Yes folks, the rumors circulating the Mediacorp Forum for the past few days have turned out to be true... sweet-faced, pretty and adorable Meryl Joan Lee has officially pulled out from the Singapore Idol competition due to school commitments. Click on the following link to find out more...
Now this sounds really interesting, considering the fact that Meryl's reasons for leaving the competition was widely speculated by her 'unpopularity' with the group of the other Wildacrd contestants, or due to her 'snobbish, pamapered, arrogant behaviour'. Altho I had only seen Meryl once at Wisma Atria a few weeks ago, I can tell that she's a very shy, innocent, caring and friendly girl. And no airs of arrogance whatsoever. yet I was very shocked at first when the news had been confirmed in the Singapore Idol website.
Can understand the real reason why Meryl had to pull out... her 'A' levels are coming, and this year will be the last year that the current 'A' level syllabus would be used before it gets changed. So I guess it's best and fair for her to pull out (I will not say 'quit' cos she left the show wif valid reasons... if I were her, I would prob do the same thing) in order to concentrate on passing her exams, which starts in a few days from now. For Meryl to juggle studies and Singapore Idol would be very difficult, and it won't be very plain-sailing for her were she to continue in the show (moreover i think that her stress management is really quite low). U can try to ask Joanne Peh abt that, juggling her time in NTU wif her projects in Mediacorp. But now that Jopeh had finished her studies for good, she's taken a heavy load off her shoulders and wont feel so restricted now.
Another issue I want to address is Meryl being snubbed by 2 other Wildcard contestants on Thursday's live results show, which had led to feverish speculation that she is being unpopular with the group in general. Hence my decision to slam the both of them, whether u all like it or not. ANGER AND HATE FULLY UNLEASHED!!!!
The first contestant I wanna slam is Geraldine Chua. She's only 16+ years old and she behaves like a real diva, and is very proud... heck, she hasn't even gone to the Final 2 placings and already she think's she's soooo great. A lot of SI fans including yours truly hate this arrogant, lying brat. SO WHAT IF YOU GOT A LOT OF ENERGY!! YOU HAF WEAK VOCALS AND A HUGE ATTITUDE PROBLEM!!!
On Thursday night, she hugged almost everyone on stage except poor Meryl. Geraldine only tapped Meryl on the shoulder. When asked she protested, “To tell you the truth, I didn’t even know I didn’t hug her. (laughs) I was only told by my friends that I didn’t hug her. I was shocked myself. It was purely a mistake. I’ll make sure I hug everybody this time, I will count and make sure I hug seven people.” 'Really' didnt even know? 'Honest' mistake? 'Shocked' when friends told you? We are pretty sure everyone else will be counting at home too. BUT STILL IS IT VERY DIFFICULT FOR YOU TO DO EVEN A SIMPLE GESTURE??? WHATEVER LOUSY EXCUSE YOU GIVE, I STILL WON'T BELIEVE YOU, YOU SKINNY LYING B***H!!!
The second contestant I wanna slam (tho a much lesser degree than Geraldine) is Jay Lim. At least he has good vocal control and is self aware with his own performances. I saw him in person at Tampines Mall last Sat and he seems quite nice and friendly.
On Thursday's result show, Jay high-fived everyone in line but bypassed Meryl's bypassed palm. That's twice in a night that poor Meryl was forgotten!! Later when asked, Jay pleaded ignorance, insisting that he really intended to high five Meryl, but he missed. Jay explains his sorry behavior: “When this thing happened, it dawned on me that I’m a public figure and what I do is important. I actually intended to high-five everybody and I didn’t know I missed her. It wasn’t intentional. I’m so sorry that I missed her.” Ok lah, can give him chance and accept his statement since so many hands were raised up in front of him, I can understand that. I think he's feeling a little remorseful over the episode.
Actually before that, Meryl did roughly the same thing to Norman. The guy went for a victory hug, but all he got was a “Bang bang!” type gesture. Are you feeling lucky punk? Are you?
Norman’s take on not getting any: “She’s uncomfortable hugging other guys, she told me she feels a bit shy about it. It’s not like she’s telling me to get away from her.”Hmmm at least I can understand that.. I myself feel really uneasy hugging girls.. esp those I really like (read the post on Never Say Die finals to see my point).
