Impulsive and ruthless, Kylo Ren is lost in darkness and hate. He was once a Jedi apprentice, but he turned to the dark side of the Force, and betrayed his master (uncle) Luke Skywalker. He then joined the mysterious organization called the Knights of Ren, took a new name and became the apprentice of Supreme Leader Snoke, enigmatic leader of the First Order. Snoke trained Kylo Ren to use the power of the Force to inflcit pain, invade the minds of victims, and finally kill them without any remorse. Kylo considers himself immune to the call of the light, and is ready to prove it at any cost...
The Power of the Dark Side: Kylo Ren possesses enough Force power to stop incoming blaster bolts in midair and immobilze enemies by simply raising his hand. He can also enter his prisoners' minds to find memories or secrets hidden there.
A Fiery Weapon: Kylo Ren built his own, unconventional lightsaber, and its design is unlike any other: it has a main blade and two smaller crossguard blades, or quillons. The quillons, projected from the side, help to balance the power of the lightsaber and protect Kylo's hand.
Under The Mask: While Anakin Skywalker had to wear his mask to breathe due to the extensive injuries he suffered on Mustafar, Kylo Ren doesn't have to. He wears his dark mask - designed after the battle gear of the Knights of Ren - to intimidate his opponents and to hide his identity: nobody has to find out who he really is... except his parents Han Solo and Leia Organa.
From the Past: Kylo Ren is obsessed with the Sith Lord Darth Vader: he keeps the dformed mask of the fallen Sith Lord in chamber and talks to it as if it were alive. Kylo emulates Vader and strives to be as strong as his grandfather was, even though Snoke believes Vader's weakness caused the end of the Galactic Empire.