Friday, December 18, 2015

Star Wars Episode 7 Part 05: Han Solo and Chewbacca

It's been 30 years since the Battle of Endor, but Han Solo's ability as a gunslinger is still second to none. Equally skilled, Chewbacca never misses when he shoots with his weapon, a traditional Wookiee bowcaster.

Han Solo gained control of his destiny when he won his ship, the Millennium Falcon, in a game of sabacc (a popular card game) against old friend Lando Calrissian. he has been a pirate and a smuggler, but after he met Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa, he joined the Rebel Alliance and helped destroy the Death Star (twice!). Still in spite of his many adventures as part of the Rebellion, Han prefers to introduce himself as a smuggler, rather than a war hero.

A Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk, Chewbacca's life has been saved by Han Solo on more than one occasion. Teaming with him, Chewie later became Han's best friend and co-pilot. Loyal and brave, he helped the Rebel Alliance restore freedom in the galaxy. Chewie is 234 years of age, but Wookiees are long-lived so he is considered to be just in his prime.

Galactic Mechanics
Despite being the fastest ship in the galaxy, the Millennium Falcon always needs to be repaired after a battle... or during it! Han and Chewie well know how to fix the freighter even when they're on the run.

Aboard the Death Star
In order to enter the detention area of the Death Star and free Princess Leia, Han and Luke disguised themselves as stormtroopers, and with Chewiw as their prisoner.

The Lost Ship
Coveted by many underworld types, the Millenium Falcon was stolen a few years ago. Han and Chewie search every system aboard a massive bulk freighter, trying to locate their spaceship.