Meryl Joan Lee, we'll miss you!!! All the best in your exams and future endeavors!!! Stay cute, sweet, happy and pretty always!!! ;-)
Nothing much done in the morning so far, but the good news is a new computer had been installed in the living room. Which means that Dad can do his stuff in his room while i do my stuff outside :-)In the wake of a controversy, it was announced in the newspapers everywhere that due to a technical glitch in the tabulations of the votes, it was Nurul Maideen, not Mathilda D'Silva, who had advanced to the Final 12. And thus that means Mathilda is in the Wildcard round instead. Confusing? Unbelievable? Even my parents seemed to think so.Anyway, I left the house at 1230 hrs and took a bus to Tampines... had a quick lunch at KFC and headed straight to the 4th level of Tampines Mall... never knew there was an open balcony at that level!!! :-O I managed to meet up Kai Leng, one of the Meryl fans... and soon made friends wif a few SI fans at the front row. Waited from 1345 hrs to 1440 hrs... then Daniel Ong came out and talked a bit wif the audience. A few minutes later, the Wildcard contestants came out at one shot... GAYLE NERVA!!! (very loud cheers)
JAY LIM!!! (loud cheers)
MATHILDA D'SILVA!!! (loud cheers)
CHOY SIEW WOON!!! (very loud cheers)
PRIMERO ANG!!! (very loud cheers)
NORMAN THEN!!! (loud cheers)
Last but not not least... GERALDINE CHUA!!! (VERY LOUD BOOS!!!)
BUT WAIT WHERE'S MERYL??? Seems like she's on MC but already some fans are suspecting something else... stay tuned for more infoDaniel talked a bit wif the contestants, then later they distributed SI sling bags to anyone in the audience who could answer their questions... at abt 1540 hrs, it was time to get up on stage and get their autographs!!! Indeed I avoided taking pic of Geraldine... I took a pic of Primero wif Norman, then I took a pic of Mathilda and Siew Woon (both of them share the same star sign of Cancer)... hey Mathilda recognised me from the Wisma Atria event the week earlier!!! Such a good memory!!! Last shot was Jay and Gayle... and before getting off the stage, I managed to take pic wif Gayle!! SHE'S REALLY VERY CUTE, SWEET AND PRETTY!!!! Oh my gosh... and she even bears some resemblance to my manager Adilah!!! :-pAnyway, me and the Meryl fans stayed around a little longer watching the contestants sign a few more autographs til they had to leave at 1630 hrs... no thanks to a TANK appearance at the same place at 5 pm. I was so bored after that, I decided to take a train to Bugis Junction, for old times' sake. Hung around Seiyu, Absolute Comics and Kinokuniya... in the end, I went to haf dinner at Burger King, and then went back home to watch encore telecasts of Singapore Idol 2nd group of girls performance shows and results shows from 1945 hrs to 2130 hrs. And then... I got rather emotional due to a personal conflict. Read the next post to find out more.

June 22nd- Happy Birthday to James Boo (18) and Jiwei (19)!!!Wow double whammy birthday again, Im quite surprised there. And it's even more surprising than the tiring tabloid targets 'Bonnie and Clyde' flirting abt and being way too mushy in the drawing studio yet again. SHEESH when will those two ever learn?!? I think Im going to follow Singapore Idol... need to 'break out of my shell' for good.And yeah I think Im also going to stick to using this blog for good... can upload unlimited number of pictures!!! :-)The Top 6 for Singapore Idol so far comprise of...Jonathan LeongPaul TwohillRahimah RahimJasmine TyeHady MirzaJaokim GomezAnd joining them right after the results show for the 2nd group of girls are... Mathilda D'silva and Emilee Kang. BUT WAIT!!! There seems to be a technical glitch in the voting system, discovered just recently... so Nurul Maideen is now in the Final 12 instead and Mathilda, who is obviously a better singer tho she doesnt possess the qualities of an Idol, is in the Wildcard round. More details to come in the next post once the news had been confirmed in the newspapers.
