Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles film informatics Part 10: The Foot Clan

The Foot Clan is a criminal organization and a threat to the citizens of New York. Unlike their previous incarnations, who were described as a international, all-ages, ninjutsu cult, the Paramount version of the Foot Clan is now classified as a adult, pro-American terrorist organization.
Many Foot Soldiers have stumbled over the Ninja-trained Turtles and many have been defeated. Still, they are formidable foes because of their sheer numbers. Their high-tech weapons can crush the Turtles' protective shells and get to the real meat.
This is the second version of the Foot Soldiers to use guns as their primarly weapons, the first one being in the 1987 TV series, where they used laser guns.

1980s series toy

 1990s movie toy

2003 series toy

2007 movie toy

2012 movie toy

2014 movie toy