Thursday, November 07, 2013

Thor film informatics Part 07: The Other Realms

Alfheim exists on the highest level of the World Tree along with Asgard and Vanaheim. Little is known about this realm. Its inhabitants are the Light Elves, shown them to be peaceful, friendly, happy beings with few if any weapons. Physically their shape ranges from physically looking like humans with pointed ears to slightly more alien shapes. Odin the All-Father appointed the Aesir known as Frey, as the ruler of Alfheim. The general climate of the realm has been shown two different extremes. Most of the time it has been shown to have a spring, temperate climate abound with forests. The other extreme has shown Alfheim to be a land of ice and snow. The elves look like the elves of lore, but with blue light.

Vanaheim is the home of the Vanir gods, deities associated with fertility and wisdom, as well as masters of sorcery and magic. These gods are also widely recognized for their talent to predict the future. Vanaheim exists on the highest level of the World Tree along with Asgard and Alfheim.

Nidavellir is home of the Dwarves, located in the middle level of the Nine Worlds, on the same level as Midgard. The Dwarves live underground working in the caverns of the Nidavellir. They have large forgers utilizing the flames and heat from beneath the surface to create weapons used by the Dwarves and their allies. Dwarves are the race that have crafted the most powerful weapons in the Nine Realms including: Mjolnir, Gungnir, and Stormbreaker. The nomadic Rock Trolls also inhabit some areas of this land.

Niflheim is the far northern region of icy fogs and mists, darkness and cold. It is situated on the lowest level of the universe alongside Muspellheim. The realm of death, Hel is part of the vast, cold region. Niffelheim lies underneath the third root of Yggdrasil, close to the spring Hvergelmir. Also situated on this level is Nastrond, the Shore of Corpses, where the serpent Nidhogg eats corpses and gnaws on the roots of YggdrasilNiflheim is the darkest and coldest region, mentioned in the Edda. It was the first of the Nine Worlds, created in the empty Abyss GunnungagapNiflheim was placed in the northern region of Gunnungagap and Muspelheim in the southern region. In Niflheim there was located the eldest of the three wells, called Hvergelmir, protected by the dragon Nidhogg.

It is a realm of eternal fire, situated on the lowest level of the universe alongside Niflheim. It is the home of the Fire Demons and their ruler Surtur. Muspellheim and Niflheim mixed and created water from the melting ice in Ginnungagap. The sun and the stars originate from Muspelheim.