June 21st- START OF THE CANCER STARHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRYON LUO AND STEPHANIE LOHVery bleah start in the morning... surfing the Net for 3 hours then left the house at 1145 hrs. Had lunch in canteen, then reached the 'Teletubbies lab' and did 2 assignments on color theory. Then I posted like mad in the Mediacorp Forums and the newly created Never Say Die forums once I had handed in the assignments. In all the lesson lasted for only 1.5 hours, from 1230 to 1400 hrs. And thats really good cos Im supposed to meet up wif Shu Ling at Orchard Road by 1530 hrs!!! And when I changed bus, those 'tiresome tabloid targets' followed, and I rushed to catch Bus 7 before it zoomed off. Im getting sick of that Bonnie and Clyde couple really... if they want to hold hands then at least do so after school and not during lesson lah!!! Even their friends dont talk to them much anymore, so why should I? Their business is certainly NONE OF MY BUSINESS or anyone else, and I will go crazy if I talk abt them any further.So yeah, uupon reaching Shaw House at 1525 hrs, I waited outside her workplace (same building btw) and she came out at abt 1345 hrs... she still looked as small as ever, and still looks adorable!!! Almost couldnt recognise Ah Ling cos she was wearing contact lens. We both entered my workplace and most of my colleagues finally got to see her in person (cos I had shown them the photos mah); they were all amazed by her sweetness & beauty... esp Auntie Jean who once said that Ah Ling looked like Kelly Poon!! We had a meal of hot dog and cheesburger together, talking mostly about the NSD memories and what the others had been doing. Then we both went out to take a breather, and she was close to tears cos she missed Meow Rong and Yu Chang a lot (both of them went back to Malaysia, and may not be back til much later). Seeing her looking so sad nearly made me wanna cry also... and her colleagues mistook me for being her... NO NO NO I'M NOT GOING TO SAY IT HERE!!! I ONLY TREAT SHU LING AS A YOUNGER SISTER AND FRIEND, THAT'S ALL!!! Still I managed to cheer Ah Ling up, and she got over her sadness quickly... then before she headed back to work, I got to pinch her cheeks, and she pinched me back!!! HAHAHA!!! SHU LING IS SUPER KAWAIIIIIIII... >_<Once I reached home, I had dinner wif my folks, then did the following:1930 to 2000 hrs- watched 2nd half of "Rhapsody In Blue"2000 to 2100 hrs- watched the 2nd group of girls perofrm on Singapore Idol2100 to 2200 hrs- watched Episode 8 of C.I.D.2200 to 2230 hrs- finished up on Design project2230 to 2300 hrs- watched last part of Da Changjin2300 to 0000 hrs- some random stuff0000 to 0030 hrs- couldnt get to sleep at all0030 to 0215 hrs- decided to watch WWE RAW... lol DX has reunited!!! WOO HOO!!!!
Wednesday, 14th June... THE DAY OF RECKONING
Very bleah stuff in the morning, posting some final wishes in the Never Say Die thread from 9 am to 11 am... then had carbonara pasta for lunch before going to school... 2 hours of colour theory lesson, and it was the CLASS TEST (and online some more)!!! I wasnt totally prepared for it lor... in the end I got 18 out of 30. Sigh, not good enough, at least I still passed. Meiling msged me at abt 1420 hrs to let me know that she's already at the Mediacorp studio... wah so early ah. Colour Theory online test finished at 1430 hrs, but I decided to stay behind to touch up on the mood chart due to be handed in by end of the week.
Then at 3 pm I went back home to change into outdoor clothes, left the house at 1645 hrs, managed to catch Bus 25 which arrived on time (Thank God!!), had early dinner at AMK McDonald's at abt 1720 hrs, then took Bus 74 to Mediacorp Studio at 1735 hrs... and reached the place at 1750 hrs. A bit early right, but better to be early than late. I saw Meiling, Rina and Peiling there... soon after got Lee Teng, Ruihan and a few more fans. We then queued up outside the carpark (first few in line), and thats when I showed the gals the Style magazine I brought along. By 1830 hrs, all of us got into the studio, at first seated together but then we were asked to seat according to the contestant we're supporting... Peiling and Rina went to sit at Rongming's region, Meiling went to New YQ's section, and myself... at Shu Ling's section of course. Jayne, Cedric and Grace were also at the Shu Ling section. Lol I saw Louis' dad, Tim and Alex at the other side... and i was seated next to Shu Ling's primary schoolmate, a cute gal named Alicia. Managed to get Ng Hui's and Douglas Fong's (a popular host from Hongkong I think) autographs during the 1 hr wait... I told Ng Hui 'ta hen mei' and she 'forgave' me for forgetting the guy's name. I did get to chat wif Alicia before the show started, on how I got to know Shu Ling and on my experiences wif several Medaicorp artistes. The finals started at 8 pm after we watched "Rhapsody In Blue" on the big screens...
The theme for the finals was '4 Eras of Romance', descirbing the hardships of the 'butterfly lovers' (similar tattoos on their hands) in the 20s, 40s and 70s.
