Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Power Rangers film informatics Part 03: Jason the Red Ranger

Jason was a football legend in his small town of Angel Grove until he made one fateful mistake. At first, he is in need of redemption and is struggling to find himself. But soon, he is given a chance to lead a new team made up of an unlikely group of teenage superheroes and must find it in himself to rise up to the challenge.

Jason uses the Tyrannosaurus Power Coin to morph into the Red Ranger. As a ranger, his most defining character trait is his desire to be a good leader. When anything goes wrong, Jason is the first of the team to attempt to correct it. Whenever anyone is in danger, Jason is always the first to rally the other rangers to save them. His Tyrannosaurus Battle Zord becomes upper torso and arms of Megazord. The tail becomes an arm-mounted cannon, as well as two smaller cannons on the wings once combined with the Pterodactyl.

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