK actor was originally cast as cardiologist Dr Wu, before pulling out due to family commitments?
a) Simon Yam b) Stephen Chow c) Tony Leung d) Andy Lau
27) Which Chinese actress played Dr Wu's wife, who only appeared in the China-exclusive version?
a) Fan Bingbing b) Zhou Xun c) Tang Wei d) Zhang Ziyi
28) Tony was actually narrating his encounters to a friend, who unfortunately dozed off early in the film. What is that guy's profession? (you wouldn't like him when he's ANGRY!)
a) Geologist b) Nuclear physicist c) Criminologist d) Neurologist
1) C 2) B 3) A 4) D 5) C 6) C 7) D 8) A 9) D 10) C 11) A 12) B 13) D 14) A
15) C 16) B 17) D 18) A 19) B 20) C 21) D 22) C 23) B 24) A 25) C 26) B 27) A 28) B
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