Thursday, November 21, 2013

Thor film informatics Part 21D: Darcy Lewis

Darcy Lewis is Jane Foster's close friend and intern, a quirky but quick-thinking poli-sci major who found herself in the middle of Earth's first contact with an alien civilization. And while she doesn't always understand everything that's happening around her, she doesn't hesitate to speak up about it. When Jane discovers an ancient cosmological event affecting the Earth, it's Darcy who has to pick up the slack when Jane disappears. In the events of "Thor: The Dark World", she is paired up with a new intern Ian Boothby, whom she eventually falls for.

Character traits
Darcy Lewis is an emotional and impulsive girl, surrounded by scientists. Despite her obliviousness to science, she is generally the first to notice what's going on around her. She notices the anomaly first, and is the first to realize that Thor fell out of the anomaly. She is also the first to piece together that although Thor may not be a God, but that it is completely plausible for primitive cultures to revered him as such, and articulates that to Dr. Selvig beautifully on Jane's behalf. She is a good and loyal friend, ready to help Jane and Professor Selvig in their research, first, and in solving the mystery behind the man they found in New Mexico's desert. Professor Selvig and Jane are somewhat less charitable in their regard for Darcy.