Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thor film informatics Part 20: The Destroyer

The Destroyer was a magical, consciousless entity built by Odin to defend the Asgardian vaults. It will complete any mission given to it without question, regardless of how long the mission or who gets in its way. It is an empty suit of armour which can be controlled when one places his conciousness inside it. Its primary weapon are fiery beams of energy emitted from his face, but it also superhumanly strong and nearly invulnerable to damage.

The Destroyer operates at the behest of whomever holds Gungnir, the Asgardian ruler's spear, and can therefore be used for good or for evil depending on who sits on the throne. It can also therefore be stopped by an attack on its vulnerable master. The Destroyer was programmed solely for battle and destruction. The Destroyer was sent down to Earth via the Bifrost Bridge by Loki to destroy Thor and anything that got in its way. Once Thor regained his powers, he lifted The Destroyer off the ground into a tornado and hurled his hammer though its head, shutting it down permanently. The Destroyer was later collected by S.H.I.E.L.D. and kept in the S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters, where a prototype weapon was reverse-engineered from its technology.

Character Traits
The Destroyer was a mindless weapon, which completes every task assigned by the ruler of Asgard, whoever he might be. It has enormous powers, among which are superhuman strength and durability, energy projection from the head, and the capability of remodeling itself during battle. Once the Destroyer is engaged in a task, it completes it, whatever the cost.

Strength: The Destroyer's large size and construction gives it a formidable physical power, enough to bat away a car hurled at it with apparent ease and swat Thor back several feet with one hit (although Thor was temporarily human at the time).
Durability: The Destroyer was constructed of alien materials that makes it highly resistant to damage. Even when pierced by an Asgardian lance it was able to continue functioning and remove it from its body and showed no signs of damage from it.
Energy Blast: The Destroyer contains Odinforce that can be unleashed through an aperture in its head. When it does this, part of the facial structure retracts downward into the lower face and the energy discharge lances out the orange-white beam. The touch of this beam was enough to blast a car to pieces or vaporize a living being. At full power, it nearly devastated half of a town.
Retrograde Positioning: The Destroyer is able to move its armor pieces so that it faces the opposite way without turning around; its back side becomes its front side and vice versa. This was used when Lady Sif drove a lance through its back and the Destroyer positions itself to blast her.

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