Friday, May 03, 2013

Iron Man films Informatics Part 6: Mark IV armor

Tony Stark developed this version after Obadiah Stane (aka Iron Monger) damaged the Mark III. Its exoskeleton can lift up to 3 tons and fly beyond the sound barrier, thanks to the jet thrusters in its boots. The Arc Reactor from which the armor draws its power is nearly three times as powerful as that of the Mark I armor. However, its power source, Palladium, was slowly poisoning Stark.


Similar to the Mark III's, this chin-mounted device seemed to allow Mr. Stark to use local cell sites for wireless communications. It also included a loudspeaker as well as several individually-calibrated directional microphones, which Stark used to pick up exterior sounds.

Controlled Unibeam

Stark previously weaponized his RT chest piece in the Mark III by externalizing its light energy into a powerful beam. The thermoplastic lens used to focus the beam's energy was modified for the Mark IV with a variable prismatic shutter that allows Stark to control the beam's intensity.

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