-Rongming and Yu Chang danced about in the 2010 era, arguing and sneering at each other, til grey-haired Zheng Geping (some Architect-like persona from the Matrix trilogy) had to stop them and present to them the tragedies they had been through in their past lives... chemistry between Rongming and Yu Chang was really good, moreover they could dnace very well. Rongming scored 24 points (out of 30), and Yu Chang scored 21.
-1920s era... Shu Ling and Louis in a Chinese restaurant, wif Carole Lin in supporting role. Very tough job for both of them, esp wif the singing part and the poisoned wine scenario. Shu Ling did ok wif 22 points, but Louis scored only 19 points for his not-so-impressive portrayal as a drunk womaniser, which is not good cos I thot that they both put in a lot of effort. Very funny part was one of Louis' friends being quite a kan cheong spider by rushing down the stairs all of a sudden and wanting to give him a bouquet of sunflowers... gave everyone a shock xiah.
-1940s era... Xue Hua and New playing a couple in wartorn Singapore. Xue Hua's performance is really really good, it's the best one to date!!! She has shown a lot of confidence lor!! And New's performance had moved me to tears once more, esp when he's being forced by the Japanese commander to kill his best friend Ah Ming (Rayson Tan)... in the end, he shot the commander in the head, and the soldiers killed him, Xuehua and Ah Ming... this is IMHO the best segment of the finals!! Both scored abt 24 points each!! :-)
-1970s era... Steven is being very mean here, flirting wif women and gambling away his money, even resorting to stealing Meow Rong's money. In the end, he caused his wife to get stabbed by Wenxiang (the Ah Long whom he owed money from), and that death scene nearly moved me to tears... and made everyone else want to kill Steven. Basically no chemistry between Meow Rong and Steven at all, but I must admit that Meow Rong really got potential and I can also see she put in a lot of effort to play the role well. Quite a pity that she didnt get enough votes to secure her into the top 3 places, as like before. As for Steven... hmmmph!! I hope this will be the very last time we'll see him on TV, we are all ware that NSD is definitely his last resort to possibly getting a full-time contract before he reaches 30 (and his birthday is in 2 months' time!!) cos after he hits the big 3-0 it will be very difficult to get such a chance anymore... hope he doesnt ever invade our TVs for eternity. Forever will Steven be a attention-seeking, publicity hungry individual. Seems like he had gotten back to his ways in the finals when he was showing signs of toning down. So while Meow Rong got 23 points, Steven got only 16.9 points, and most of the fans were cheering wif sheer approval!!!
Then there was the 30 minute intermission!! We got to watch the first half of "C.I.D.", and then Louis' army khakis rushed down to take pic wif him. Chen Hanwei and Chew Sin Huey were present at the studio but they left after the live recording... Rina and Peiling were nowhere to be seen as well, but I can guess they went to go after Hanwei and take pic wif him before he zoomed off. I managed to spot Brian Ho among the Steven Lim supporters... he looks OK for his age mah, yet i dont understand why he must keep his identity rather anonymous in Friendster. At 2140 hrs, the per-recorded results show started off wif a young guy named TANK singing some teenyboppy songs... dont really who he is (some new guy I guess), but I must say his singing was quite good to say the least. There was a slight AV failure in the midst of the announcement of the results, and the fans wasted little time in shouting various names... some of them being "MO XIAO LING NI HEN MEI!!!", "ZHONG QING NI HEN MEI!!!" and the contestants' names. Lol few fans even shouted "LI GUO HUANG!!!" (Mark Lee) and "CHEN JIAN BING!!!" (Marcus Chin). Very funny lor!!!
Best Improvement Award goes to... Huang Xue Hua!!! WOO HOO!!!
3rd position (Bronze): Huang Xue Hua!!! OH YES!!!!
2nd position (Silver): New Yi Qing!!! He really deserved it!!!
