Back to work as usual on Sunday (boy did I report way too early), got to work wif the three cuteys: Chan, Shan and Bonnie. Not many customers... so things were quite free and easy.
Reminders for upcoming events...
9th November... Cambodian Heartbeat charity... guest appearance by one of my faves! (not saying who)
11th November... My Precious will be part of a Star Awards roadshow... time and place to be confirmed.
Something strange happened when me, Lincoln, James, Jiwei, Cheryl and Amber were loitering at the void deck near our school after lunch at 11 am... there were some volunteers from Bethesda Church who approached us and preached to us abt the Gospel. And 3 of us happened to be Christian... the sharing of the Gospel took abt 45 minutes, and us guys had to rush back for lesson quickly. Dont blame me ah, I didnt expect this to happen, their appearance has got NOTHING to do with me... but still, I haf earlier made up my mind NOT to go for the special seminar on 12th November (altho I will still be visiting another church this coming Sun).
And during 2D Animation class... THAT FELLA RETURNED... NONE OTHER THAN FADZYL (see Friday's post). You know who I mean. I don't even wish to talk to him. Ditto for Miss N, Miss I, Miss R and Mr S. And Mr H, soon I wont be talking to you either, for I CAN'T STAND YOUR CONSTANT BULLYING, AND I AM NOT A FORTUNE TELLER.
Speaking abt nuisances, I hope that immature idiot calls again so I can take down the timing and find out who he really is...
CAUTION... this blog may contain some offensive material in some of the posts (but Im not one to judge others whatsoever). Since 2010 this blog is now an archive for upcoming movies or video games. For more current affairs, do check out my Facebook page, thanks.
Monday, October 30, 2006
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Beauty at Thomson Plaza
Words just aren't enough to describe how things went at the Vitagen event at the 2nd level of Thomson Plaza... indeed Felicia was very beautiful, and hence u can say that she zhen de hen mei hao ke ai... for abt 2 hours she signed lots of autographs and took pictures with abt 80 people who bought Vitagen packs (the only question was whether they would actually consume the products). I went for the event wif fellow Rui En fan Twyla, and we were soon joined by Peiling, Melsiah, Bino, Rina and a few more Felicians whose names I dont quite remember (sorry). And the response was very good... approx. 100 (perhaps even more) people showed up to see Felicia. Abt 10 of us Felicia fanatics showed up to root for the Mei Ren Yu. Many thanks to DJ Violet Chen Fenying for doing such a fabulous job as emcee for the event. At abt 1425 hrs, Feli had to be escorted out of the building by security (she had to head back to Mediacorp syudios for more filming), but not before taking pic wif a few more people, including the Felicia fanatics (myself included... got a chance to take pic wif her for the second time!!). Given the numerous endorsements, magazine appearances and drama serials that Felicia has done this year, it would indeed be a very huge travesty if she doesnt win one of the Top 10 Most Popular Female Artiste Award at this year's Star Awards. I'm also rooting for her to win Best Supporting actress for her role in "Women Of Times". So far her name is among the running for the 1st results of the Top 10 Female list... do help her wish come true by voting for her at 1900-112-2240... :-) Oh ya, did I forget to mention that abt half an hour before the event started, me and a few fans saw Huang Biren and her son shopping at NTUC Fair Price??? IT'S TRUE!!! Pity that none of us were brave enough to approach her for a picture or autograph... :-/
Ok now I present to u the pictures of the beautiful Miss Chin Feng Ling... make sure your eyes don't pop out or nose doesn't bleed, hehe! ;-)
Friday, October 27, 2006
The most unworthy student of all time

Vote for her at 1900-112-2225
After much consideration, I haf decided to reveal only one name out of a few gone-case students who keep going AWOL... simply bcos no one is perfect after all (not even me). But I will classify them in a few different types...
A) Classmates who have huge attitude problems, act like small kids during lessons, shout real loud at teachers and tell others to shut up when they themselves can't even shut up
B) Classmates who come to school super late (common problem, but I dont haf any problems wif that)
C) Classmates who come to school very rarely (i.e. one day per week)
D) Classmates who finish their assignments at the very last minute
E) Any two of the above
Of course there are more categories to list here, but I don't like to judge others by what they do... so I'm just gonna stop here. It take time for them to change after all.
And so, the student who does not deserve to continue studying anymore is none other than...
Mr F, Im sorry but it seems obvious that you don't wish to continue studying, given the fact that you didn't show up in school during thse two weeks of the new term... NOT EVEN ONCE. Unless we know the reason behind your absence, we won't be able to help you much since you can't help yourself. We won't miss you at all anyway. HASTA LA VISTA, BABY.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Crazy Hari Raya part 2... Hype Up concert!!
Yeah, I totally agree wif this quote stated on the Sistic ticket holder... "Losing your voice screaming for your idol: priceless" :-p
This is the ticket I bought at Bishan outlet 3 weeks ago... momma wouldnt let me get premium seats, so what to do... I bought the $78 seats. And yes, I did remember to bring the tickets before leaving the house for the Hype Up concert. If not, then why would I be typing here? :-)
Minutes after the Star Awards roadshow at Bugis (as mentioend in the earlier post), I quickly took a train to Kallang MRT station... meeting Gerald and Joshua there. Together, we took a rather long walk to the bus stop opposite the Indoor Stadium... and we took a bus to the McDonald's outlet near the bus terminal. After a quick dinner at Mc's, we headed back to the Indoor Stadium... chatting wif Kai Leng and her friend... and it was also at that time that I met up wif Ryan (seems like I had seen him before... during the Finals??? So Khairul was right after all). And later, I got to talk to Paul's parents as well as Jasmine's family.

