Wolverine (born James "Jimmy" Howlett, simply referred to as
Logan) was a mutant born with retractable bone claws, enhanced physical parameters, and a powerful healing factor. Living for nearly two centuries,
Logan's life had been filled with blood, hatred, war, suffering, and betrayal. By the year 2029,
Logan was dealing with his age and ailment. He is one of
Charles Xavier's caregivers, alongside
Caliban. Due to the adamantium poisoning him from within, Logan's healing factor had gradually weakened, causing his body to get more ravaged and less resilient, with a kind of tattooing of past battles, lacerations that remain of previous conflicts.
Regenerative Healing Factor - Logan's primary mutant power is an accelerated healing process, typically referred to as his mutant healing factor, that regenerates damaged or destroyed tissues of his body far beyond the capabilities of an ordinary human. In addition to accelerated healing of physical traumas, Wolverine's healing factor makes him extraordinarily resistant to diseases, drugs, and toxins. His healing factor also dramatically affects his aging process, allowing him to live far beyond the normal lifespan of a human. Despite being born in the late 19th century, he has the appearance, conditioning, health, and vitality of a man in his physical prime. While seemingly ageless, it is unknown exactly how greatly his healing factor extends his life expectancy.
Although his body heals, the healing factor does not suppress the pain he endures while injured. Wolverine also admits to feeling phantom pains for weeks or months after healing from his injuries. His healing abilities is also known to provide increased recovery from psychological trauma by suppressing memories in which he experiences profound distress.
Enhanced Agility - Wolverine has remarkable equilibrium and coordination, greater than any human athlete. He capable of scaling vertical surfaces with remarkable efficiency. He is maneuverable and graceful, able to pursue and outrun a target in various types of terrains. His skills allow him to fluidly dodge and attack from different directions without losing balance. He shown noticeable acrobatics, lunging from trees to attack his target.
Enhanced Speed - Wolverine is able to run over 60 mph and move with reflexes unobtainable by normal human beings.
Enhanced Strength - With his body naturally evolved and conditioned to the peak of human physical potential and continually adjusting to various forms of damage, Wolverine is able to lift over 2 tons of weight. After his skeleton was laced with adamantium, he can still effortlessly carry himself. He can overpower full grown humans with his ease, able to hurl them with a single hand. His strength also extends to his legs, as he is able to jump several feet into the air.
Superhuman Senses - Wolverine's senses are heightened to levels similar to various animals. He can see with perfect clarity at greater distances than an ordinary human, even in near-total darkness. His hearing is enhanced in a similar manner, allowing him to both hear sounds ordinary humans cannot and also hear to greater distances. Wolverine is able to use his sense of smell to track targets by scent, even if the scent has been eroded somewhat over time by natural factors. This sense also gives him the advantage to identify shape-shifting mutants despite other forms they may take.
Retractable Claws - Wolverine possesses a pair of three, 12-inch retractable claws in each forearm. While they were originally made of dense bone like the rest of his skeletal structure, able to tear through most matter unharmed, they were surgically bonded with a near-indestructible metal called adamantium, which also caused a noticeable side-effect of reshaping his rough claws into sleek blades. These metal claws allow him to cut through virtually any substance with little resistance. Wolverine's ability to slice completely through a substance depends upon both the amount of force he can exert and the thickness of the substance. His claws can also be used to block attacks or projectiles, as well as dig into surfaces allowing Wolverine to climb structures.[126] The adamantium also adds weight to his blows, increasing the effectiveness of his offensive capabilities. His adamantium skeleton makes him highly susceptible to magnetic-based attacks.
Adamantium Skeleteon - Wolverine's entire skeleton, including his claws, has been molecularly infused with
adamantium. Due to their coating, his claws can cut almost any known solid material, including most metals, wood, and some varieties of stone.
Expert Hand-to-Hand Combatant - Due to his advanced age and countless battles in both various wars and cage fights,
Wolverine is well-versed in various forms of hand-to-hand combat. Wolverine was able to compete against Lady Deathstrike, Deadpool, and Mystique, who are some of the best fighters on the planet. While mostly using savage slashes with his claws in combat, he is shown to be very precise and methodical, quickly adjusting his tactics to better suit the situation and type of opponent.
Skilled Leader - Despite being more of a solo man, when the situation requires it,
Logan is a capable leader. He led the
X-Men into victory at the battle of Alcatraz, and his leadership ability was instrumental in the mission to stop Trask from building his Sentinels.
Stealth Expert - Wolverine was able to sneak around at the
Xavier institute with multiple "mercenaries" armed with night vision goggles and guns, being shot only once. Furthermore, he was able to sneak around
Magneto's base camp, and whilst being attacked by several mutants, he still didn't alert the full force of the
Brotherhood of Mutants and was able to slip among them after defeating the small group of mutants. In addition, he snick into Three Mile Island's facility without being noticed in
X-Men Origins: Wolverine.
Weapons Proficiency - Wolverine is proficient in handling any melee weapon or firearm, due to his war experiences.
Adamantium - Wolverine's adamantium claws cannot penetrate or destroy other adamantium weapons unless they are somehow
super-heated, to which a said weapon could potentially kill
Wolverine as
The Silver Samurai's energized blades proved able to easily destroy
Wolverine's metal claws. Also, adamantium stuck inside one's body has poisonous properties. While the adamantium within his system was originally nullified by his healing factor, by 2029,
Logan's healing became too weak to counter the adamantium. With the poison beginning to taking effect, the symptoms included chronic pain and regular coughing.
Drained Healing Factor - Wolverine's healing powers themselves are not self-restoring. If one can extract any of it, as Ichirō Yashida did, the powers will be permanently impaired. While still able to heal the same, his aging process was restarted. He still ages much slower than normal humans, but has begun to show signs of it by 2023, developing
some grey hairs and minor wrinkles. Also, his healing powers are gradually weakening, taking hours if not days to recover, enabling him to potentially bleed out, and can leave scarring. His eyesight has also diminished, requiring reading glasses.
Decapitation - If
Wolverine's head were to be decapitated, he wouldn't be able to regenerate/heal himself and would thus die. However, with the indestructible adamantium bonded to his skeletal structure, this task becomes far more difficult, with the s
uper-heated adamantium blades being the only known weapons to be capable of doing it.
Drowning - It has been suggested that
Wolverine can be killed by drowning. He has stated that he is not particularly fond of being in water, due partially to the additional weight of his adamantium laced skeleton, and that he can die if held under water long enough with his healing factor only prolonging the agony.
Magnetism - due to the adamantium in his skeleton,
Wolverine is vulnerable to being subdued or manipulated by enemies who possess magnetic powers.
Mental Impairment - Although
Wolverine can regenerate his physical brain and thereby avoid any brain damage, his memories are still vulnerable to being damaged, as seen when
Colonel Stryker shot him in the head, to which his regenerated brain tissue could not retain his memories. Over time, however, the damage done to
Wolverine's memory has gradually restored itself.