Monday, July 14, 2008

How bad is your temper?

Happy Birthday to Hoonie and Fahrun

I just received this email from an old schoolmate... since i still don't know whether my birthday falls under Aries or Taurus, I guess I'll put up the details for both!

Nothing seems to ruffle you more than a lack of discipline, disloyalty and decorum. (not so true)
But Arians are also known to go into a rage very easily when challenged. (sometimes)
Those of you who have been on the receiving end of the Aries temper know that if not calmed down they can even get violent. (possible!)
But one thing is certain if the opponent remains calm and does not react to their outburst, Arians cool down very fast. (quite true)
They are also the first to apologies, which makes them easier to forgive.

You are generally quiet and have control over your emotions. (quite true)
It is difficult to predict what will upset you, so when you do lose your cool, people don’t know how to react. (also true)
Your temper is like that of a raging bull, and anyone trying to pacify you will be the first one to get a verbal bashing. (only people who piss me off greatly will get bashed!)
You generally get upset when you are concerned or when people accuse you of doing something wrong. (it happens sometimes)
You also hate being reminded about mistakes you’ve made in the past. (this is very true!!)
You also have the potential to be terribly vindictive if rubbed the wrong way. (possible)

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