Saturday, March 18, 2017

Guardians Russian film informatics Part 6: Xenia aka Waterwoman

Xenia is the sole female member of the Guardians, and presumably the fiancee of Ursus. She is flexible and agile, to a superhuman degree, making her a skilled acrobat, gymnast, and even martial artist. She has the ability to move on water as if it were solid ground, as well as to seamlessly floating through it as it if were air. This gives her higher mobility in water compared to the fastest, or most maneuverable sea creature. She cannot feel temperature differences and can survive in an airless vacuum, which allows her to survive underwater without any negative effects. 
She can also transform her body into a clear, transparent water like liquid, use it defensively or offensively. This ability allows her to become gelatinous and viscous, allowing her to flow like liquid, while being able to physical touch and interact at the same time. In this form, her body becomes silhouetted and nearly featureless, with her hair disappearing and the only features on her being her eyes, ears and nose. In addition, her transparency can be enough for her to turn invisible, while she also wears a special costume designed to also become invisible with her. The costume also enables her to convert anything she touches invisible.

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