I wasn't too pleased wif the huge number of empty seats at the west wing of the stadium... blame it on Hype Records for holding the event on a public holiday (and the fact that about half of the SI fans, esp those from the Taufik and Hady fanclubs, happen to be Malay!!). Although there was indeed a reasonable number of Malays who attended the event, it still wasn't enough to make up for the poor attendance... but hey, I did see Siew Woon, Levin and Jay there!!! :-D
Anyway, this was how the event went...

Hady opened up with "Freedom", "Knocks Me Off My Feet" and "Lagenda". Dunno why he's wearing a cap throughout the whole show.. makes him look too much like an uncle.

Daphne looked VERY HOT... she had morphed from sweetie pie to sizzling hot rocker chic. Can you say 'Britney'? Except that Daph is MANY TIMES HOTTER!!! the first song where she did a raunchy dance was Ciara's "Get Up!"... the second song she sang was "Paper".

Sylvester sang a Chinese song titled "Suo Yi", getting off the stage and greeting his fans seated at the premium area. Quite disappaointed that he sang only one song... perhaps it's due to the termination of his contract that prohibited him from singing a few more songs?

Lucify then came out to play 3 songs...good singing, bad image. Thank goodness they didn't win the SuperBand Finals back on August. Forgot the name of the first song (it was in Chinese). The second song they sang was "Faint" by Linkin Park... then the lead singer (sorry, I dont know his name, for I didnt follow SuperBand) sang Bon Jovi's "It's My Life" wif Daphne (looking even hotter in leather skirt) and Sly playing the guitar (I dont think he was allowed to sing any more songs).

Paul Twohill was next, singing "Song 2" (that song that starts off wif "WOO HOO") and "Here Without You". He then sang a duet, "Kids" wif Jasmine Tye.

Jasmine looked really HAWT too... she played the piano and sang "Foolish Games"... then she sang an acapella song with the Kent Ridge A Capella group from NUS.

Olinda sang 3 songs... the first two being "Besame Mucho" and "Sailing"... the last one being "You Don't Have To Say You Love Me", which will be included in her long-awaited debut album.

Don and Drew were next... after starting off wif a crazy random rap song, they picked a young lady named Porscha to hold their mikes while they sing "Be My Valentine". Altho their 3 songs sounded rather silly in terms of context, they still did quite a good job warming up the crowd. But I chose wisely not to take too many pics of them cos their performances were a little dull and not as wild as the others.

Next up was Electrico, singing "Love In The New Wave" and "We're Not Made In The USA". It was around there that the batteries were starting to run flat...

Jonathan Leong was next!!! Of all the Idols, he was the one who truly got everyone on their feet. He sang 3 songs... first song was Nickelback's "Far Away", second song was Dreamz FM's "Should I Stay", and he sang "Qing Ren", a Cantonese song by 80s/90s pop band Beyond... a song that was 'close to his heart' during his secondary school days.

Taufik came out and sang 4 songs... 2 of them being hip hop numbers titled "Sombong" and "One", both which will debut on his sophomore album that will be launched next month... he then surprised everyong by singing Terese Teng's "Yue Liang Dai Biao Wo De Xin" (The Moon Represents My Heart) alongside Olinda. The last song was his latest single which he debuted during the Singapore Idol Final Results show... "All Because Of You".

Minutes after the Star Awards roadshow at Bugis (as mentioend in the earlier post), I quickly took a train to Kallang MRT station... meeting Gerald and Joshua there. Together, we took a rather long walk to the bus stop opposite the Indoor Stadium... and we took a bus to the McDonald's outlet near the bus terminal. After a quick dinner at Mc's, we headed back to the Indoor Stadium... chatting wif Kai Leng and her friend... and it was also at that time that I met up wif Ryan (seems like I had seen him before... during the Finals??? So Khairul was right after all). And later, I got to talk to Paul's parents as well as Jasmine's family.

Anyway, this was how the event went...

Grand finale... Taufik singing the first few lines of "I Dream", then Hady took over and sang the very song that helped him win the Singapore Idol crown last month... "You Give Me Wings". Suddenly it seems like Singapore Idol all over again... :-)
My only lasting regret was not taking pic wif Siew Woon, Levin, Jay and his girlfriend before the show... cos by the time the concert came to an end, the camera batteries went totally flat!! SIGH :-(
Milly and Wan Hua were also present, but I guess they were seated elsewhere... oh well, hope to see them again.
For upclose pictures, go to this site... http://www.youth.sg/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1462&Itemid=29
Daphne Khoo,
Hady Mirza,
Jon Leong,
Taufik Batisah
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