Monday, November 18, 2013

Thor film informatics Part 18: Odin's Trophy Room

Odin's Trophy Room, also known as The Vault, is where Odin keeps all of his spoils of war.

The Infinity Gauntlet is a gauntlet that gives the bearer unlimited power. It has the power to destroy whole galaxies. It was made by Thanos so that he could use it to be the ruler of the galaxy. Thanos made it by placing 6 gems of power in a gauntlet. Odin confiscated the item to ensure peace in the galaxy.

The text written on the Tablet of Life and Time is actually a chemical formula, the “Lifeline Formula,” which augments its user into a superior being, the best of their species. It and its more evil counterpart (Tablet of Death and Entropy) have played a prominent role in Spider-Man comics for years.

The Orb of Agamatto offers the bearer (in most cases, Doctor Strange) clairvoyance since it can locate where magic is being used, or dangers to the world. It can be, however, blocked by other powerful magic users to keep their location secret.

Eternal Flame
Also known as the Eternal Flame of Destruction, this mystical flame was stolen from the fire demon Surtur by Odin and his brothers, to prevent the demon and enemy of Asgard from lighting his sword and starting a war that could end the Norse Gods of Asgard.

The Warlock's Eye is a mystical weapon of unknown power stolen by Thor and the Warrior’s Three from Harokin, an Asgardian enemy of Thor.