Friday, May 10, 2013

Iron Man films Informatics Part 24: Iron Patriot

After thBattle in New York, President Ellis and the military leaders believe that the world needs an example of inspiration and power to world of the United States' military strength. It's not a Super Hero that's needed, but rather a symbol around which everyone can rally. That is why the already well-fortified War Machine armor was upgraded by A.I.M. and painted in a red, silver and blue patriotic design (recalling the uniform of Captain America), transforming the suit into a repulsor-driven emblem of military strength and technological superiority. President Ellis also decides to come up with a new name for the new War Machine armor, one that provides the inspiration needed for the world and doesn't imply cold aggression. Hence the new armor is given the new name of Iron Patriot, partly because it got the best response from the public. 

When Rhodey puts on the newly painted armor, he feels a sense of pride and admiration. Iron Patriot becomes the Army's top soldier to dangerous fights overseas, particularly against the Ten RingsThe armor has the same systems seen in its two predecessor models, the Mark II - computer system with extensive sensor systems, Global Positioning System (GPS), in-armor communicator/phone, repulsors installed on each hand, Thruster Boots, a shoulder-mounted gatling gun and and various concealed weaponry. The Iron Patriot had one major weakness however: it was shown to be vulnerable to extreme heat. When Aldrich Killian used his Extremis powers to heat the suit, the suit opened itself and ejected Rhodes.

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