The Nine Realms are worlds interconnected through the world tree, Yggdrasil. In each realm, it is the home of different races and magics. This Tree of Life is located within the Halls of Asgard, and is the source of the powerful OdinForce.

Alfheim: Home of the Light Elves (Ljósálfar) and Fairies.
Asgard: Home of the Asgardians, ruled by King Odin.
Jotunheim: Home of the Frost Giants (Jötunn), ruled by Laufey.
Midgard: the Earthly plane of existence populated by humans. Although technically not a part of the Asgardian dimension, it is considered one of the Nine Worlds by the Asgardians because of its significant connections to Asgard.
Muspelheim: Home of the Fire Demons, ruled by Lord Surtur.
Nidavellir: Home of the Dwarves, with arctic waters and blistering cold climate.
Niflheim: Realm of the dead who are neither honored nor dishonored. Ruled by Hela, daughter of Loki.
Svartalfheim: Home of the Dark Elves (Svartálfar), ruled by Lord Malekith.
Vanaheim: Home of the Vanir (fertility gods) who are the sister race of the Asgardians.