Thursday, July 24, 2008

My thoughts on the bounty on MS

Happy Birthday to Anna Paquin (Rogue), Syazali and Farhan

Okay I made a mistake... my Canon digicam is back, and badder than ever!! I must say that the repair came faster than I had anticipated. :-)

I read the newspaper recently, there is now a bounty placed on the head of Singapore's Most Wanted Criminal, Mas Selamat. Whosoever provides useful information that can lead to the arrest on that loser will be rewarded (places pinky finger near lip) ONE MILLION DOLLARS!!
I can only say this... the public should have done that a long time ago!!! Blame it on the 2 ignorant security guards of the detention center for not being vigilant enough back on February 27th!! That can only serve to make people like me more disillusioned... :-(
Thank goodness this isn't Thailand, otherwise I will have to force myself to watch all those anti-Thaksin campaign concerts via Youtube or something...

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