Saturday, September 26, 2009

Things that can piss me off

Happy Birthday to Rebecca Lim and Suriani

If I have to name a few things that anger me or irritate me, this is the list...
  1. I am not the type who would like to write up longwinded or pointless entries that shift focus here and there.
  2. I am not the type of person who would go to the extent of creating about 80 entries per month, just sop to share the amount of BS loaded in my mind. There are some things in life that are meant to be kept confidential and not published in the WWW!
  3. I also don't like to share about what I did during work, unless something remarkably interesting happened (eg a well-known senior pastor came over to the shop). Likewise I don't like to go into specifics on what I did during lunchtime or what I had for dinner.
  4. Reading blog entries on how Mr A has a crush on Miss B and keeps sending her invites to attempt 'wooing her', and even tries to make defenses with 'contsant apologies and pardons on being rather sarcastic'. Please stop this nonsense already and straighten your damn thinking!!!
  5. Having my Facebook inbox flooded with invites for late-night events or updates on Singapore Idol blog, from the usual people.
  6. I can't stand the increasingly hot weather, but that's beyond anyone's control.
  7. I hate it when people think that just because I upload lots of photos on sexy babes on Facebook, I am "the type of guy who spends late nights partying and mixing around with hot babes"... cos truth is, I AM NOT!!!
  8. I get rather annoyed by people who either talk too loudly, talk too fast, or talk with a stammer.
  9. I hate it when Person A asks me to do something, when I am in the midst of doing something important for Person B.
  10. I hate it when the phone in the workplace rings at the most inappropraite time, such as when I am doing cashiery work. I hate it even more if I had to be the one to pick up the phone most of the time!!
  11. I feel quite irratated when anyone askes me via phonecall on what time the shop cloes, and nothing more.
  12. I feel rather heartpain whenever someone asks me to help him reserve a few books, then calls less than 10 minutes later to say that he doesn't need them anymore.
  13. I hate it when a phone call comes at the time of closing hour, esp if it's on a Saturday.
  14. I get irate when people forget to set their damn handphones to silent mode before Sunday service.
  15. I don't like it when I am unable to find a book that is rather difficult to locate or may not be in stock.
  16. I feel quite uncomfortable when certain guys try to stand too close to me in the train. I'm not the homo type, mind you!
  17. I feel irritated whenever I see people that I don't like, people like Melvin the Giant, Paul the Hobbit, or Alvin The Hutt (to name a few).
  18. I feel equally annoyed when, despite many reminders, someone whom I know for at least 6 mths still continues to mispronounce my name. My name is pronounced as TAH-NUT, not TAH-NET, remember that!!!
  19. I don't like it when anyone in general "borrows" a lot of photos from other people's photo albums (mine included!), add them to his own photo album, and claim them to be his own. Plagiarism is not to be tolerated!! Pls come up with your own photos and don't ever steal photos belonging to others!!
  20. I don't want to use the word "hate" here, but reservist duty is something that I am so not looking forward to. Something I have to do from this coming Monday onwards...

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