Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Iron Man films Informatics Part 44: Mandarin's Ten Rings of Power

Although the Ten Rings worn by Trevor Slattery the Mandarin proxy in the film were nothing more than simple adornments, they did grant The Mandarin tremendous power in the mainstream comics and TV series. The rings' operations cannot be explained by contemporary Earth science, but it is known that they served as near-limitless power sources for the warp-drive engines of the Makluan starship of Axonn-Karr. The Mandarin learned how to convert the rings to his personal uses and to make them respond to his mental commands.

Ice Blast Ring (Left Little Finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project waves of up intense cold and ice, including trapping foes in ice blocks and sheaths. It can also lower an object's temperature to nearly absolute zero.

Mento-Intensifier Ring (Left Ring Finger): This ring magnifies the Mandarin’s psionic energies, allowing him to mentally manipulate the thoughts and actions of others.
  • Mental Illusions – The Mandarin may psionically generate illusions within the minds of others. These illusions are very realistic and are capable of affecting all of the senses (vision, hearing, taste, touch and smell). 
  • Mental Paralysis – The Mandarin may psionically manipulate the minds of others, temporarily paralyzing them. 
Electro-Blast Ring (Left Middle Finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project blasts of Electrical Energy. in amounts, and intensifies mentally determined by the wearer.

Flame-Blast Ring (Left Index Finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project blasts of infrared to produce flame or ignite combustible materials. Usually the heat produces flame through incandescing the molecules in the air in the path of the blast. The heat beam can be used to trigger chemical explosions.

White Light Ring (Left Thumb): This ring allows the Mandarin to generate and manipulate various forms of energy along the electromagnetic spectrum.
  • Light Burst – The Mandarin may generate bursts of high intensity light to blind opponents.
  • Gravity Field – The Mandarin may encase opponents in a field of heavy gravity, pinning them to the surfaces. 
  • Magnetic Levitation – The Mandarin may utilize electromagnetic fields to levitate and manipulate objects. 
  • Image Projection – The Mandarin may project holographic illusions. He can also produce multiple images to confuse an opponent, or make a substantially larger version of himself. 
Black Light Ring (Right Little Finger): This Ring allows the Mandarin to create an area of darkness (or ultra-violet radiation) and absorb all light used within it, presumably using Darkforce energy to do so.

Disintegration Beam Ring (Right Ring Finger): This ring allows the Mandarin to project a beam of energy capable of destroying the bonds between the atoms and molecules, causing inanimate objects to disintegrate. This ring must recharge for 20 minutes after each use.

Vortex Beam Ring (Right Middle Finger): The ring causes the air to move about at high speed in a vortex. The vortex can be used as an offensive weapon, as a means of levitating objects, or as a means of propelling the ring's wearer through the air.

Impact Beam Ring (Right Index Finger): This Ring allows the Mandarin to generate and project various beams of concussive force of 350 pounds of TNT.
  • Force Blast (Electron Beam, Neutron Beam) – The Mandarin may project blasts of concussive or magnetic energy. 
  • Sonic Beam – The Mandarin may project waves of high-intensity sound vibrations. 
Matter-Rearranger Ring (Right Thumb): This Ring allows the Mandarin to manipulate the atomic and molecular structures of matter. It cannot transmute elements or rearrange objects encased in force or energy fields, including Iron Man's armor.
  • Poison Gas – The Mandarin may transform the surrounding air into a Toxic gas. 
  • Solidify Gas – The Mandarin may solidify the air around opponents, encasing them in blocks of cement-like material. 
  • The Mandarin may also use it to rearrange his costume and/or alter appearance.