Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Thor film informatics Part 06: Svartalfheim the Dark World

Svartalfheim is one of the Nine Realms of Yggdrasil and the homeworld of the Dark Elves. The word means "home of the swart elves" in Old Norse. It is based on the mythical realm of the same name of Norse mythology.

Svartalfheim is in the middle region of the nine realms, on the same level as Midgard and Jotunheim. The geography and climate of the realm has was once heavily wooded with Dark Elf towns, villages and castles doting across the green rolling landscape. However the realm had been barren for eons after the great war between Malekith and Bor Burison father of Odin. The Dark Elves have their own portals that grants them access to the other Nine Worlds including Midgard.