1st position (Gold): Tay Rong Ming!!! (argh, was rooting for Miao Rong)
After the results show ended, we all headed to the receptionist as usual. Alicia told me to pass to Shu Ling the flower she had bought, and I did so. After a long wait Shu Ling, Louis, Yu Chang and Meow Rong came out at abt 2240 hrs... I showed Ah Ling the boards I made for her during the performance, she was so touched she told me "Aaaaawww... you're so sweet!! Thank you!!" AND SHE HUGGED ME!!! Oh my gosh I dont believe it!!! Never thot she would initiate the hug, so I hugged her back lor (a friendly hug btw)... dont get me wrong, I only see her like a younger sister, nothing else. I also got to hug Meow Rong after telling her not to give up on her dreams and that her performance moved me to tears. Louis (wif green shirt full of testimonials from the other contestants) was being rather 'mean' by secretly changing Shu Ling's pass (which she thot she had lost) back to her IC, and the bimbo nearly wanted to wallop him... never expected her to get "punk'd"!! HAHAHA!!! Anyway Xue Hua, New and Rong Ming came out at abt 2300 hrs, after the long interviews. All the contestants posed for one last shot before leaving the studio for the coach downstairs... and Steven ah, he appeared at the very last minute, looking flustered and withdrawn. Seems like he's taken the loss rather badly (now that he got no more chance to get a full-time contract), and he didnt even talk to any of the 'Secret Seven' when he came out; he headed straight for his bike which was parked outside. Then the seven waved to us fans outside the studio from inside the bus as it zoomed off. And Steven going after the bus in his bike was hilarious, we all laughed at him!! But then its only right for him to bring along his bike and not leave it behind... wonder what he's thinking now.
It was getting so late, I decided to take a cab back home after missing a bus at the stop... and due to the sheer excitement, I couldnt sleep well at all!! Man I hope we can still keep in contact even after the finals...
Monday, June 12HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JACELYN TAY!!!Why must that bimbo record a clip of me singing "My Love" wif her phone in the drawing studio??? And dont u know better than to refrain from clinging onto 'your himbo' during lessons??? At least have the decency to do so after school, not in front of everyone else. This is all Han Solo's fault, he and Dan made me sing along, no thanks to his stupid MP3 playing rather loudly!!! Fine that u know I like Westlife, but pls dont humiliate me cos I want to keep a low profile in school... Im sick and tired of being bugged by others to do crazy things and be what Im not!!! So please leave me alone and stop making me do all those ridiculous stints cos that will only serve to hurt my pride... delete that video from your phone and dont ever think abt posting it into YouTube :-(My mind is too tired from all those 7 rounds of running around the school field during PE early in the morning... I think I know roughly what colours to use for the mood chart... more of confused or frustrated. You'll never know when I'll unleash my inner demons, just u wait!
Ok so from today onwards, I start my blog PROPER, just so not everyone from my Friendster list will need to go thru the trouble of receiving my blog updates. If u want to leave a comment, u may do so. If u want to tease me in school or church or at work, pls do so without any referrence to my Friendster blog which is being partially closed in terms of blog entries. Here's what happened for the past few days...Monday, 5th June:
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO JOEY SWEEVery bleah day, Personal Effectiveness from 0815 to 0945 hrs, followed by super-long break (no PE since Mdm Banou is on course)... went to Tampines Mall during the long break, discovered that Pavilion building had been totally closed (damn!! That means no more LAN station), then headed back to school to attend 3 hrs of drawing lesson. After that I met up wif some friends to watch "X-Men 3" (yep I know, my second time watching it) at Tampines Mall... we stayed behind to watch the bonus scene (only 20 seconds long!!) feat Dr Moira and the comatose patient which came after ALL the end credits had finished rolling (abt 6 to 8 minutes!!!). Then headed back to Hougang by 1930 hrs, had dinner at S11, and slacked at home...Tuesday, 6th June:HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO PEI FANG
We went to ITE MacPherson for some briefing by the head of DMD section regarding the furthering of studies in poly or other design institute. Saw Wendy there (later found out that she's a lecturer in ITE Bedok?? Stay tuned for the bigger shocker), was even more surprised to see old secondary classmate Md Riduan (another Vincent Ng fan) in the auditorium. Managed to wave to Mos colleague Miko... later saw Wendy, Miss April and Miko in canteen (all of us had early lunch there), but couldnt seem to find Riduan anywhere in the big complex of ITE MP... if u think the institute (which I had been to some 4 yrs ago) is massive, wait til u see ITE Simei; the building is as huge as a polytechnic!!! Then we headed back to ITE Bedok, went for drawing lesson as usual from 12 to 3 pm. Slacking at home as usual from 4 pm til 12 am.Wednesday, 7th June: HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MICK "MANKIND" FOLEY
