Monday, July 07, 2008

Things about showoffs

I read some helpful books during prayer meeting in church on Friday... I decided to take pictures of a few pages, and upload them here. These pages are taken from a book titled "How to Handle Showoffs" (sounds like SOMEONE!!). Other books are "How To Handle Bullies", "How To Handle Mean People", How To Handle Rude People", "How To Handle Bossy People", etc. Basically they share the same piece of advice.

A) Some people show off to try to prove that they are more important than others. Very common point.

B) Some people show off to try to prove that they have more than others. Very true indeed.

C) Some people show off to try to prove that they are more popular than others, aka gain more attention. They don't know that some people can be well-known for the wrong reasons, people like Adolf Hitler, Mark David Chapman, Saddam Hussein, or even Mas Selamat. (I strongly agree, esp with the last paragraph)

Other reasons:
D) they show off because they feel inferior and insecure. Sad, but true.
E) they think that by showing off, they can get more friends.
F) they show off because they think they are smarter than others.

Some effective ways to handle showoffs/bullies/rude people/mean people/bossy people:
- Provided the person is one who makes you angry most of the time, stay away from him completely!!
- If the person does anything that angers you, count to ten and take a few deep breaths. Anger will only serve to affect your psychological state.
- Unless provoked, confront the person and ask him why he is doing such mean things. Try to speak to him nicely, but don't use too much aggression.
- Do not get into a fight with him, otherwise you will end up being more hurt, and the conflict would only get worse from there. Fighting will not help.
- If the person continues to boss you around or harass you, report the matter to someone older and wiser. Better yet, TELL IT TO HIS PARENTS!!

Here is a verse to counter the demonic attacks of showoffs (people like you-know-who!!):
Acts 13:10-11
"You son of the devil, you enemy of everything that is right, full of every sort of deceit and fraud! Will you not stop twisting the straight paths of The Lord? Even now the Hand of the Lord is upon you. He will make you blind, and unable to see the sunlight for a time."

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