Friday, November 22, 2013

Thor film informatics Part 22B: Algrim the Strong (Kurse)

Algrim the Strong was a Dark Elf of Svartalfheim who served as loyal lieutenant to Malekith the Accursed. When the Dark Elves attempted to unleash the Aether into the Nine Realms during the time of the Convergence, they were confronted by the Asgardians and their leader, Bor. After a lengthy war, Malekith realized the battle could not be won now and sacrificed their ships, and most of their race in a bid to hide their escape. This shocked Algrim, but he trusted his lord and followed him into a five-thousand year sleep until the time of the next convergence of realms.
The time of the Convergence finally came again when Jane Foster of Earth unintentionally discovered and absorbed the Aether, becoming a host body to it's power. The Dark Elves sensed the Aether and awoke from their slumber before returning to the wasteland of Svartalfheim. Discovering the Aether host was on Asgard, Malekith set his sights for revenge before turning to Algrim for his loyalty. Algrim readily accepted his master's wish for him to become the last of the Kursed, Dark Elves who had sacrificed their bodies to become creatures of darkness and raw, bestial power. Malekith stabbed Algrim in his stomach and inserted a glowing gem inside, transforming him into the mindless yet powerful beast known as Kurse.

Powers and abilities
Kurse possesses a number of superhuman attributes as a result of his natural dark elf physiology and mystical augmentation. Kurse's main advantage against foes is his strength - while initially a close match for Thor, his strength was first increased to twice, and then four times, that of Thor. Courtesy of the enchanted armor that was fused to his skin by the Beyonder, Kurse is now almost totally invulnerable but like all Dark Elves is vulnerable to the element iron. Kurse also has the ability to sense and track his opponents over distances as great as continents and can see through illusions and disguises.
Despite being taken aback at Malekith's sacrificing most of the Dark Elves to win the war, Algrim was completely loyal to his master and willing to do anything, and everything to assist and protect him. Having no compassion or mercy, Algrim would have slaughtered all of Asgard's citizens single-handedly if given the chance.