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO LIAM NEESON aka QUI-GON JINNSurfed Net from 8 to 11 as usual, reported to school at 1230 pm... this is where the ultimate shocker comes... The new teacher for Design Fundamentals from next week onwards is none other than... surprise surprise (drumroll) MY CHURCH FRIEND WENDY HO???? :-O Now u all know exactly why I haf decided to shift to this blog for good. Not that I haf anything against that, but the fact that my church friend whom I had known for a few years at a considerable level would be my teacher just feels very awkward and weird... moreover she's the same age as me (just 2 months older). And it will be even weirder for me to call her "Miss Wendy" in front of all my other schoolmates. Dont even know if studying DMD is really what I want. If DMD doesnt work out, I might consider becoming a part-time actor... hmmmmmmBack home, I went into a 1.5 hr meditation upon reaching home, then went out to Kovan to haf dinenr at McDonald's, read the X-Men 3 novel at Popular, walked around Heartland Mall and then walk back home in time to watch "Never Say Die", "Singapore Idol" and another tear-jerking episode of "Women Of Times"... yep just as I expected, the part wif my interview got deleted (even Grace's part wasn't spared) due to time constraint and the fact that there wasnt any need to show everybody in that episode, but Im totally cool wif it. Still I was glad to haf at least done the interview for Shu Ling and the NSD crew in general, in spite of my CMI Mandarin.Thursday, 8th JuneVery very bleah day, drawing lesson from 9 am to 12 pm... then I went to haf lunch at Burger King, to realize that there are no more X-Men 3 toys for the Kids Meal Special... in their place, it's the Garfield 2 toys??? OH PLEASE!!!! Then headed back to school to attend some meaningless team-building programme thatb started at 1 pm... out of 28 students, only 13 showed up for this enriching yet energy-draining activity (4 different stations). After a huge re-grouping due to the large number of absentees, there were 7 in one group, and 6 in another... "Unwanted" and "DMD Students". We finished all the stations by 1450 hrs, yet had to wait in the hall for everyone else to finish... and even after that, we still had to wait for a few more minutes before the prizes were given out!! Everything ended at 1600 hrs, and I immediately left the place (feeling a little vexed) and rushed to Ngee Ann City to meet up wif Meiling... reached the basement at 1710 hrs and passed the pictures of New Yiqing (which I had printed the day before) to 'Psylocke' (hahaha!!). Then after bading Meiling and 2 more Vincent fans farewell, I went up to the library located on the 5th level of Ngee Ann City, almost got stuck there due to my unfamiliarity wif the different sections (my first time there mah, moreover it doesnt look like a normal library to me). So I headed to Kinokuniya to read an open copy of the STYLE magazine... got pics of Fiona (huh!! as if I care), Rui En (ARGHHHH!!!! RUI ENNNN!!!!), Felicia (HEN MEIIII HAO KE AIIIIII!!!!) and Vincent Ng (ARGHHHH!!!! WENG... QING... HAIIII!!!!). Suddenly I feel tempted to buy the issue already... I think I better do it asap!!! MUAHAHAHAHABack home, I watched Season 1 finale of "X-Men Evolution", followed by Result shows for Singapore Idol and Episode 29 of ZZHY (Women Of Times). The rocker chic Rahimah Rahim got in to the next round, and so did sweetie pie Jasmine Tye, tho I thot the uber-cutie Gayle Verna couldve gotten in too... unfortunately, only two can advance for this round, and we'll haf to wait til the Wildcard Round before Gayle can (possibly) get a second chance to advance to the Final 12 (same for Terence Tay).In "Women Of Times", the main focus may haf been on Jin Le Group in danger of being bought over and the Jia family fortune crumbling to bits (all bcos Tianfa still hadnt let go of his hatred and bitterness towards Shen Huijin who had robbed him of the life he could haf so many years ago), but the main attraction of the episode has got to be the scenario wif Ruoqi about to surrender himslf to the police for landing his cousin Yuqi for the wrong reasons, and about to part from his beloved Xiangyun... bcos, bcos, BECAUSE (wait for it)

JULIAN AND FELICIA FINALLY KISSED... MOUTH TO MOUTH!!!! OH MY GAWD!!!! W...W...W...WOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Been some time since we last saw two celebs kiss passionately onscreen (after Rui En and Qi Yuwu did in "Beyond The Axis of truth 2")!!! :-DNo, the scene wif Edmund and Ling Lee kissing in the 2nd episode of ZZHY is NOT counted!!! thats too much like a Tom-Kat romance already, hahahaha...!!!
Ok finally, the end of my blog entry (whew, what a rush)